Министерство профессионального образования,
подготовки и расстановки кадров Республики Саха (Якутия)
ГАПОУ РС (Я) « Южно – Якутский технологический колледж »
Учебно – методическое пособие
Для специальностей:
270802 «Строительство и эксплуатация зданий и сооружений»
270802.13 «Мастер жилищно – коммунального хозяйства»
270802.10 «Мастер отделочных строительных работ»
Составитель: Жукова Н.Б.,
преподаватель английского языка АУ РС (Я) «ЮЯТК»,
высшая квалификационная категория
Нерюнгри, 2014
Предметно цикловой комиссией
«Гуманитарных дисциплин»
на заседании Научно – методическом совета колледжа
30.01.2014 г.
Протокол №4
Жукова Наталья Борисовна,
преподаватель иностранных языков АУ РС (Я) «ЮЯТК»,
высшая квалификационная категория
Веселова В.В., кандидат философских наук,
доцент кафедры социальных наук ТИ (ф) СВФУ
им. М.К.Аммосова, г.Нерюнгри
Касьянова Л.Ф., преподаватель АУ РС (Я) «ЮЯТК»,
высшая квалификационная категори
Unit 1 Human Dwellings
Text 1:From the History of Human Dwelling
Из истории человеческого жилья
I.Прочитайте следующие слова:
[ ] – within, weather, themselves, them
[ ] – wall
[ ] – building
[ ] – large, branch
[ ] – purpose
[ ] – wild
[ ] – other
[ ] – branch, chose, picture, structure, chief
[ ] – civilization, ancient
II. Чтение и устная речь
Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на поставленные вопросы
Where did primitive people look for protection?
Most of the time of a modern man is spent within the walls of some building. Houses are built for dwelling; large building are constructed for industrial purposes; theatres, museums, public and scientific institutions are built for cultural activities of the people. The purposes of modern buildings differ widely, but all of them originate from the efforts of primitive (первобытный) men to protect themselves from stormy weather, wild enemies and human enemies. Protection was looked for everywhere. In prehistoric times men looked for protection under the branches of trees; some covered themselves with skins of animals to protect themselves from cold and rain; others settled in caves (пещеры).
What are the earliest types of human dwellings?
When the Ice Age had passed, Europe remained very cold, at least in winter, and so the people of the Old Stone Age had to find some warm and dry place to shelter from bad weather. They chose caves, dwelling places that storm and cold could not destroy. On the walls of their caves ancient people painted pictures. Such decorated caves are found in Europe, Asia and Africa.
When man began to build a home for himself, caves were imitated in Stone structures, these were taken as a model for huts built o branches; skins were raised on poles and formed tens.
Why were the houses in town higher than in the country?
In the days of early civilization, once men had learnt how to build Simple houses for their families, they began to feel a need to have a number of different kinds of houses in one place. At first the difference was mainly in size-the chief or leader had a larger hut or tent than the rest of the people. Much later, when men began to build towns, there grew up a difference between town houses and country houses. The streets in towns were very narrow and there was not much place for building within the town walls, and therefore houses had to be built higher than they were in the country. A typical town house consisted of a shop opening on the street where the man did his work or sold his goods, with a kitchen behind and a bedroom above.
What were the houses in ancient Egypt built of?
In the country ordinary people lived in simple one-storey cottages, which did not differ much from the mud and stone huts earlier age. The rich people in the country, on the other hand, built huge castles with thick walls and narrow windows. These castles were built not only as dwellings, but also to stand up to enemy attack and to be strong bases in time of war. The earliest houses of which anything is known are those of ancient Egypt. They were built of bricks dried in the sun. Some of them were built around a courtyard or garden with rooms opening into it.
How did the light come into early English houses?
Greek houses, too, had a courtyard in the middle and round their courtyard ran a covered walk (аллея), its ceiling supported by pillars. There were special women’s quarters, usually upstairs on the second storey. In Rome bricks were used for building, and houses were often finished with plaster over bricks on both inside and outside walls. The centre of family life was a garden-courtyard, surrounded by columns and with rooms opening out into it. The earliest houses in Britain were round, built of wood or wicker basket work (плетение из прутьев) plastered over with clay. In the centre of the house was the hearth (очаг) and light came in through the hole in the roof above it and through the door because there were no windows.
