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VOCABULARY PREPOSITIONS [1] Review the following prepositions denoting time. Note the words and phrases they are used with. AT At three o'clock; at midnight; at sunrise; at sunset; at the weekend, at weekends; at the New Year; at Christmas; at that time (moment); at the time sth. was done; at present; at the appointed time; at the beginning (end) of the week (January, (the) term, (the) school year, the vacation); late at night. IN In winter (summer, etc.); in (early, late) September (October, etc.); in the morning (afternoon, evening, daytime, midday); in the twenty-first century (machine age, Middle ages); in prehistoric (ancient) times; in Shakespeare's time; in the 1970s; in the early (late) '30s. ON On Sunday (Monday, etc.); on the third (fifth, etc.) of May (June, etc.); on a cold (wet, rainy, hot, windy, summer, winter, etc.) morning (day, night, evening); on the night (morning, evening, day) of sb's arrival (departure); on the night (morning, evening) of the tenth of July (August, etc.); on sb’s birthday; on the appointed (same) day; on Saturday (Sunday) morning (evening); on Victory Day; on New Year's Day (Eve); on the eve of ...; on this (festive, melancholy, etc.) occasion; on the occasion of ... On what occasion ...? NOTES 1. The prepositions from ... till ... are used to indicate a period of time: from ten till six o'clock; from 1960 till 1980; from January till March; from early in the morning till late at night. Он работал здесь с 1975 по 1980 год. Не was working here from 1975 till 1980. 2. If the action began in the past and is still going on use the preposition since. Он работает здесь с 1982 года. Не has been working here since 1982. 3. When referring to place use from ... to ...: travel from Paris to London; go from place to place. 4. Note the translation of the following phrases denoting time: в тот год that year на этот раз this time завтра (вчера) в это время this time tomorrow (yesterday) сейчас, в наше время now(adays), at present 5. Remember the phrases: It’s a slip of the pen. It’s a slip of the tongue.
3. Say it in English. 1. Они пришли в назначенное время. 2. Джордж жил в Эдинбурге с 1978 по 1983 год. 3. Элис живет в Дублине с 1980 года. 4. Джеймс приехал в Лондон холодным зимним вечером. 5. В тот год семья Браунов жила в Брайтоне. 6. Завтра в это время вы будете уже купаться в Средиземном море. 7. Сейчас никто не верит в чудеса. 8. Сейчас он работает в каком-то НИИ. 9. В то время мы ничего об этом не знали. 10. От Москвы до Праги они ехали поездом. 11. Это имя стало знаменитым в начале тридцатых годов. 12. Вот что произошло в день нашего приезда. 13. Накануне Нового года все были заняты. 14. Опера «Аида» была написана Верди ко дню (по случаю) открытия Суэцкого канала (the Suez Canal). 15. На этот раз мне повезло. 4. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if required. 1. Piccadilly Circus derives its name from 'pickadille', a type of neckwear popular — the eighteenth century. 2. They returned late — night. 3. — weekends there is a lot of traffic on the roads. 4. The travellers set out — sunrise. 5. His name became famous — the early '50s. 6. They came — the appointed day. 7. I saw her — New Year's Day. 8. This is what happened — Ann's birthday. 9. — this time tomorrow you'll be taking your examination. 10. — a clear day you can see the top of the mountain. [2] Review the following phrases containing prepositions. ABOUT To be happy (enthusiastic, glad, optimistic, pessimistic, sulky, sad, fussy, concerned, uneasy) about sth. How do you feel about that? There is sth funny (strange, odd, unusual, suspicious, etc.) about him (her, them, etc.). AT At a bus stop (taxi stand); at the crossing (entrance, airport, theatre, exit, railway station); at a conference (session, congress, performance, trial, lesson); at school (college, (the) university); at Moscow (Oxford, Cambridge) university; at an office; at dinner (lunch, supper). At the top (bottom) of a hill (mountain, staircase, page, list), To buy sth at the baker's (the grocer's, Woolworth's, Macy's). To look (glance, stare, laugh, smile, grin, wink, swear, shout, yell, nag, grumble, rush, shoot) at sb. To give (take, have) a glance at sth. To buy sth at fifty cents (pence, roubles) a pound (yard, metre). To be surprised (amazed, astonished, annoyed, shocked, indignant, disgusted, frightened) at what sb did. To be good (clever, awkward) at sth. To pull (tug) at a string (rope). To start at a sudden noise (seeing, hearing, the mention of sth.). To tremble at sb's threats. To shudder at a thought (sight). At the beginning (end) of a road (street, corridor). At a speed (rate) of 30 miles an hour, at a height (altitude) of a thousand metres, at a distance of several miles, at a temperature of 40 °C. At a high temperature (walking speed), At regular intervals (full speed). At sb's call (invitation, suggestion). To live (find sb, write to sb) at an address (No 5; 17 Palm Street). To call (ring) sb up at a telephone number (the office, home). NOTES 1. 'На ферме' is 'on a farm'. 2. on top = above. Eg. Two frogs fell into a pail of milk. The first frog lost heart and got drowned. The second frog hustled and hustled around. In the end there was a pat of butter in the pail and the frog was sitting on top. 3. to sell (buy) sth for a certain sum. 4. to jump to conclusions – делать поспешные выводы; to jump at sth, (a chance) – ухватиться за возможность; to jump on sb. – нападать на кого-то 5. to hold on to sth – держаться за что-то, чтобы не упасть. 6. 'Вдали' is 'in the distance'. Eg They saw an approaching car in the distance. BY To travel (go smwh) by land (sea, air, train, boat, plane, bus, taxi, underground); to come down by parachute; write sth by hand, cook by electricity. To happen by chance (accident, mistake, coincidence). by sb's consent, by mutual consent, by a majority decision, by an overwhelming majority. To send sth by post (book-post, parcel-post, telegraph); To order sth (make an appointment, find sth out) by telephone. To benefit (profit, gain, lose) by doing sth. To sell (buy) sth by the yard (metre, dozen, kilogram, pound). To sell (buy) sth by weight (number, packet). To pay sb by the hour (day). To rent a house by the month (year); to hire a boat by the hour (day); to judge by the words (results), by deeds (appearances). To know sb by name (sight, reputation); to call (mention) sb by name; call sb by sb's first name. To decide sth by secret (open) vote; to vote by ballot (a show of hands). FOR sb's love (sympathy, consideration, respect, liking, hatred, contempt) for sb. But: sb's love (hatred, contempt) of sth. To show (no) zeal (enthusiasm) for sth. To have sth for breakfast (lunch, dinner, dessert, supper). To start (set out, depart, sail, leave) for a place; sb's departure for a place To be important (convenient, necessary, impossible, enough) for sb; to be good (bad) for sb's health, for sb. To be good (valid) for two days (three months, one fare). To ask (wish, cry, clamour, queue) for sth; to shout for help; to ring (call) for an ambulance; to signal (call, ring) for a bill (taxi, porter, maid); a cry for help. To make (have) an appointment with sb (book a ticket, get an invitation) for a certain date. What are your plans (What is the programme) for today? What are you going to do for your holiday (vacation, birthday)? To get ready (prepare, read, cram) for one's examination (diploma, degree); read for pleasure, do sth for exercise, say sth for fun; to be closed for repairs; to be known (noted, famous, remarkable, notorious) for sth. FROM To know sth from experience; speak from memory (notes). As is clear from... . From what you say.... Judging from... IN To end in (sb's) victory (failure, confusion); end in a letter (vowel, consonant); to result in sth. a rise (fall, cut) in prices (public spending, the production of sth). To speak in a loud (soft, low) voice, in a whisper (tone of surprise). in ink (pencil), in small (capital, block) letters, in bold type, in italics, in small print, in sb's handwriting; in the sun (shade, shadow of sth, tree, picture, sky, photograph). OF To be kind (nice, bad, mean, silly, wise, thoughtful, thoughtless, loyal, clever, sensible, (un)fair, (im)polite, considerate) of sb. Eg It was nice of