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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ СИБИРСКАЯ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННАЯ ГЕОДЕЗИЧЕСКАЯ АКАДЕМИЯ И.В. Никонова Л.М. Никулина А.Г. Новицкая Л.Н. Терехова О.В. Юрьева МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РАЗРАБОТКИ ПО РАЗВИТИЮ УСТНОЙ РЕЧИ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ ЯЗЫКЕ (для студентов СГГА) Новосибирск 2000 ББК 81.2 Англ.- 99 С 26 Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс- ком языке (для студентов СГГА)/Никонова И.В., Никулина Л.М., Но- вицкая А.Г., Терехова Л.Н., Юрьева О.В.- Новосибирск: СГГА, 2000. - 40 с. Методические разработки по развитию устной речи на английс- ком языке (для студентов СГГА) составлены доцентом кафедры иност- ранных языков СГГА Никулиной Л.М., старшими преподавателями Нико- новой И.В., Тереховой Л.Н., преподавателями кафедры Новииц- кой А.Г., Юрьевой О.В. и утверждены на заседании кафедры иност- ранных языков 3 июля 1999. Данные методические разработки представляют собой сборник устных тем для развития монологической и диалогической речи на английском языке. Информативная насыщенность текстов позволит расширить кругозор студентов, углубит их знания о специальностях академии и о странах изучаемого языка. Рецензенты: А.Н.Реутов - старший преподаватель кафедры русского языка как иностранного, СГГА И.Г.Григорьева - старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков СибУПК Печатается по решению редакционно- издательской коллегии СГГА © Сибирская государственная геодезическая академия (СГГА), 2000 - 3 - ABOUT MYSELF Word list native town родной город to be situated быть расположенным attractive привлекательный, красивый qualified квалифицированный hostel общежитие to specialize in... специализироваться в... sociable общительный nurse медсестра fluently бегло, свободно to look after заботиться, присматривать за elderly преклонного возраста, пожилой niece племянница to be retired быть на пенсии to manage управлять to prefer предпочитать to solve решать wild дикий experienced опытный well-paid хорошо оплачиваемый kind-hearted доброжелательный honest честный responsible ответственный to respect уважать china фарфор book-keeper бухгалтер besides кроме того to try пытаться to graduate from закончить (высшее учебное заведение) ambitious целеустремленный to dream мечтать independent независимый thrifty экономный, бережливый - 4 - Text My name is Victor Popov. I am from Russia. I was born in a small Siberian town on May 11, 1981. My native town is situated in an attractive suburb, not very far from a large industrial centre. I still live with my parents. Our family is not very big, we are five: mother, father, granny and me. I have an older sister, but she doesn't live with us, because she is married. I am a first-year student1 of the Siberian State Academy of Geodesy. I am studying to become a specialist in Information Systems. I'd like to become a qualified computer programmer and specialize in Geodesy or Cadastre. I live in a hostel. I am a sociable person, and have a lot of friends. It's a pity2, but I'm too busy with my studies. It takes me a lot of time3 to get ready for practical classes and seminars. In my spare time4 I like playing sports, especially football and volleyball. I have a girl-friend, who is studying to become an ecologist. She is very careful about5 her health. She jogs every morning to keep fit6. We try to spend weekends together. We enjoy listening to all types of music, dancing and swimming. We both play the guitar. We are taking English classes twice a week, so that we could speak more fluently. My mother is a nurse. She works in a local hospital only three days a week, because she's got a lot of work at home. She has to look after7 her elderly mother and my five-year old niece. My granny is a pensioner. She has been retired for 10 years, she is glad that she can help my mother with cooking and in the garden. She usually gets up very early. My mother is a practical, thrifty woman, full of common sense8, that's why she manages the house very well. When she is free she prefers relaxing in front of the TV. Her favourite programmes are: world news, concerts and the programmes about wild nature. My father is 47, he is a long-distance lorry driver9. He's been a driver for more than 25 years, that's why he is very experienced. His work is very difficult but well-paid. He is a - 5 - kind-hearted person, optimistic, honest and very responsible. My father's main interests are gardening and fishing. He prefers solving problems in a sensible and civilized Manner10. He usually says: "Glass, china and reputation are easily cracked and never mended." People have to respect each other. Our parents would like us to get a good education. My sister's name is Nina. She is five years older than me. She is a family woman. My sister was very good at mathematics, that's why she decided to become a book-keeper. Now she works as a book-keeper, besides she does a correspondence course11 at our Academy. She is in her fourth year. She is a very busy woman, because she has to combine her work with studies. She tries to spend as much time as possible with her daughter and husband. In winter they are fond of skiing