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ПОЯСНИТЕЛЬНАЯ ЗАПИСКА Предлагаемые к рассмотрению спецификации являются описанием отборочного теста, подготовленного группой российских преподавателей высшей школы в рамках Программы подготовки управленческих кадров для народного хозяйства Российской Федерации. Цель теста Целью данного теста является отбор кандидатов, владеющих английским языком на уровне Bl (Threshold) согласно классификации, принятой соответствующим комитетом Совета Европы (The Council of Europe's Common European Framework). Отбор лингвистического материала Лингвистический материал для вступительного теста (грамматический и лексический инвентарь, перечень тем) был отобран с учётом особенностей общенациональной программы изучения иностранных языков для неязыковых вузов России, рекомендаций Общеевропейского Совета по определению уровней владения английским языком для уровня Bl (Threshold) и задач Программы подготовки управленческих кадров для народного хозяйства Российской Федерации. Задача отборочного теста Задачей отборочного теста является проверка грамматических и лексических знаний, а также умений и навыков по видам речевой деятельности у кандидатов, претендующих на зачисление в Программу. Структура теста Предлагаемый тест состоит из двух частей: письменной, в которой проверяются знания лексики, грамматики и навыки работы с текстом; и устной, предназначенной для проверки речевых навыков (говорения и аудирования). Мы исходим из того, что вступительный тест, в отличие от промежуточных и выпускного тестов, должен включать проверку лишь минимально необходимого числа навыков. Проверка подобного рода позволяет, с одной стороны, выявить уровень развития навыков, а с другой - прогнозировать возможность овладения новыми навыками в курсе обучения. Инструкции и задания в первых двух частях теста даются на русском языке, что обеспечивает точное понимание заданий и равные стартовые условия. Основным методом проверки знаний в первых двух разделах является множественный выбор. Технология множественного выбора была избрана не случайно: она является общепринятой и обеспечивает быстрое и эффективное получение надёжных результатов. Вторая часть теста — устная — предполагает проверку навыков устной речи и аудирования в интегративной форме, поскольку аудитивные навыки и умения проверяются в процессе коммуникации. Навыки аудирования, несомненно, являются очень важным компонентом, и это учитывалось при разработке теста. В процессе коммуникации кандидат должен продемонстрировать навыки аудирования и говорения, которые представлены в его ответе примерно в равных пропорциях. Подобная организация проверки аудирования в рамках теста позволяет достаточно точно и эффективно установить уровень их сформированности у кандидатов. В то же время включение аудирования как отдельного компонента в тест представляется нецелесообразным. Однако курс обучения по Программе предполагает интенсивное развитие данных навыков. Задания устного теста разнообразны, критерии оценки и инструкции экзаменаторам чётко прописаны, что позволяет максимально объективно оценить устный ответ. В структуре теста отсутствует проверка навыков письма. Это объясняется тем, что развитию данного навыка в неязыковых вузах уделяется гораздо меньше внимания, чем развитию навыков, проверку которых мы включили в тест. В данной ситуации было бы нецелесообразно проверять уровень сформированности данных навыков у кандидатов. С другой стороны, то обстоятельство, что тест не предусматривает проверки навыков письменной речи, не означает их нерелевантности для будущих слушателей. Однако структура теста, с нашей точки зрения, и без проверки указанных навыков обеспечивает отбор кандидатов, которые в процессе обучения будут в состоянии успешно овладеть всеми видами речевой деятельности, в том числе и письмом, в объеме, предусмотренном выпускным тестом. Оценка результатов тестирования Каждая часть теста оценивается в баллах. В письменной части за каждый правильный ответ кандидат получает один балл, и максимальное количество баллов равняется 60, что соответствует общему числу заданий. Устная часть оценивается в соответствии с критериями, разработанными для каждого задания теста. Максимальное количество баллов для устной части - 12. Зачисление в основную программу обучения (180 часов) производится при условии, если кандидат набирает не менее 33 баллов за письменную часть теста и не менее 7 баллов за устный ответ. Кандидатам, не набравшим проходного балла (соответственно 33 и 7 баллов), для зачисления в основную программу могут быть предложены варианты подготовительного обучения в зависимости от результатов вступительного тестирования. Курс подготовительного обучения в объеме 90-120 часов предлагается кандидатам, набравшим 6 баллов за устный ответ и не менее 27 баллов. По завершении подготовительного курса кандидатам предлагается пройти повторное тестирование. По результатам тестирования зачисление в основную программу производится на общих основаниях: не менее 33 баллов - за письменную и 7 баллов - за устную часть теста. Целевое назначение программы предполагает активное использование английского языка как инструмента профессионального общения в англоязычной среде, поэтому в данном тесте особое внимание уделяется проверке сформированности навыков устной речи. Кроме того, накопленный опыт работы в рамках Программы показывает, что качественная подготовка кандидатов за 180 аудиторных часов возможна лишь в том случае, если их речевые умения и навыки соответствуют требованиям упоминавшегося выше международного уровня В1.