Pre-text exercises:
Изучите слова к тексту:
Verbs (глаголы)
build (built, built) – строить
construct, erect
originate from – происходить
protect – защищать
cover – закрывать
settle – поселятся
choose (chose, chosen) – выбирать
find (found, found) – искать
serve – служить
differ – отличаться
surround – окружать
Adjectives and Adverbs
(Прилагательные и наречия)
ancient – древний
modern – совершенный
warm – теплый
dry – сухой
simple – простой
mainly – главным образом
narrow – узкий
high – высокий
behind – позади
above – наверху
huge – огромный
thick – толстый
dried – высушенный
around – вокруг
Nouns (существительные)
building – строение, здание
house – дом
dwelling – жилище, жилье, проживание
theatre – театр
purpose – цель
branch – ветвь
cave – пещера
hut – хижина
pole – шест
tent – палатка
kind – вид
country – сельский, деревенский
storey – этаж
courtyard – двор
brick – кирпич
plaster – штукатурка
root – крыша
wall – стена
stone – камень
shop – цех
2. Переведите предложения
1) Most of the modern man is spent within the walls of some building.
2) Houses are built for dwelling, large buildings are constructed for industrial purposes, theatres and museums are built for cultural activities of the people.
3) Protection was looked for everywhere (look for-искать).
4) Such decorated caves are found in Europe, Asia and Africa.
5) When man began (begin-начинать) to build a home for himself, caves were imitated (imitate-представлять)in stone structures, trees were taken (take-брать) as a model for huts built of branches; skins were raised (raise-поднимать) on poles and formed tents.
6) Castles (замки) were built to stand up (противостоять) to enemy attract and to be strong bases in war time.
7) In Rome bricks were used (use-использовать) for building, and houses were often finished (finish-отделывать)with plaster over bricks.
After-text exercise
Закончите предложения и переведите их
Houses are built for…
The purpose of any building is…
Primitive men looked for protection…
On the walls of their caves ancient man…
When men began to build towns, these grew up…
A typical town house consisted of…
These castles were built not only as…
Some Egyptian houses were built around…
Greek houses had…
The earliest houses in Britain were…
Сделайте письменный перевод, пользуясь общим англо-русским словарем:
The New District
There is a broad straight avenue from the House of Culture to the district centre. Beyond the avenue there is a big park. There is a beautiful lake in the park. On the central square of the district there is a wide – screen cinema, a hotel, a department store, dressmaking and tailoring establishments, cafes and a metro station. That is in short what the new district looks like.
Text 2: History of the Houses
History of the houses can be divided into some stages, such as primitive houses, Egypt period, Greek period, Roman period, etc.
First people lived in caves, tents, huts or earthen houses. Basic building materials were wood and stone.
An important peculiarity of Egyptian houses was a flat roof. Egyptians built many monuments, sphinxes, pyramids and columns. Construction required many workers, large expenses and a lot of time.
Greek improved Egypt’s architecture. The roofs of their houses were slanting.
Romans made architecture more various and beautiful. They decorated their houses improving columns and arches.
In the Middle Ages in Europe many castled and fortresses were built. They defended population from enemy.
Egyptian pyramids
There were many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there are many different styles today in various parts of the world.
The older monuments which are met within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about 6000 years ago.
The pyramids are large triangular buildings which were placed over the tombs of Egyptian kinds. The pyramids tell us about the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt which is much spoken about even in our days.
It was a country which had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philosophy were known and studied.
The country was rich in hard and durable stone, but poor in timber and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and this was the reason for the durability of the pyramids.
Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, and placed into position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves working for thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of material and a large territory sometimes of about 52000 square meters were used only for protecting the body of a dead king and constructing a dwelling place for his happy life in the «other world».
The Romans took nearly all the architectural ideas and decorative motifs of Greek buildings.
As builders and creators of great arches and domes, the Romans developed their own distinctive style. As constructional engineers they surpassed the Greeks.
Greek domestic architecture was based on the simples: a square room with a fireplace in the middle, a smaller undecorated structure in front, a colonnaded courtyard leading off to rooms without windows.
Roman architects had a considerable range of building types to erect: temples, huge meeting halls, theatres, palaces, aqueducts and baths. The arch was the universal motif used for the most insignificant doorway and for great triumphal arches commemorating major political events alike.