and in summer they usually go for long country walks. My sister's husband has graduated from the University and has a degree in economics12. He works for the engineering company13 as an economist. He decided to get serious about14 economics, because he was very good at maths at school. He is ambitious and initiative and works hard. He is very good at dealing with people15 and reams of being at the head of16 a planning department. He is an independent sort of person. He is keenly interested17 in economics and reads a lot in his speciality. Our family is very friendly. Notes 1. first-year student студент первого курса 2. it's a pity жаль 3. it takes me a lot of time у меня уходит много времени 4. in my spare time в свободное время 5. is careful about her health заботится о здоровье 6. keep fit сохранять форму, быть здоровой 7. to look after заботиться 8. full of common sense полная здравого смысла - 6 - 9. a long-distance lorry driver водитель на дальние расстояния, дальнобойщик 10. in a sensible and civilized деликатно и цивилизованно manner 11. does a correspondence course учится заочно 12. a degree in economics диплом экономиста 13. for the engineering company в строительной компании 14. to get serious about заняться чем-либо серьезно 15. is good at dealing with хорошо ладит с людьми people 16. dreams of being at the head мечтает руководить (быть во of... главе)... 17. is keenly interested in очень интересуется Exercises I. Pronounce the following words and word combinations: Russia, Russian, was born in Russia; Siberia, Siberian, a small Siberian town; suburb, suburban, an attractive suburb; in a suburb, a small attractive suburban town; industry, industrial, industrialist, an industrial centre; marry, married, get married; geodesy, geodetic, geoid, geography, ecology, ecologist; qualify, qualification, qualified, quality; social, sociable, special, speciality, specialize, especially; manage, manager, managed, management, managing; first, firm, an engineering firm, nurse, prefer; nature, culture, future, teacher; experience, experienced, an experienced engineer; busy, business, a busy woman, busy women; economy, an economist, economical, works as an economist; II. Find the English words and word-combinations in the text corresponding to the following Russian equivalents: мой родной город, небольшой сибирский город; в красивом пригороде, расположен в красивом пригороде; студент-первокурсник; учиться заочно, учиться, чтобы стать экономистом; - 7 - квалифицированный программист; серьезно чем-то заняться; его работа хорошо оплачивается. III. Complete the following sentences: 1. I am from... 2. I am a... 3. I am fond of... 4. I am studying to become... 5. I was born... 6. This town is situated... 7. I'd like to specialize in... 8. It takes me a lot of time to... 9. She looks after... 10. He enjoys... 11. She manages the house very well because she... 12. He is an experienced... 13. My sister's main interest is... 14. He is keenly interested in... 15. She does a correspondence course at the... 16. He has a degree in... 17. He is very good at... IV. Translate into English: 1. Он родился в Сибири, в крупном промышленном центре. 2. Они живут в небольшом городке, расположенном на большой реке. 3. Он бы хотел стать высоко-квалифицированным программистом (highly-qualified). 4. Она учится заочно на факультете экономики. 5. Она решила серьезно заняться экономикой. 6. Она - студентка первого курса. 7. Он - студент второго курса. 8. Наши родители хотели бы, чтобы мы получили хорошее образование. 9. Наши родители намерены дать своим детям хорошее образование. 10. Он очень честный и ответственный человек. 11. У меня уходит много времени на подготовку к занятиям. 12. Мы серьезно решили заняться спортом, чтобы быть в хорошей форме. 13. Легкий бег (jogging) - прекрасный вид физической подготовки. 14. Очень важно заботиться о здоровье. - 8 - V. Make up your own sentences with the following word-combinations: to be situated, to get (receive) a good education, to be from (come from), to get serious about, to be born, to deal with, to be responsible, to be at the head of, I'd like to..., to be keenly interested in, in my spare time, to specialize in, to look after, it takes a lot of time, to be retired, to take classes (courses), to be experienced, an independent sort of person, to graduate from. VI. Answer the following questions: 1. What country is Victor from? 2. Where was he born? 3. Is his native town situated in a large industrial centre? 4. How many people are there in his family? 5. Where does Victor study? 6. What would he like to be in future? 7. In what field is he going to specialize? 8. What do his parents do? 9. What does Victor like doing in his spare time? 10. What sort of person is his father? 11. What sort of person is his mother? 