Programme on Training Managers and Executives for the Enterprises of National Economy of the Russian Federation Президентская программа организации подготовки управленческих кадров для организаций народного хозяйства Российской Федерации ENTRY TEST Входной отборочный тест по английскому языку Материалы для кандидатов:
PART ONE. Test of Grammar and Vocabulary Выберите слово / словосочетание, которое лучше других соответствует смыслу предложения, и обведите нужную букву (А, В, С, D) на листе для ответов. Examples: (см. правильные ответы на листе для ответов) I. I was crossing the street when a car ________ . A. crashed B. has crashed C. was crashing D. has been crashing II. If you (1)________ tomorrow, I (2)________ you to a good dinner.
1. He went to _____newsagent’s to buy _____ paper.
2. Susan has got _____ short, dark hair.
3. Lucy has _____ dog. It’s _____ German Shepherd.
4. I want to buy _____ jacket. I want _____ leather one.
5. The area is working _____ its tourist industry.
6. I’d like _____ mу idea before _____ it.
7. She _____ that most human behaviour is socially _____.
8. It is for the court _____ whether she is guilty.
9. His dark hair ___ almost black against the white of his naval ___ uniform.
10. Battleships huddled around the dock. They took their cargos of ___ and ___ out to sea.
11. During the war lots of families invited __ for __ home-cooked meal.
12. Other __ mothers made him nervous, especially __.
13. When things go wrong, you always say it’s _____ _____ fault.
14. She concentrated _____ on the exam questions.
15. She looked behind _____ because she heard footsteps.
16 Sam felt _____ cold and utterly miserable
17. We __ pack up soon, __?
18. After several looks at the map she __ arrive __ their appointed meeting place.
19. Because I know her family I did what I __ for her.
20. Don’t be sorry. You __ think of Russia half a world away here in the States.
21. She greeted me _____.
22. Julia was walking _____ down the street when she heard someone call her name _____.
23. She looked _____ behind her, but the street was _____ empty.
24. _____, the letterbox rattled _____ and an envelope fell softly onto the doormat.