In Roman times, any large-scale public building – public concourse, covered market or warehouse was called a basilica. Today the work is used only for a certain kind of church, the interior of which is split into three of five naves with rows of supporting columns. The side naves are always lower than the main central ones.
Text 3: Ancient Wonders of the World
Кроме мифов, как необъясненных, так и научно доказанных, в мире есть много чудес, сотворенных человеком. Прочитайте о некоторых из них и скажите, считаете ли вы их действительно чудесами или нет.
The Great Pyramids is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World that still stands. It was built at the order of the Pharaoh Cheops who once ruled Egypt. More than 100,000 slaves laboured for twenty years to build it. They hadno machines, not even carts - all the work was done by human strength alone. Yet each huge block was so well laid that the Pyramid has stood for 5,000 years. Near the Great Pyramid in Egypt stands a huge sculptured rock called the Sphynx. The face is that of man, perhaps the Pharaoh Khafre who had built it almost 5,000 years ago. But the body is that of a lion, and between its great stone paws is a smalltemple. Since no one knows exactly why the Sphynx was built, it remains a symbol of mystery - a riddle. 
In Babylon, one of the great cities of the Ancient World, there was a famous garden which amazed visitors for hundreds of years. It was called the Hanging Gardens, because it was built along arches and towers and looked like a wall of flowers and green shrubs. The garden was kept alive by a hidden pool on the highest terrace, from which the water was drawn to appear in a series of fountains. The gardens were built by King Nebuchodnozzor, who is mentioned in the Bible as the cruel conqueror of Jerusalem.
The greatest god of the ancient Greeks was Zeus, whom the Romans called Jupiter. The greatest statue of Zeus was at Olympia, where the famous Olympic Games were held in its honour. The statue was 40 feet high - about seven times a man's hight- and was made of marble, decorated with pure gold and ivory. After 1,000 years, an earthquake tumbled it down.
1. pyramid - пирамида; 2. pharaoh - фараон; 3. Cheops - Хеопс; 4. to rule Egypt управлятьЕгиптом; 5. slave-раб; 6. cart - повозка; 7. huge -огромный;
8. Khafre - Хафре; 9. paw - л а п а ;10. temple - храм; 11. Babylon-Вавилон; 12.Hanging Gardens –висячиесады; 13.arch - арка; 14. shrub - куст; 15. hidden pool –скрытыйбассейн; 16. to draw (drew, drawn)—тащить, протянуть;17. Nebuchodnozzor — Навуходоноссор; 18.The Bible - Библия; 19.cruel conqueror –жестокийзавоеватель; 20. Jerusalem-Иерусалим; 21.God - бог; 22.Zeus - Зевс; 23.the Romans - римляне; 24.Jupiter - Юпитер; 25.inhonour - в честь; 26.marble - мрамор; 27. pure - чистый; 28. ivory–слоноваякость; 29. earthquake - землетрясение; 30. to tumble down – разрушать
Text: Ancient Wonders of the World
The temple of Artemis is one of the most famous temples of the ancient world. It stood for 600 years in Ephesus, a great city of Syria. The temple was sacred to Artemis, also called Diana, goddess of the moon. The finest sculptors and painters of Greece decorated this beautiful building, which was destroyed by the barbaric Goths. Only a few pieces of statues and columns remained. They were dug up by modern scientists.
Few remember the tiny kingdom of Caria, which once flourished in what is now southwestern Turkey. But the name of its king, Mausolus, is known because of the word "mausoleum" - a massive tomb. The original Mausoleum, built in memory
of this king by his widow, Queen Artemisia, was so magnificent that it was one of the Wonders of the Ancient World.
Rhodes, an island near Greece, was one of the richest and busiest towns of the ancient world. Standing across the entrance to its big harbour, was a huge statue of the sun god Helios, famous as the Colossus of Rhodes. Although ships sailed beneath these giant feet, the Colossus was not as large as the American Statue of Liberty. 
The most famous lighthouse in ancient times was the Pharos of Alexandria built by Alexander the Great. It guarded the harbour of Alexandria, in Egypt, and light from a high tower could be seen for sixty miles. To keep the beacon shining, the light-house keepers had to feed a bright fire unceasingly, for the powerful electric lamps behind glass lenses used in our lighthouses were not yet invented.