you to come. To expect (require, demand, ask, beg sth) of sb; ask a favour of sb. OFF To fall off a ladder (tree, bicycle, roof, horse); jump off a bridge (fence, log). To be situated (happen) off the main street (coast of Sweden); off Broadway (Cape Trafalgar) ON a book (text-book, composition, talk, conference, debate, resolution, lecture) on sth; an article (essay) on sth. To set out on a journey (sightseeing tour) To be on leave (holiday); go smwh on business; go on a (business, fishing) trip, on a cruise (voyage, mission), on an expedition (excursion, outing). on sb's advice (order, initiative, instructions); on (the) air. To hear sth on the radio (BBC), on Radio Moscow; show (see) sth on TV (Channel One); speak on the radio (telephone); get sb on the phone. You are wanted on the phone. NOTES 1. A test on prepositions (articles, tenses). But: a test (an examination) in grammar (lexicology, history). 2. Both on and about refer to the contents of a book, an article, etc. But on implies that the subject is treated in detail and more professionally. 3. Note that 'рецензия на книгу (пьесу и т.д.)' is 'a review of a book (play, etc.)'. 4. Remember: to go for a walk (drive, ride, swim). OUT OF To do sth out of gratitude (curiosity, spite, love, respect, sentiment, jealousy, fright, pride, envy, compassion, sympathy, charity). OVER To disagree (argue, quarrel, clash, fall out, have differences, go on strike, resign, break (off) diplomatic relations) over sth. a quarrel (strike), an argument, disagreement (misunderstanding) over sth. TO To be kind (nice, (im)polite, rude, cruel, (un)fair, loyal, friendly, (un)faithful, nasty, hostile) to sb. To be thankful (grateful, obliged) to sb. sb's attitude (reaction, reply, answer) to sb. To be a blow (burden, shock, great loss, danger, challenge, mystery, stranger) to smb; to mean sth. to sb. To be of great (no) value (use, importance) to sb; To be unexpected (unknown, familiar, news, dear, clear) to sb; To be all the same, make no difference, look nice (bad) to sb; To be sensitive (vulnerable, immune, allergic) to sth. UNDER under communism (socialism, capitalism, feudalism, sb's regime); under military (foreign, Turkish, Stuart, Tudor) rule. under international (British) law. under the Constitution (will). WITH To be satisfied (frightened, annoyed, (dis)pleased, indignant, disgusted) with sb. To shiver with cold; tremble with fear (excitement, weakness); shudder with horror; cry with pain; weep with disappointment; grin with delight (amusement, satisfaction); to be flushed with excitement (exercise, joy). NOTES 1. Remember: in Stuart (Tudor, etc.) times. 2. Note: to sing (dance, jump, cry) for joy. 3. 'Покраснеть от стыда' is 'to blush'. To add ‘for shame’ would be redundant. 1. Translate the prepositional phrases from the list above. 2. Use the phrases in sentences of your own. 3. Say it in English. 1. Я смотрю на это оптимистически. 2. В этом человеке есть что-то странное. 3. Мы подождем вас на стоянке такси. 4. Никто не любит, когда на него кричат. 5. Дом, который вам нужен, находится в конце этой улицы. 6. Машина шла со скоростью шестьдесят километров в час. 7. Премьер-министр живет на Даунинг стрит, в доме № 10. 8. Как в Англии продается мука — на фунты или на килограммы? 9. Напиши ему на этот адрес. 10. Все зовут его по имени. 11. Ваше презрение к этому человеку можно понять. 12. Встретимся в среду. Вам это удобно? 13. Что вы собираетесь делать во время отпуска? 14. Что изображено на этой картине? 15. Это было очень любезно с вашей стороны. 16. Пьесу показали по телевизору. 17. Вы очень добры ко мне. 18. Вам все ясно? 19. Ему это безразлично. 20. Рассматривайте это как вызов для себя. 21. Мы расстались на автобусной остановке. 22. Запишитесь к врачу по телефону. 23. Это было неожиданным для всех. 24. Девочка покраснела от стыда. 25. Закрытый слог оканчивается на согласный звук. 26. Он сделал это из уважения к вам. 27. Вы читали рецензию на эту книгу? 28. На солнце было очень жарко. 29. Деревня находится у подножия горы. 30. Победа при Гангуте (у мыса Гангут) была первой морской победой России. |
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