25. The bag __ the yellow stripe is __.
26. I’ll see you __ Tuesday afternoon.
27. What time did he arrive __ station?
28. We’re going __ opera tomorrow night.
29. The train is _____ than the coach. It is also _____.
30. The plane is _____ of all means of transport. It is also _____.
31. I like living in the country. It’s a lot _____ than the city.
32. The _____ he works, _____ he becomes.
33. When he __ at home she __ as his secretary.
34. I__ give you my address in case you ___to visit me in Scotland.
35. Here are our plans: first, we ___ have lunch; next, we ___ shopping for some new dresses for you.
36. I ___ to say I ___ for Harvard tomorrow.
37. We moved the piano so that there __ be room for the Christmas tree.
38. If I __ you I __ her sightseeing. She will love it.
39. She__ feel so lonely if she __ many friends.
40. My dog __ run faster if he __ longer legs.
PART TWO. Test of Reading Text 1 Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведите нужную букву (А, В, С, D) на листе для ответов. 2500 Years Ago People Knew the Earth was Round It is generally thought that the concept of a round Earth is a principle that was hard-won by science in the face of stiff opposition. There is a well-known image of Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) holding up an egg to illustrate the roundness of the Earth to sceptical onlookers. However, the truth is that most educated people since the days of the Greek were convinced that the world is round. It is said that Pythagoras was the first to suggest that the Earth is round about 525 BC. The suggestion was made on philosophical grounds — the sphere was considered to be the perfect shape. Later, Aristotle had convincing evidence that the Earth is round. He noted that as one travelled north or south while observing the night sky, visible stars disappeared beneath the horizon behind and new stars appeared over that horizon ahead. He also noted that when ships sailed out to sea, regardless of the direction, they always disappeared from sight hull first. On the other hand, ships heading towards land always showed their masts first as they came over the horizon. All of these observations could be explained only by assuming that the earth was a sphere. The idea of a rotating Earth was much less easily established. The Greek philosopher Heraclides of Pontus suggested in 350 BC that the Earth rotates on its axis but most ancient and medieval scholars refused to accept this idea. The Copernican model of the solar system (1543), in which the Earth revolves around the sun, made the idea of a non-spinning Earth illogical, and slowly the idea that the Earth rotates on its axis was accepted by all. However, it was not until 1851 that the Earth's rotation was experimentally demonstrated by the French physicist Jean Bernard Foucault (1819-1868). The Earth is not a perfect sphere. Centrifugal forces tend to push material away from the centre of rotation. 1. It is contrary to the text that:
2. Aristotle’s observations could be explained only by:
3. The experimental evidence of the Earth’s rotation was presented by
4. The Copernican model of the solar system:
5. According to the text the truth is that:
Text 2 Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведите нужную букву (А, В, С, D) на листе для ответов. The Great Depression and the New Deal In America the 1920s were a decade of conservatism and insecurely founded prosperity, in which tariffs were brought to their highest ever levels and taxes were drastically reduced. This remarkable rise in living standards, which caused the decade to be called the Roaring Twenties, ended suddenly in October 1929 with the Wall Street crash — the result of a long period of over-production by the nation's factories and farms, and speculative mania among the middle and wealthy classes. This crash marked the beginning of the worst depression in American history, commonly referred to as the Great Depression. The period was full of contrasts. There was widespread fear following the Russian Revolution that communists would overthrow the government (the Red Scare), which led to the persecution of all left-wing groups. There was briefly mass support (four million members in 1925) for the Ku Klux Klan, which, in addition to blacks, now attacked Catholics, Jews and all those not born in America. Besides, restrictions were imposed on immigration, not only with regard to the number but also the countries of origin. Moreover, this was the period of prohibition by the Eighteenth Amendment (1919) to manufacture, transport or sell intoxicating liquors (when it ended in 1933, only eight states stayed "dry"). Franklin D. Roosevelt blamed the Depression on basic faults in the American economy and promised a "new deal" for the "forgotten man". He won the 1932 presidential election with an unprecedented majority and set about remedying the worsening situation with his New Deal in 1933. This was the first administration to introduce government planning into the economy. Over the next two years millions of the unemployed were given jobs in public works projects, and emergency relief was provided for others in order to create greater internal demand for American products. Numerous measures were also taken to help the farmers, as a result of which their incomes more than doubled between 1932 and 1939. The Second New Deal (1935—1939) aimed at providing security against unemployment, illness and old age, to prevent the terrible hardships of the Depression being repeated. 1. According to the text the 1920s in America were called the Roaring Twenties because
2. The author doesn't characterize the period of the Great Depression by
3. Which of the following was not mentioned in the text?
4. As it follows from the text it is not true that Franklin Roosevelt
5. Roosevelt's administration was the first to
Text 3 Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведите нужную букву (А, В, С, D) на листе для ответов. The Making of a People By the end of the 18th century, the whole of the Eastern coast of North America had been colonized. The entirely separate Colonies differed widely, and their differences generated almost constant sectional friction. There were bitter inter-colonial conflicts over religion, trade and boundaries. Within the Colonies, too, there were disagreements between factions, in some cases resulting in civil wars. "Fire and Water are not more heterogeneous than the different Colonies in North America", wrote one early visitor, and until 1754 even repeated threats of annihilation by France and its allies failed to produce unity. Yet, despite their differences, the colonists were slowly transformed into one quarrelsome but distinctive people. Several factors contributed to this process. Perhaps the most important was the fact that the colonists were overwhelmingly Protestant and English. They shared the English language, they believed in British customs and traditions of parliamentary self-government and trial by jury, and they were loyal to the British King. Their rich colonial culture - their books and buildings, fabrics and furnishings, portraits and poetry - was solidly based on British models. They saw themselves as transplanted Englishmen and called England "home", though after the first generation most had never been there. Major exceptions to this early homogeneity were the Dutch of New Netherland, Germans and Scotch-Irish on the backwoods frontier, and large numbers of African slaves. The very fact of leaving the settled life of the Old World for the uncertainties of the New one demonstrated a profound independence of mind and spirit. The vast majority of the colonists were farmers who owned and worked their land. They were all animated with the spirit of an industry which was unrestrained because each person worked for himself without any part being claimed by a despotic prince, a rich abbot or a mighty lord. Such self-employment bred self-reliance and the determination to succeed. 1. The text states that by the beginning of the 19th century
