Татьяна Георгиевна Талипова
Дата рождения: 07 мая, 1953, Москва, СССР
Отдел нелинейных процессов в геофизике, Институт прикладной физики РАН,
46 ул. Ульянова, 603950 Нижний Новгород, Россия.
Teл: +7-831-4164839; Fax: +7-8314365976. Email: tata@hydro.appl.sci-nnov.ru ; tgtalipova@mail.ru
Ведущий научный сотрудник
1989 - кандидат физ-мат наук (Ph.D) по специальности геофизика
1975 - Диплом Горьковского государственного университета по специальности радиофизика
2009 - член Российской академии естествознания
2005 - Доктор физ. - мат наук по специальности механика жидкости, газа и плазмы
С 1977 по настоящее время, ведущий научный сотрудник/старший научный сотрудник, /научный сотрудник/младший научный сотрудник, Институт прикладной физики РАН, Нижний Новгород
1975 - 1977 младший научный сотрудник Научно-исследовательского радиофизического института, Горький
С 2012 по настоящее время, ведущий научный сотрудник, Нижегородский государственный технический университет, Нижний Новгород ( по совместительству)
Профессиональная активность:
Член океанографической секции Национального Геофизического комитета
Член диссертационного совета Д 212.165.10 при НГТУ
Исследовательские гранты и проекты
Текущие гранты:
Физические механизмы возникновения и трансформации внутренних волн большой амплитуды на океанских шельфах. 2012 – 2014; РФФИ 12-05-00472,
Интенсивные внутренние волны в океане и их влияние на подводные сооружения и платформы. 2013-2014; РФФИ 13-05-90424_Укр_а
Изгибные колебания корональных арок. 2013-2015; РФФИ 13-02-00656
Новые инструменты моделирования и оценка рисков морских природных катастроф в прибрежной зоне России и Турции. 2014-2015; РФФИ 14-05-91370 СТ_а
Анализ и модели природных катаклизмов в водной среде с приложениями к бассейнам Нижегородской области. 2013-2014; РФФИ 13-05-97037 р_поволжье
Недавно завершенные
Внутренние волны большой амплитуды в океане переменной глубины: аналитические решения и численное моделирование 2009-2010; RFBR- Ukraine 09-05-90408
Проникновение внутренних волн на большие расстояния в океане: физические механизмы и численное моделирование 2009 - 2011 09-05-00204
Лабораторное и численное моделирование метеорологических природных морских катастроф. 2012-2013; РФФИ 13-05-33070 мол_а_вед
Исследование волн убийц в российских и тайваньских водах 2011-2013; РФФИ – Тайвань 11-05-92002-ННС
Модернизированная асимптотическая теория взаимодействия солитонов 2011-2012; 11-02-97029-р_поволжье
Модели опасных волновых явлений в водной среде с приложениями к рекам Ока и Волга в пределах Нижегородской области. 2011 – 2012; 11-05-97006-р_поволжье
Extreme Seas; 2010-2012; European Union
Участие в конференциях (последние 4 года)
General Assembly European Geoscience Union, Vienna, Austria, April, 2008 – 2014
COST International Conference "Predicting Power of Marine Science in a Changing Climate", Poland, Sopot, 7-8 April, 2014
XII Всероссийская конференция «Прикладные технологии гидроакустики и гидрофизики», Санкт-Петербург, Россия, 27 – 29 мая 2014 г.
