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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И НАУКИ РОССИЙСКОЙ ФЕДЕРАЦИИ Нижегородский государственный университет им. Н.И. Лобачевского Коммерция Практикум Рекомендовано методической комиссией филологического факультета для студентов СПО ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 080302 «Коммерция» Нижний Новгород 2016 УДК 802.5:658.8(076) ББК Ш143.21+ У42 (я 73-5) К 64 Коммерция: Составители Т.А. Гурина, С.А. Хлибко. Практикум.– Нижний Новгород: Нижегородский госуниверситет, 2016. – 62с. Рецензент: С.А. Ермаков, д.ф.н., профессор ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского Настоящее пособие предназначено для студентов СПО ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского II-III курсов дневной формы обучения специальности «Коммерция» и представляет собой необходимый минимум материала для овладения основами техники чтения и перевода (со словарем) профессионально ориентированных текстов и для овладения элементарными умениями профессионального общения. Ответственный за выпуск: председатель методической комиссии филологического факультета ННГУ, к.ф.н., доцент И.В.Кузьмин Предисловие Пособие подготовлено на основе учебной программы курса английского языка для студентов СПО ННГУ им. Н.И. Лобачевского II-III курсов дневной формы обучения специальности «Коммерция», а также может быть использовано широкой аудиторией. Цель пособия — предоставить необходимый минимум материала для овладения основами техники чтения и перевода (со словарем) профессионально ориентированных текстов и для овладения элементарными умениями профессионального общения. Пособие состоит из трех разделов: Unit I Jobs (Работа), Unit II Company (Компания), Unit III Commerce (Коммерция), каждый из которых дает необходимый минимум материала для работы по теме. Разделы включают изучение лексики, тексты, упражнения, ответы на вопросы по тексту и изученному материалу, примеры диалогов, имеющих место в деловом мире, пересказ. Материалы в разделе «We read and talk» можно использовать для аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятий по английскому языку, для самостоятельного дополнительного чтения, для развития навыков работы со словарем и передачи содержания на английском языке. Составители пособия осознают, что настоящее пособие только частично затрагивает огромный пласт знаний в сфере коммерции на английском языке. Составители ContentsUnit I Jobs (Работа) 5 Unit II Company (Компания) 20 Unit III Commerce (Коммерция) 36 Reference 61 UNIT I JOBS Objectives: 1. Studying the language reference 2. Practice the language reference 3. Reading, translating and discussing the topic ‘Jobs’
Task I. Study the Language reference. 1 a job, work – работа A job is work that you do for money. Work is what you do in a job. to work, to have a job (to have got a job), to do a job, to be in work, to be employed – работать not to work, not to have a job, to be out of work, to be unemployed – не работать to work in + place or general area of work (a shop, an office, a bank, commerce, advertising, etc.) to work with a person or item to work for + name of company to work on a project to work as (a teacher) to get to work – добираться до работы to start work at - начинать работу в to finish work at – заканчивать работу в to leave work at – уходить с работы в (to leave work for home - уходить с работы домой в) 2 a part-time job – почасовая работа; неполный рабочий день (неделя, месяц) a full-time job - полный рабочий день (неделя, месяц) a permanent job – постоянная работа a temporary job – временная работа to have a part-time job = to work part-time - работать неполный рабочий день(неделю, месяц) to have a temporary job = to be temping = to be a temp (informal) – иметь временную работу 3 What are you? = What do you do? = What are you doing? = What is your job? – Чем вы занимаетесь? (Кем вы работаете?) Task II. Practise using the Language reference. 1. The idea ‘Мой папа работает.’ can be expressed in English in different ways. a) My father works. b) My father has a job. (My father has got a job). c) My father does a job. d) My father is in work. e) My father is employed. 2. Translate the sentence ‘Моя мама не работает.’ into English. 3. Make up your own sentences using the Language reference. 4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions using the Language reference. Example: -What are you? –I am a student. – Do you work? – No, I don’t. (Yes, I have a part-time job.) 5. Read and translate the text. You can be a manager, a sales manager, a lawyer, a banker, a cook, an accountant or an economist. You can have a part-time job or a full-time job. It means you can work part-time or full-time. You can have a permanent job or a temporary job. You can have a part-time permanent job. You can have a part-time temporary job. You can have a full-time permanent job. You can have a full-time temporary job. When you have a temporary job you can say ‘I am temping’ or ‘I am a temp’. You can be asked 'What do you do?' The answer can be 'I'm a marketing manager for an IT company.' You can be out of work for some days, weeks, months or years but then you work full-time or part-time again. You must get to work in time. You must start work in time. You leave work or finish work when you may do it. Task III. Test it. 1. Circle the correct option. a) Julian is accountant / an accountant. He works for a big company. b) I'm thinking of getting a new work / job. c) Nick has always worked in / for marketing. d) We generally arrive / get to work at about 8.00 a.m. e) We're working with / on a new advert at the moment. f) Peter Davidson works as / like a financial advisor. g) I'd like a half-/part-time job really. h) 'How/What do you do?' 'I'm the manager of a small company.' i) I usually end/finish work at half past six. j) I've got a six-month contract so it's only a permanent/temporary job. k) Do you enjoy working with/for numbers? 2. Circle the correct option, A or B. a) What do you do? A I'm fine, thanks. B I'm a personal trainer. b) What's your job? A I work like a personal trainer. B I work as a personal trainer. c) Do you work full-time? A Yes, only two days a week. B Yes, about 40 hours a week on average. d) What sort of job are you looking for? A I'd like to work in Sales. B I'd like to work for Sales. 3. Find and correct four mistakes in the sentences. a) Joe hasn't got a job. He's been out work for six months now. b) Maria gets to work at nine. c) Ed works in Microsoft. d) James works for banking. e) Do you enjoy working like a sales rep? f) I'm working on a very exciting project at the moment. Task IV. Study the Language reference. 