2. Which of the following doesn't contradict the text?
3. Which of the following was not among the factors contributing to the colonists' transformation into one distinctive nation?
4. According to the text the following items of the colonial culture were not based on British models
5. Most of those people who had left the settled life of the Old World
Text 4 Прочитайте текст. Закончите предложения (после текста), выбрав вариант, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведите нужную букву (А, В, С, D) на листе для ответов. The Trail of Tears For the Indians of the United States, the American dream of gaining control of as much land as possible has been nothing less than a nightmare. From the landing of the first settlers, the Indians have been the victims of almost unrelieved woe. Those tribes that escaped annihilation by the white man's bullets and diseases suffered instead something close to cultural genocide. At the root of the centuries-long confrontation between red man and white was one inescapable fact: the Indians inhabited vast territories that the whites had to have in order to fulfil their destiny to develop the continent. It mattered little what precautions the Indians took to preserve their lands, what alliances they formed, what concessions they made, what solemn treaties they secured from the settlers: the story was always the same. Whenever the white moved west he displaced the Indian by force of arms, by destroying his hunting grounds, or by fraudulent treaties in which the uncomprehending and naive red man often exchanged his patrimony for glittering trinkets. Some Indian tribes met the onrush of white civilization by adopting Christianity as well as the white man's dress and mannerisms, and turning to a wholly agricultural lifestyle. One such, the most renowned of the so called Five Civilized Tribes, was the Cherokee Nation of western Georgia, which even had its own written constitution. But the Cherokees' assimilation proved no protection against expulsion when white settlers began to claim for their lands. Although the Cherokee holdings were guaranteed by a 1791 treaty between the tribe and the Federal Government, the administration of President Andrew Jackson supported the efforts of the Georgia government to force the Indians off their land. Finally, in 1838, Jackson's successor ordered his troops to expel the Cherokees and transport them to newly established Indian territory in distant Oklahoma. One soldier, sickened by his task, described a common scene that year: "I saw the helpless Cherokees arrested and dragged from their homes... In the chill rain I saw them loaded like cattle or sheep into wagons and started toward the west". The trek to Oklahoma, called by the Cherokees The Trail of Tears, resulted tragically: many of them fell ill, and thousands died from expose, disease, and starvation and were buried in unmarked graves. 1. Since the first settlers came to America the Indians have
2. It follows from the text that in order to preserve their lands the Indians didn't
3. As the text states the Cherokees
4. According to the text the administration of President Andrew Jackson
5. It is inconsistent with the text that when the Cherokees were transported to Oklahoma
PART THREE. Test of ORAL INTERACTION TASK 2 SIMULATED SITUATIONS Materials for the candidate (материалы для кандидатов)
TASK 3 EXPANDING ON A STATEMENT Card 1 There is no place like home. No one can do without love. If I were a millionaire… Card 2 A friend in need is a friend indeed. Russian women make the best wives. If I were the president of a large company. Card 3 Two heads are better than one. It’s good to have a lot of friends. I remember seeing a very interesting film/performance… Card 4 When in Rome do as the Romans do. Higher education is the key to your success. I remember my last birthday party … Card 5 Better late than never. My dog is my best friend. Every person wants to be happy. Card 6 You never know what you can do till you try. The most important thing for people today is earning money. Travelling abroad is the best way to spend a holiday. Card 7 Time is money. Every family has its own traditions. The New Millenium is the era of … . Card 8 Knowledge is power. Modern life is impossible without computers. On a Sunday morning I would prefer … Card 9 Experience is the mother of knowledge. It’s never too late to change one’s job. It is good when the wife is the head of a family. |
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