12. What are his sister and her husband? VII. Practice the dialogue: - Hello Ann. How are you? - Everything's all right, Nina. I hear you've become a medical student? - Yes, that's true. And, how are you getting on with your studies at the Academy? - I'm happy that I'm a student of the faculty of economics. I was very good at mathematics at school, that's why it's not difficult for me to study economics. - Would you like to go to the concert? - I'm sorry, I'm afraid I shan't be able to keep you a company. I've been so ill lately. May be in a couple of weeks. - O.K. Agreed. Bye. - Bye-bye. - 9 - OUR ACADEMY Word list to graduate from заканчивать учебное заведение test зачет, контрольная работа term (semester) семестр training course курс обучения to enter (the Institute,Academy) поступать (в институт, учебное заведение) experience навыки, опыт in accordance with в соответствии с entrance requirements требования на вступит.экзаменах to take an exam (in) сдавать экзамен (по) to pass an exam (in) сдать экзамен (по) correspondence department заочное отделение preliminary department подготовительное отделение department отделение, кафедра post-graduate course аспирантура to do one's best делать все возможное research worker научный сотрудник to guide руководить, направлять degree степень (зд.ученая) activity деятельность national economy народное хозяйство youth молодежь workshop мастерская well-equipped хорошо оборудованный grant, scholarship стипендия vacation, holidays каникулы final project дипломная работа to borrow the books from the брать книги в библиотеке library curriculum учебная программа оpportunity возможность well-stocked хорошо укомплектованный career профессия, занятие - 10 - Text The doors of our higher educational establishments are open to all who wish to continue their study after graduating from secondary schools. The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy was founded in 1932 in Omsk but a year later it was moved to Novosibirsk. And now it is one of the two geodetic institutes in our country which trains highly qualified specialists. The majority of our students enter the Academy after graduating from secondary schools, but some of them have some experience in the chosen career. In accordance with the entrance requirements applicants should take exams in Mathematics and Russian. If they pass them successfully they become first-year students. In our Academy there are evening, correspondence and preliminary departments. The present day Academy includes four Institutes: Cadastre and Geographic Information Systems, Optics and Optical Technologies, Geodesy and Management and Aerophotogeodesy. We have a post-graduate course as well. So the best graduates may continue their studies and carry on research work in well-equipped laboratories. Research workers of our Academy guide students scientific societies. Many of our scientists have candidate's and doctor's degrees. Thus, our students have a wide choice of jobs opportunities, they may work in different fields of national economy or research institutes. The training course at the Academy lasts 5 or 6 years. There are two terms in each academic year and at the end of each term the students take tests and exams. The state grant is distributed among those students who have good exam results. When the exams are over the students have their vacation, winter and summer. At the end of the fourth year students are sent for a few months to a plant or research institute in order to get some practical experience in business. The whole training course is followed by a final project. After graduating from the Academy students become engineers in their chosen field. - 11 - In accordance with the curriculum students are to study different general sciences such as History of Russia, Mathematics, Physics, Foreign Languages, etc. In the third and forth years of their program students are taught special subjects which are necessary for the given profession. At our Academy there are many study aids: a well-stocked library where students can borrow any books they need, a large reading room, well-equipped laboratories, a number of workshops for practical training, lecture rooms, hostels, a large refectory, sports ground and a gym. Sport plays a very important role in the life of the youth and students of our Academy go in for sports. Our country needs highly-qualified and educated specialists in Geodesy, Photogrammetry, Optics, GIS and Cadastre. Exercises 1. Pronounce words and word combinations: highly-qualified, to graduate from, entrance requirements, correspondence, preliminary, guide, grant, curriculum, opportunity, well-equipped, youth, refectory. 2. Translate into Russian: a) post-graduate, vacation, youth, faculty, experience, to graduate from, activity, grant, refectory, department, test, applicant, opportunity, term. b) well-stocked library, entrance requirement, national economy, higher educational establishment, training course, to take an active part in, final project, preliminary department, to do one's best, scientific society, to take an exam, to pass an exam. 3. Translate into English: a) закончить (вуз), навыки, факультет, аспирантура, деятельность, семестр, зачет, стипендия, каникулы, возможность, молодежь, кафедра; b) Сибирская Государственная Геодезическая Академия, высшее учебное заведение, требования на вступительных экзаменах, сдавать экзамен, сдать экзамен, подготовительное отделение, народное хозяйство, курс обучения, дипломная работа, принимать активное участие, делать все возможное, библиотека с богатым книжным фондом, научное общество. - 12 - 4. Fill in the blanks with prepositions: 1. My brother graduated ... the University last year. 2. Today we are going to pass an exam ... Philosophy. 