1 a career – трудовая деятельность; жизненный путь; профессия A career is a job or occupation that you do for a long time. A career is a series of jobs that you do for a long time in the same area of work. 2 to start work (at the beginning of your working life) – начать работать 3 to look for a job – искать работу to search the job websites on the net – искать работу в интернете to look at websites on the net - искать работу в интернете to register with an employment agency – зарегистрироваться на бирже труда job-hunting - поиск работы to apply for a job – подавать заявление; устраиваться на работу application – заявление application form - бланк заявления a letter of application – заявление о приеме на работу 4 a CV (curriculum vitae [kә΄rikjulәm ΄vi:tai] (BrE) = resume [΄rezju:mei] (AmE) = summary - резюме 5 an interview (for a job) – собеседование при приёме на работу to go to an interview – ходить на собеседование to be interviewed - проходить собеседование interviewee [͵intәvju:΄i:] = candidate – проходящий собеседование interviewer[΄intә͵vju:ә] - проводящий собеседование to compete – конкурировать competitor – конкурент, соперник competition - конкуренция 6 an employer – работодатель an employee – служащий, работник to employ - нанимать на работу 7 pay - зарплата a wage – зарплата (за часы, дни, неделю) a salary - зарплата (за месяц, год) to be promoted to – получить повышение duty - обязанность to be in charge of = to be responsible for – отвечать за, руководить to be responsible to - подчиняться 8 to resign from a job – увольнять, увольняться с работы to resign from a job = to leave a job - увольняться с работы to resign = to fire = to sack = to give a sack – увольнять to be dismissed = to be fired = to be sacked = to get the sack – быть уволенным to be made redundant - быть сокращенным to retire – выходить на пенсию to be retired – быть на пенсии, быть пенсионером Task V. Practise using the Language reference. 1. Read and translate the sentences. I started my career in retail as a sales assistant, but now I own a shop. He started his career as a lawyer then became a novelist. He applied for a job with Investment Bank. He was interviewed by two directors. I've applied for a job as a secretary with a salary of £20,000 a year. We get our wages on Friday afternoon. A wage is usually paid weekly for a job that needs physical strength or skill, for example a builder's job or a job in a factory. A salary is usually paid monthly, especially to professional employees or people working in an office. 'I've just been made redundant.' 'Well, at least you weren't fired.' He was promoted to the general manager. 2. Read and translate the text. CV (a curriculum vitae or resume) is a summary of your experience and qualifications. The employer quickly sees your education, training and background. Like the letter of application, the resume (CV or summary) should make the employer interested in you. It is essential if you are applying for a new job or for promotion within your company, or even to register as a delegate at a conference. Some information might be given in your CV, some in your letter of application, and perhaps some on a Supplementary Information Sheet (giving information relevant to the particular job you are applying for). 3. Read and translate the checklist (инструкция). A CV (Resume, Summary) 1. Study the job and learn everything about the job requirements. 2. State your career interest. 3. Summarize your education. List degrees you have received and the institutions you have attended. 4. Summarize your work experience. Give the name and location of the company, give your duties, state the aspects of your job which are important for the position you are applying for. 5. List your education and experience in reverse chronological order, that is begin to list with the most recent. 6. ‘References’ refers to people who will give a recommendation of your character and ability. Always get an individual permission before you use him or her as a reference. 7. Use sentence fragments in a CV. Use the verbs of action and limit the use of personal pronouns and articles. 8. If you have had many different kinds of jobs, focus on the skills you have but not on the job history. List your work experience under the headings – ‘Administration’, ‘Technical Skills’, etc. 9. Type your CV. Limit yourself to one page. Do not use abbreviations. 10. Make up a list of words you use in a letter of application and a CV. Remember you will need the words later to speak on the topic or complete the papers to get a job. 4. Read and translate the text. A letter of application Remember this letter is the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. The letter should be well written and presented. It usually has 3 paragraphs in which you should: - state your wish to apply and say what you have learned about the job, say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company; - show how you can help the company with your skills and experience; - indicate your wish to attend an interview (and possibly state when you would be free to attend). Thus, to write the letter well you should use the checklist. 1. Remember your goal to get a personal interview. 2. Study the job description or an advertisement carefully. Find out as much as you can about the company and the employer. 3. Focus on your reader. Write to a person, not to a company. 4. Use the first paragraph to state the job and to express your interest in it. Use a positive, confident tone. 5. Use the second paragraph to describe your experience, qualification and present situation. 6. Finish by asking for an interview. Give the details necessary for the employer to contact you easily. 7. Check your letter carefully. 5. Study the sample of resume.
6. Study the sample of a replying to a job advertisement. Dear Mr. Fenton I am writing with regard to your advertisement for part-time shop assistants, as advertised in 'The Bedford Times' yesterday. I would like to apply for one of the positions, and I would be grateful if you could answer some questions I have about the job. I am a seventeen-year-old student at Bedford Comprehensive School, where I am currently studying for my A levels. I consider myself to be reliable and honest, and very hard-working. Although I have never worked in a shop before, I have assisted in my uncle's restaurant, so I have experience of serving customers and dealing with money. I wonder if you could tell me on which days I would be expected to work. Unfortunately, I am only available in the evenings and at weekends because of my studies. I would also be grateful if you wish me to attend an interview, or to provide references, please do not hesitate to let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Angela Watkins Task VI. Test it. 1. Circle the correct option. a After two years, he was promoted / removed to chief executive. b After school, she got a career / a job as a waitress for six months. c The factory workers get their wages / salary every Friday. d My dad had a long and successful job / career as a lawyer. e Julie has a |
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