International Workshop “Rogue waves, dissipative solitons, plasmonics, supercontinuum and special fibres”, July 25th-26th, 2014, Castelldefels (Barcelona)
IUTAM SYMPOSIUM 2014 «Complexity of Nonlinear Waves», Tallinn, Estonia, 8-12 September, 2014
"Knowledge for the Future" Assembly (IAPSO), Gothenburg, Sweden, July 22 - 26, 2013
Carribean Waves II, Gosier, Guadeloupe, France, January 2013
Extreme Seas, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2013; Geneva, Swissland, October 2011
26th International Tsunami Symposium, Fethiye-Gocek, Turkey and Rhodes, Greece, September 25-28, 2013
Nonlinear Waves in Fluids, Loughborough, UK, September 2012
Wave Interaction Workshop, Linz, Austria, February,2012, 23-26 April 2014 2014
Nonlinear Dynamic, Moscow, Russia, 26-27 December 2011
Rogue Waves, Drezden, Germany, 5-13 November 2011
Int. Workshop on anomalous waves in the ocean, Tainan, Taiwan, November, 2010
Frontiers in Nonlinear Physics, Nizhny Novgorod -St. Peterburg, Russia, July, 2010
SCIENTIFIC VISITS (last 3 years)
Dep. Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, UK, March-July 2009, December 2009, March-April 2012
Ecole Generaliste d’Ingenieurs de Marseille, Marseille, France, October, November 2011, 2010, 2009;
Dep. of Physics, University of Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe, France, December-February, one month per year 2009-2011
Dep. Mathematics Sheffild University, Sheffild, UK, November 2011
Dep. Mathematical Sciences, Loughborough University, UK, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012
Institute of Nonequilibrium Phyical Phenomena, France, November 2011, July 2014
Dep. of Physics, University of Lesser Antilles, Guadeloupe, France, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2010
Dep. of Mathematics, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, 2007, 2011
Dep. of Mathematics, Waterloo University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, 2005, 2006
Dep. of Civil Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, 2007, 2008
Institute of Hydromechanics NANU, Kiev, Ukraine, 2009
Ocean University, Chindao, China, 2004, 2006
Пелиновский Е.Н., Талипова Т.Г. Поверхностно-активные пленки на морской поверхности. Новосибирск: Институт теплофизики, 1990, 219, 26.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kantardgi I. Developing of scenarios of environmental catastrophes. Chapter 8 in series of teaching manuals: Sustainable Development and Environmental Problems of Industry. STANKIN Press, 2000, Moscow, 60p.
Kozlov S., Pelinovsky E., Petrukhin N., Talipova T. Numerical modeling in the forecasting of man-made accidence in the rivers of Nizhny Novgorod district. 1998, In Book: Systems of information processing and management. NNTU Press, Nizhny Novgorod, 97-101, (in Russian).
Kharif Ch., Boiron O., Rey V. Talipova T. Physical and numerical modeling in environmental engineering. Chapter 6 in series of teaching manuals: Sustainable Development and Environmental Problems of Industry. STANKIN Press, 2000, Moscow, 37-76.
Holloway P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Internal tide transformation and oceanic internal solitary waves. Chapter 2 in the book: Environmental Stratified Flows (Ed. By R. Grimshaw). Kluwer Acad. Publ. 2001, 29-60.
Е.Н. Пелиновский, Н.В. Полухин, Т.Г. Талипова, Моделирование характеристик поля внутренних волн в Арктике. В кн.: Поверхностные и внутренние волны в Арктических морях. Санкт-Петербург: Гидрометеоиздат, 2002, 235-279.
Kozyrev, O., Krasilchikov, A., Kurkin, A., Pelinovsky, E., Petrukhin, N., Solovich, N., Talipova, T., Tishkov, K. Water quality control and predictions for river pollutions. Chapter 7 in teaching manual Management of natural resources (Eds: Kantardgi I., Kaliagin V., Kharif C., Purvis M). Nizhny Novgorod, 2002, 211-223.
Pelinovsky E.N., Slunyaev A.V., Polukhina O.E., Talipova T.G. Internal Solitary Waves. In Book: Solitary Waves in Fluids (ed. By R.Grimshaw), WIT Press, Southampton, Boston, 2007, 85-110
Talipova T., Kharif Ch. and Giovanangeli J.-P. Modeling of rogue wave shapes in shallow water. In Book: Extreme Ocean Waves (Ed. By E. Pelinovsky and Ch. Kharif), 2008, 71–81.
International Journals
Pelinovsky E.N., Talipova T.G. Change of Height of the Solitary Wave of Large Amplitude in the Beach Zone. Marine Geodesy 1979, V. 2, No. 4, 313 - 321.
Ermakov S.A., Panchenko A.R., Salashin S.G., Talipova T.G., Titov V.I., Zujkova A.M., Surface film effect on short wind waves. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 1986, V. 10, 31 - 50.
Ivanov V.A., Pelinovsky E.N., Talipova T.G. Long wave variation of dispersed material in the coastal zone. Ocean Modeling, 1993, V. 96, 2 - 3.
Ivanov V.A., Pelinovsky E.N., Talipova T.G. The Long-Time Prediction of Intense Internal Wave Heights in the Tropical Region of the Atlantic. J. Physical Oceanography, 1993, V. 23, 9, 2136 - 2142.
Ivanov V.A., Pelinovsky E.N., Talipova T.G. Redistribution of Impurity by Long Waves in Coastal Zone. J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng. 1993, V. 5, No. 3, 232-239.
Pelinovsky E., Stepanyants Yu., Talipova T. Nonlinear Dispersion Model of Sea Waves in the Coastal Zone. J. Korean Soc. Coastal and Ocean Eng. 1993, V. 5, No. 4, 307 - 317.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Ivanov V. Estimations of Nonlinear Properties of Internal Wave Field off the Israel Coast. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 1995, V. 2, No. 2, 80 - 88.