3. In accordance ... the plan we are to do this work. 4. At the end of the fourth year students are sent ... a plant to get some experience ... the business. 5. The graduates carry ... research work ... well equipped laboratories. 6. He is a student ... the Siberian State Academy ... Geodesy. 7. There are two terms ... each academic year and ... the end ... each term students take exams and tests. 5. Answer the questions: 1. What are you? 2. Where do you study? 3. When was the Academy founded? 4. Are there many geodetic institutes in our country? 5. What exams must applicants pass to enter the Academy? 6. What does the present day Academy include? 7. How long does the training course last? 8. When do the students take their tests and exams? 9. Who usually gets a scholarship? 10. What is the whole training course followed by? 11. What subjects do the students study? 12. What facilities are there in the Academy? 6. Translate from Russian into English: 1 Я студент Сибирской государственной геодезической академии. 2. Академия была основана в 1932 г. 3. Чтобы поступить в Академию, необходимо сдать экзамен по математике и русскому языку. 4. В настоящее время Академия включает в себя Институт геодезии и менеджмента, Институт кадастра и геоинформационных систем, Институт оптики и оптических технологий, Институт фотограмметрии и дистанционного зондирования. 5. В конце каждого семестра студенты сдают экзамены и зачеты. 6. Курс обучения в Академии 5-6 лет. 7. Студенты, успешно сдавшие экзамены, получают стипендию. 8. Полный курс обучения завершается дипломной работой. 9. Студенты первого и второго курсов изучают общеобразовательные предметы, а студенты старших курсов - специальные предметы. - 13 - ASTROGEODESY Word list to deal with иметь дело с astrogeodesy (geodetic astro- астрономогеодезия nomy, field astronomy) determination of position определение координат точек, местоположения determination of azimuth определение азимута aster светило astronomical fixation астрономическое определение (A.E. astrofix) to determine coordinates определять координаты to determine latitude, определять широту, долготу, longitude, azimuth азимут astronomical point астрономический пункт Laplace point (station) пункт Лапласа initial data исходные данные orientation of the state ориентирование государственной geodetic network геодезической сети grade measurements градусные измерения figure-of-the earth study изучение формы Земли remote regions удаленные районы poor geodetic network слаборазвитая геодезическая provision сеть to recover geodetic control восстанaвливать пункты points геодезической сети to detect an angle определить угол bearing angle дирекционный угол space exploration космические исследования spatiаl triangulation пространственная фототриангуляция base adjustment разбивка базиса to fix coordinates определять координаты artificial satellite искусственный спутник Земли (ИСЗ) reference point опорная точка, репер applied geodesy прикладная геодезия geodetic coverage геодезическое обеспечение - 14 - Text Astrogeodesy is the part of astronomy which deals with determination of azimuths and positions on the earth's surface based on observation of asters. This section of astronomy is very important for solving economic and practical tasks of geodesy. Astronomical fixations (astrofixes) are inseparable from surveying and mapping. They are used to determine coordinates of different points on the earth's surface as well as their latitude and longitude. For this purposes it is necessary to know exact local time at the moment of observation. Determination of azimuth is very important for geodesy and cartography. The point with coordinates determined by means of astronomical observations is called an astronomical point (Laplace point). Laplace azimuths are considered as geodetic azimuths of triangulation lines determined by astrogeodetic observations. Astrofixes together with geodetic and gravimetric determinations provide initial geodetic data and orientation of the state geodetic control network. They are useful for grade measurements and figure-of-the earth study. Star observations are an integral part of the geodetic control network. Not long ago astrofixes were necessary for topographical surveys in the remote regions with a poor geodetic network provision. Nowadays when the amount of large-scale surveys is growing, many of the geodetic control points are being recovered. To do this, bearing angles should be detected by astronomical fixations. Methods of astrogeodesy are utilized in space exploration for base adjustment of spatial triangulation and for setting astronomical coordinates of spatial triangulation points. The methods may also be used to fix coordinates of artificial satellites. Astronomical observations make it possible to determine positions of reference points on the earth's surface to be used for topographical surveys. Astronomical fixations of geographic coordinates and azimuths are widely used in applied geodesy for geodetic coverage of engineering works. - 15 - Exercises 1. Find English equivalents in the text for the following word combinations: определение координат и азимутов из наблюдений светил; |
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