1. Artemis - Артемида; 2. Ephesus- Эфес; 3. Syria - Сирия;4. to be sacred to –бытьпосвященным, построенным в честького-л.; 5. goddess - богиня; 6. to destroy - разрушать; 7. barbaric - варварский; 8. Goths - готы; 9.to dig (dug,dug) - копать; 10. tiny- крошечный; 11. Caria- Кария; 12.to flourish - цвести;13.Mausolus - Мавзол (имя)-14. tomb - могила, гробница; 15. Mausoleum -мавзолей (видгробницы)', 16.Queen Artemisia –королеваАртемизия; 17 .entrance - вход; 18. harbour-гавань; 19.Helios -Гелиос (богСолнца) 20.the Colossus of Rhodes –Родосскийколосс; 21. beneath -под;22. lighthouse - маяк; 23. the Pharos of Alexandria –Александрийскиймаяк; 23. to guard - охранять, сторожить; 24. to keep the beacon shining –чтобымаяк (сигнальныйогонь) горел; 25. to feed - зд. подбрасыватьтопливо в огонь; 26. unceasingly - непрерывно; 27. lenses -линзы; 28. to invent - изобретать
В древние времена упоминали 7 чудес света. Прочитайте список и найдите «чудо», о котором не упоминается в тексте:
The Pyramids, the Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus of Olympia, the Mausoleum, the Colossus of Rhodes, the Pharos of Alexandria, the Sphynx. Что Вы знаете о нем?
2. Ответьте на вопросы, используя текст:
1. Why was the greatest statue of Zeus destroyed?
2. Who was the Artemis destroyed by?
3. Where did the word “mausoleum” originate from?
4. What do you thing is larger: the Colossus of Rhodes or the Statue of Liberty ?
5. How far was the light of the Pharos seen?
3. Скажите, какое из чудес поразило Вас больше всего. Объясните почему.
4. В мире осталось несколько древнейших чудес. Найдите в интернете информацию о них и подготовьте устное сообщение.
WhatWasthe Probable Origin of Some English Towns?
Text 4: From the history of towns and cities in England
Прочитайте текст и расскажите об истории появления первых городов в Англии.
The origins of towns and cities differ according to race and place. Man, in the early days of history, lived his life with his family, he protected his wife and children, he hunted for food, and attacked the enemy. When a young man got married, he carried his wife away to another cave or shelter, and there established a home. As people become more civilized and understood the art of living better, collections of houses grew up in one spot and the communal life of a town began.
To the Greek the city was his homeland; he spoke with pride of the town which was his birthplace. He built house and temples there, which were full of grace and beauty.
The Romans, too, more than any other people, prized their city, and to be a citizen of Rome was to be honored amongst men. When the Romans came to Britain, they found it a land of forests and swamps. In order to move their troops about rapidly, they made roads and camps for soldiers constructed them at road junctions. These sites of old Roman camps became centers of trade, and today still exist as towns and cities.
After the Romans’ departure (in 410 B. C.), the Anglo – Saxons swept over the country and destroyed almost all the civilization which Romans established. They disliked to live in towns; they lived in small agricultural villages and built houses mainly of wood.
When the English became Christians, they built monasteries and abbeys in different parts of the country. In time these holy buildings became centers of trade, and towns grew up around them. Then the English had to fight the Danes who came over to harry the English. Alfred the Great ordered each county of England to fortify one place as a city of refuge and a center against attack. The English borough of today has its origin in these old fortified places.
Round the large manor houses, however, many towns began to flourish. The Normans built castles inside old boroughs. Towns sprang up round other Norman castles.
1.было почетным среди людей – to be honoured amongst men
2.перекресток – roadjunctions
3.дом феодала – manor
Pre – textexercises
1. Изучите слова к тексту:
according to – согласно
abbey – аббатство
against – против
around – вокруг
art – искусство
as – как, в качестве
be fond of – любить
build = construct – строить
building – здание
borough – небольшой город
carry away – увозить
cave – пещера
castle – крепость
depart – уходить
destroy – разрушать
differ – отличаться
establish – устраивать
flourish – процветать
fortify – укреплять
growup – расти, вырастать
harry – разорять, опустошать
home – дом
inside – внутри
mainly – главным образом
order – приказывать
origin – происхождение
prize – хвалить
protect – защищать
refuge – убежище
road – дорога
shelter – укрытие
spot = place – место
springup – появляться, возникать
temple – храм
village – деревня
2.Grammar “TheSimplePast”
Объясните следующие символы:
Ved / V2
Didnot + V1
Did…. V1…?
Найдите в словаре первоначальную форму следующих глаголов и переведите их:
lived built
got grew up
attacked came
become ordered
understood sprang up
began spoke
carried were
found harried
was swept
After – textexercises
3. Ответьте на вопросы, используя текст;
1. Do the origins of towns and cities differ, and if they do, according to what?
2. Were woman and children protected by man in the early days of history?
3. What did a man usually do when he got married?
4. How did communal life begin?
5. What did the Greek understand by the word “city” ?
6. What was a “ citizen of Rome” to a Roman?
7. Why did the Romans have to build roads and where did they build them?
8. What did these sites soon become?
9. When did the Romans leave England?
10. Did the Anglo – Saxons like living in towns?
11. Where did they usually live?
12. When were monasteries and abbeys built?
13. Did the English have to fight with the Danes?
14. Under what king was each county of England ordered to fortify one place as a city of refuge?
15. Did the Normans build castles inside old boroughs?
16. Where did towns spring up?
4. Перескажите текст, используя следующий план:
1. Early homes of man (cave, shelter)
2. The Greeks (cities and towns, houses and temples full of grace and beauty)
3. The Romans (roads, camps for soldiers, became centers of trade…)
4. The Anglo – Saxons (destroyed, lived in villages, houses built of wood)
5. The Danes (fortified places: refuges and centers against attacks, boroughs)
6. The Normans ( lived in villages, built castles).
5. Напишите сочинение об истории возникновения вашего города
Text 5:EgyptianPyramids
Прочитайте текст и выскажите свое мнение по содержанию. Если вы согласны или не согласны с автором, подтвердите свою точку зрения.
Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to look at as well as useful. A man who designs (проектировать) buildings and makes the plans for them is called an architect. He has to think not only of what he want the building to look like when it is finished, but also what it is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building. This may be stone, brick, wood or steel and concrete.
There have been many different styles or kinds of architecture in the past and there are many different styles today in different parts of the world.
The oldest monuments which are met within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egypt most of which were constructed about 6,000 years ago.
The pyramids are large triangular (треугольный) buildings which were placed over the tombs (могилы) of Egyptian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of these built at Giza southward of Cairo. The largest of them is 482 feet high. They tell us of the advanced civilization of ancient Egypt which is much spoken about even in our days.
It was a country which had expert mathematicians and engineers, where astronomy and philosophy were known and studied.
The country was rich in hard and durable (прочный) stone, but poor in timber and metal, so that the main material used for construction was granite, and this is the reason for the durability of the pyramids.
Large blocks of stone were transported over long distances by land and water, placed into position with the help of the most primitive equipment. That was done by slaves (рабы) working for thirty or forty years. All this great amount of work was done, masses of material and a large territory sometimes of about 52,000 square meters were used only for protecting the body of a dead king and constructing a dwelling place for his happy life in the “other world”.
Text 6: Stones of Pyramids
Прочитайте текст и кратко письменно передайте его содержание.
Egyptian pyramids are huge structures which are almost 4.600 years old. The Pyramid of Cheops, for example, consists of 2.300.000 stones. Each of the stones weighs about 2.5 tones.
According to the usual explanation large blocks of stone were cut in the mountains and then transported with the help of the most primitive equipment. So about 100 thousand people had to take part in the construction.
But the experiments of one of the research institutes show that the stone of pyramids were not transported to the construction site. Twelve years of research in the field of chemistry and archeology have given quite a definite answer. The stones of pyramids were made synthetically. Egyptians produced some special solution. Later they mixed it with one of the minerals. It took them several hours to transform this mixture into very hard rock. This rock was produced just on the construction site and so there was no need of transporting heavy stones.
Now scientists and engineers know how to produce hard materials synthetically. At present similar materials are used in industry. The synthetic rock looks like limestone granite or any other rock.
The Egyptians had a great knowledge of mathematics and chemistry and they could know this technique. The necessary minerals could be found everywhere. Only the use of this technique can explain some strange facts. First of all, the presence of huge monolithic stones inside the pyramids which are too large for the entrance door and the presence of a human hair which is 21 cm long inside one of the stones.
Unit 2 Places of Interest
Text 1: Cities, Towns,Villages. PlacesofInterest
Большие и малые города, села и деревни.
Достопримечательности городов.
Прочитайте слова по транскрипции
[ ] house, town, about
[ ] building
[ ] club, other, front, bus, another
[ ] other, together, their, there, either
[ ] [ ] city, cars, cities, can, motor – cycle
[ ] cycle, bicycle, either, drive
[ ] few, communication
Прочитайте текст, выпишите из текста и переведите предложения со словами:building, house, city, town, village, street, pavement, road, means of communication, either… or…
CitiesTowns Villages
Houses are buildings. Schools and clubs are buildings, too. A shop is a building or a part of a building. When there are many houses and other buildings together, they make a town. A city is a very big town. When there are few houses and other buildings together, they make a village.
Cities, towns and villages have names. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kiev, Minsk, London, Cambridge, Oxford, etc. are the names of cities. Cities, towns and villages have streets between their buildings, that is, the buildings are on each side of streets. On each side of the street, in front of the buildings there is a pavement. Between the pavements there is the road. People walk on the pavements, buses and cars drive on the roads. 
We can get from one place to another by different means of communication. We can go by train, by airplane (or plane), by ship, by bus, by car, etc.
How can we get from Moscow to Vladivostok? We can get there either by train or by airplane. If we go by train it takes us about seven days.If we go by airplane it takes us about 12 hours only.
How can we get to the nearest town? We can get there either by bus or train.
How can we get from one village to another? We usually use a bicycle, a motor – cycle or a bus to get from one village to another.
Прочитайте диалоги и составьте свои собственные по аналогии
sightseeing– осмотр достопримечательностей
togosightseeing – осматривать достопримечательности
placesofinterest – достопримечательности
getoff – выходить
theBolshoitheatre – Большой театр
farfromhere- далеко от сюда
to turn on the right – свернуть направо
notatall – Не стоит благодарности
Dialogue 1
A: I am in Moscow for the first time and I want to go sightseeing.
So, where shall I go first?
B: It`s really very difficult to say. There are so many places of interest here. I advise you first of all to visit the Kremlin on Red Square. Take trolley - bus 2 and get off in the center of Moscow at Revolution Square.
A: Thank you very much.
Dialogue 2
A: Я приехал в Лондон впервые, и мне хочется осмотреть достопримечательности этого города.
B: Лондон – большой и красивый город. Это один из самых больших городов Европы (Europe). Трудно сказать, куда пойти, прежде всего. Я советую вам посетить Британский музей (Britishmuseum) и Вестминстерский дворец (WestminsterPalace) и побывать на Трафальгарской (Trafalgarsquare) площади.
А: Благодарю вас.
Dialogue 3
А: Простите, не можете ли вы сказать мне, как пройти к Большому театру? Это далеко?
Б: Нет, не далеко. Идите до Красной площади и затем сверните направо
А: Благодарю вас.
Б: Не стоит благодарности.
No Time For Sightseeing
A farmer; who went to a large city to see the places of interest, engaged (снял) a room at hotel. Before going sightseeing he asked the clerk about the hours for meals.
“ We have breakfast from 7 to 11, dinner from 12 to 3 and supper from 6 to 8,” said the clerk.
“Look here,” (послушайте) said the farmer in surprise? “But at what time am I going to see the town?”
Ответьте на вопросы:
Who went to a large city to see the places of interest? 2. What did the farmer engage? 3. What did he ask the clerk before going sightseeing? 4. What did the clerk answer? 5. What did the farmer say in surprise?
Text 2: Manezh
Прочитайте текст «Манеж», выпишите из текста и переведите предложения, описывающие архитектурные инновации этого здания.
Manezhis a building on the western side of the Kremlin. It is near Alexandrovsky Gardens. Now it is the Central Exhibition Hall.Manezh was built in 1817 for parades and the training of the Moscow cavalry, and as a memorial to the Russian victory in 1812.There is not a single internal support. The roof rests on crosswise timber rafters. Is it the first building of such construction in Moscow.Architect OsipBove, ornamented the building with strong half columns and decorated the walls. The building was completed in 6 months. Contemporaries wrote that there was ”nothing anywhere in Europe”. Many engineers have made a study or the roof, which has been described in many building textbooks. In the 19 th century Manezh became a major cultural centre in the city. It was used for different exhibitions. In 1908 the building was used for the first international exhibition of cars, bicycles and sports equipment.
Text 3: Saint Petersburg
St. Petersburg, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, was founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and it was called so in his honour. The city is situated on the Neva River and has become the “window” to Europe. It was built by the prominent European and Russian 
Музей городской скульптуры
St. Petersburg was the capital of Russia from 1712 till 1918.
The Peter and Paul Fortresswas built to protect the Neva banks from Swedish invasion. Later D. Trezzini, the famous Swiss architect, reconstructed the fortress. It became a prison. Now it is a museum. D.Trezzini erected the Peter and Paul Cathedralhere, which is a masterpiece of architecture. Russian tsars were buried in it.
St. Petersburg is an industrial, cultural and scientific centre. There are over 80 museums, about 20 theatres, exhibitions, clubs, a university, colleges, institutes, schools, libraries and parks. The Pushkin Drama Theatre, the Bolshoi Gorky Drama Theatre, the Mariinsky Theatre of Opera and Ballet are pearls of the Russian art.
In St. Petersburg there are a lot of parks and gardens where the citizens can spend their free time.
The Summer Garden is the oldest and most fascinating park. Rare trees, bushes and flowers grow there. Beautiful marble statues made by Italian sculptors and a cast iron grille decorate the Summer Garden. There is a bronze monument to the prominent Russian fabulist Ivan Krylov (by sculptor Klodt) in the Summer Garden.
The city is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles of the 18 – 19 centuries.
In St. Petersburg tourists usually start sightseeing from Palace Square, the largest and most beautiful one. One cannot help admiring the ensemble in Palace Square: the Winter Palace( built by Rastrelli) was the residence of Russian tsars till the revolution.
The Hermitage, one of the oldest art museums in Russia, occupies the Winter Palace and four other buildings. There one can see masterpieces of the outstanding artists: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt, Velazques and other unique works of art.The Russian museum is located in the Mikhailovsky Palace, designed by Rossi. Marvellous paintings of the famous Russian artists: Tropinin, Repin, Bryullov, Fedotov, Surikov, the works of sculptors: Rastrelli, Shubin, Antokolsky are exhibited here.The streets and squares in St. Petersburg are very beautiful. Nevsky Prospect is the main street of the city, where there are amazing buildings, shops, hotels and the remarkable Kazan Cathedrаl (byVoronikhin) with a colonnade and monuments to M. Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly. Here in the prospect one can see the magnificent building of the Admiralty (by Zakharov) and an ensemble of the Alexander NevskyLavra. Famous Russian writers, painters, composers and actors were buried in the Lavra.
The majestic palaces, cathedrals, churches and other buildings, built by famous architects, decorate St. Petersburg, such as: palaces of Stroganov, Vorontsov, Menshikov, Anichkov, the Triumphal Arch and St. Isaac`s Cathedral, erected by Montferrand. St.Isaak`s Cathedral,
one of the most beautiful cathedrals, from the
observation place of it one can see the panorama of the city.
One cannot forget to mention the SmolnyInstitute and the Smolny nunnery, masterpieces ofRastrelli. Girls from aristocratic families studied and lived in the institute.
A lot of bridges cross the Neva, the Fontanka, the Moika and the canals, but the Anichkov Bridge is the most beautiful one.
St. P Petersburg inspired many of our great poets, writers, painters, sculptors, composers and actors. Much of the life and work of Lermontov,
Griboyedov, Pushkin, Belinsky, Glinka,
Chaikovsky, Repin and Kramskoi was connected
with the city.
Citizens, tourists and guests enjoy visiting the suburbs of St. Petersburg: Petergof,Pushkin, Pavlovsk, Lomonosov with wonderful palaces, parks and fountains.
Answer thequestions:
1)When was the town of Petersburg founded?
2)Which of the city`s architectural sights do you know?
Проведите экскурсию по Петербургу. Используйте следующие слова и выражения.
Ladies and gentlemen! I`d like to draw your attention to this monument (church, palace, bridge, cathedral, building, sculpture, fountain).
Our city is famous for its straight and wide streets ( beautiful parks, architectural ensembles, historical places, churches, numerous monuments).
This magnificent church (bridge, castle, tower, wall, canal, port; in the 17th century, under Peter the Great, by order of N., after the design of K.) was built in 1714 (…)
The (castle, tower, cathedral, road, bridge, canal) foundation dates to ( Ivan the Terrible, the time of Suvorov, the pre – war time, the time of the Roman Empire, the time of Peter the Great).
Text 4: The Land of White Night
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The town of Petersburg was founded on 16 May, 1703. Several generations of talented Russian and foreign architects were engaged in the planning and construction of Petersburg`s downtown. Petersburg is one of the world`s most beautiful cities.
The Summer Garden, the Winter Palace, the Hermitage, the monument to Peter I, the Russian Museum are the city`s remarkable architectural sights. 
Soon after Petersburg was built , it turned into the main center of Russian science and culture. Outstanding scholars like M. V. Lomonosov, D. I. Mendeleyev, I. P. Pavlov and many others
engaged themselves in activities of the Academy of Sciences and the University. A. S. Pushkin, M. Y. Lermontov, N.A. Nekrasov glorified the city in many of their works.
There are many memorial places in the city that relate to life and creative work of the great Russian writers: N. V. Gogol, T. M. Dostoevsky, the composers: M. I. Glinka, P. I. Chaikovskiy, M. P. Musorgskiy, N. A. Rimskiy – Korsakov, the painters: K. P. Bryullov, I. Y. Repin, I. N. Kramskoy, V. I. Surikov, etc.
St. Petersburg today is a center of science and culture, well-developed industries including shipbuilding, a large international port on the Baltic Sea.
Notes to the text:
architectural - архитектурный
composer - композитор
construction - застройка
downtown – деловая часть города ( центр )
engage - вовлекать
generation - поколение
glorify – прославлять, восславлять
international - международный
outstanding - выдающийся
palace - дворец
prominent - известный
scholar - ученый
shipbuilding - кораблестроение
sights – достопримечательности, памятники
turninto – стать , становиться
charming – очаровательный, прекрасный
famous - знаменитый
Text 5: Kizhy
Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопрос «What is the most precious thing in Kizhy?»
Anyone who visits Karelia will always be tempted to come back. Karelia is a country of more than 23 thousand rivers. Almost all of them are less than 10 km long.
About half of Karelia`s territory is covered with woods, mostly pine and fir.
Let`s start on a voyage by the Neva River and Ladoga and Onega Lakes to the famous islands of Valaam and Kizhy to see the charming nature of the northern land.
Kizhy is a small island (7 km long and about one and a half km wide) in lake Onega, Europe`s second largestlake.Kizhy is called “Russian Wonder.”
The most precious thing in Kizhy is 22-cupola Cathedral of the Transfiguration built in 1714. Its walls, ceilings and roofs were made of pine trees without any nail, using only an axe. The twenty-two cupolas are of different size which givethe cathedral a fairy-tale look.
We don`t know anything about the man of genius who built it. There is a legend inKizhy that this church was built by Master Nestor. Having built, he threw his axe into Lake Onega with the words, “There has never been, there isn`t and there will never be anything like it.”
The island Valaam is the biggest on the Ladoga. There is a monastery on the island. It was founded by Novgorod townsfolk and stood to defend Russian land borders, and many times repelled Swedish attacks. The monastery was ruined in the early 17th century, but restored in the 18th century. Along with trees that are common to these latitudes, you can see oak, cedar groves, alleys of silver fir and fruit gardens. The walls of northern structures were always made of pine. The carpenters always tried to make the building stand as long as possible. 22 domes are reliable protection against the wet. When it rains, water falls from the upper to the lower domes, which throw water far away from the walls. That is why the wooden church has managed to survive so long.
There are also other interesting wooden constructions, small chapels, living houses. People from every corner of the world keep coming here. They speak different languages but all agree on one point: Kizhi is incomparable!
Notes to the text:
fir - ель
island - остров
magnificent - великолепный
manage - суметь
masterpiece – шедевр, творение
pine - сосна
preciousthing - ценность
voyage - путешествие
willbetempted – не удержится от искушения
alley - аллея
border – граница, рубеж
cedar - кедр
defend - защищать
early - вначале
grove - роща
incomparable – бесподобный, несравненный
latitude - широта
Novgorodtownsfolk - новгородцы
repel - отражать
restore - восстанавливать
ruin– разрушать
survive - выживать
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