Pelinovsky E., Holloway P., Talipova T. A statistical analysis of extreme events in current variations due to internal waves from the Australian North West Shelf. J. Geophysical Research, 1995, V. 100, C12, 24,831 - 24,839.
Holloway P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Barnes B. A Nonlinear Model of Internal Tide Transformation on the Australian North West Shelf, J. Physical Oceanography, 1997, V. 27, 6, 871-896.
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. The modified Korteweg - de Vries equation in the theory of large-amplitude internal waves. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 1997, V. 4, No. 4, 237 - 350.
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Solitary wave transformation due to a change in polarity. Studied of Applied Mathematics, 1998, V. 101, 357-388.
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E, Talipova T. Solitary wave transformation in a medium with sign-variable quadratic nonlinearity and cubic nonlinearity. Physica D, 1999, V. 132, 40-62.
Holloway P, Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. A Generalized Korteweg - de Vries Model of Internal Tide Transformation in the Coastal Zone, 1999, J. Geophys. Res., V. 104, C8, 18333-18350.
Kit E., Shemer L., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Eitan O., Jiao H. Nonlinear Wave Group Evolution in Shallow Water. 2000, J. Waterway, Port, Coastal Ocean Eng., V. 126, No. 5, 221-228
Clarke S., Grimshaw R., Miller P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. On the generation of solitons and breathers in the Modified Korteweg - de Vries Equation. 2000, Chaos, V. 10, No. 2, 383-392
Kharif Ch., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Nonlinear dispersive mechanism of the freak wave formation in shallow water. 2000, Physica D, V. 147, No. 1-2, 83-94.
Kharif C., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Formation de vagues géantes en eau peu profonde. Comptes Rendus de l’Academie des Sciences, 2000, V. 328, serie IIb, 11, 801 – 807 (in French).
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kurkin A., Kharif Ch., Nonlinear mechanism of tsunami wave generationby atmospheric disturbances. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 2001, V. 1, 243–250
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky D., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Wave group dynamics in weakly nonlinear long - wave models. Physica D, 2001, V. 159, No. 1-2, 35-57.
Slunyaev A., Kharif C., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Nonlinear wave focusing on water of finite depth. Physica D, 2002, V. 173, No. 1-2, 77-96.
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Damping of large-amplitude solitary waves. Wave Motion, 2003, V. 3, No. 4, 351 - 364
Nakoulima O., Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Slunyaev A., Kurkin A.. Analytical and numerical studies of the variable-coefficient Gardner equation. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, V. 152, No. 2, 449-471
Grimshaw R, Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kurkin A. Simulation of the transformation of internal solitary waves on oceanic shelves. 2004, Jour. Phys. Oceanogr., V. 34, 2774-2791
Yalciner A., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kurkin A., Kozelkov A., Zaitsev A. Tsunamis in the Black Sea: comparison of the historical, instrumental and numerical data. J. Geophys. Research, 2004, V. 109, C12, C12023 1029/2003JC002113
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Ruderman M., Erdely R., Short-living large-amplitude pulses in the nonlinear long-wave models described by the modified Korteweg – de Vries equation. Studied of Applied Mathematics 2005, V. 114, No. 2, 189.
Pelinovsky E., Zahibo N., Dunkley P., Edmonds M., Herd R.,Talipova T., Kozelkov A., Nikolkina I. Tsunami generated by the volcano eruption on July 12-13 2003 at Montserrat, Lesser Antilles. Science of Tsunami Hazards, 2004, V. 22, No. 1, 44-57.
Xu Z.T., Pelinovsky E., Shen G.J., Talipova T. A correction on two dimensional KdV equation with topography. Progress in Natural Science, 2004, V. 14, No. 7, 646-648.
Nakoulima O., Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kurkin A., Solitary wave dynamics in shallow water above periodic bottom, Chaos, 2005, V. 15, No. 3, 037107
Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Soliton dynamics in a strong periodic field: the Korteweg-de Vries framework, Phys. Lett.A., 2005, V. 344, No. 2-4, 203-210
Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Okal E., Yalciner A., Kharif C., Talipova T., Kozelkov A. The earthquake and tsunami of November 21, 2004 at Les Saintes, Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Science of Tsunami Hazards, 2005, V. 23, No. 1, 25-39.
Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kozelkov A., Kurkin A. Analytical and numerical study of nonlinear effects at tsunami modelling. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2006, V. 174, No. 2, 795-809
Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, E., Stepanyants, Yu., Talipova, T. Modeling internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf. Marine and Freshwater Research, 2006, V. 57, No. 3, 265 – 272
Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Rabinovich A., Kurkin A., Nikolkina I. Statistical Analysis of Cyclone Hazard for Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles. Atmospheric Research, 2007, V. 84, 13-29
Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, E., and Talipova, T. Modeling Internal solitary waves in the coastal ocean. Survey in Geophysics, 2007, V. 28, No 2, 273–298. 10.1007/s10712-007-9020-0.
Lamb, K., O. Polukhina, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, W. Xiao, A. Kurkin. Breather Generation in the Fully Nonlinear Models of a Stratified Fluid. Physical Rev. E. 2007, V. 75, No 4, p. 046306
N. Zahibo, A. Slunyaev, T. Talipova, E. Pelinovsky, A. Kurkin, and O. Polukhina. Strongly nonlinear steepening of long interfacial waves. Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2007, V. 14, 247-256 npg-2007-0017
Grimshaw, R., E. Pelinovsky, and T. Talipova Fission of a weakly nonlinear interfacial solitary wave at a step. Geophysical and astrophysical fluid dynamics, V. 102, No. 2, April 2008, 179–194.
Pelinovsky E., Kharif C., Talipova T. Occurrence frequency of large-amplitude waves near vertical walls. European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluids, 2008, V. 27 409–418
Grue J., E.N. Pelinovsky, D. Fructus, T. Talipova, Ch. Kharif Formation of undular bores and solitary waves in the Strait of Malacca caused by the Dec. 26 2004, Indian Ocean tsunami, J. Geoph. Res., 2008, V. 113, C05008, doi:10.1029/2007JC004343.
Ruderman M.S., Talipova T., Pelinovsky, E. Dynamics of
modulationally unstable ion-acoustic wave packets in plasmas with negative ions. J. Plasma Physics, 2008, V. 74, No. 5, 639-656. DOI: 10.1017/S0000000000000000
Maderich V., Talipova T., Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Choi B.H., Brovchenko I., Terletska K., Kim D.C., Internal solitary wave transformation at the bottom step in two-layer flow: the Gardner and Navier-Stokes frameworks, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2009, V. 16, 33–42.
N. Zahibo, E. Pelinovsky, T.Talipova and I. Nikolkina. Self-similar solutions in the theory of the underwater landslide dynamics in inclined canyons, Open Oceanography Journal, 2010, V. 4, 92-98
Zahibo N., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Nikolkina I. The Savage-Hutter model for the avalanche dynamics in inclined channels: analytical solutions. Journal of Geophysical Research, 2010, V. 115, B03402
Grimshaw, R., , E. Pelinovsky, and T. Talipova, (2008) Non-Reflecting Internal Wave Beam Propagation in the Deep Ocean., Preprint Loughborough University 08-12, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2010, V. 40, No. 4. 802- 813
Maderich V., Talipova T., Grimshaw R., Pelinovsky E., Choi B.H., Brovchenko I., Terletska K., Interaction of a Large Amplitude Interfacial Solitary Wave of Depression with a Bottom Step. Phys. Fluids, 2010, V.22, 076602.
Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, E., Talipova, T., and A. Sergeeva. Rogue internal waves in the ocean: long wave model. European Physical Journal Special Topics 2010, V. 185, 195–208
Pelinovsky E., Choi B. H., Talipova T., Woo S. B., Kim D. Ch. Solitary Wave Transformation on the Underwater Step: Asymptotic Theory and Numerical Experiments. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2010, V. 217, 1704–1718
Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, E., Talipova, T. and Kurkina, O. Internal solitary waves: propagation, deformation and disintegration, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 2010, V. 17, 633–649
Sergeeva, A., Pelinovsky, E., and Talipova T. Nonlinear Random Wave Field in Shallow Water: Variable Korteweg – de Vries Framework. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science, 2011, V. 11, 323–330
Kurkina O., Talipova T. Huge internal waves in the vicinity of Spitsbergen Island (Barents Sea). Natural Hazards Earth System Sciences, 2011, V. 11, 981–986,
Zahibo N., E. Pelinovsky, A. Yalciner, A. Zaitsev, T. Talipova,.I. Nikolkina, A. Chernov, I. Insel, D. Itir Dilmen and C. Ozer. Trans-Atlantic Propagation of 1755 Tsunami and Its Effects on the French West Indies. Open Oceanography J., 2011, 5, 30-41
Nikolkina, I., N. Zahibo, T. Talipova and E. Pelinovsky. Pyroclastic flow from Soufrière Hills Volcano, Montserrat: solid block model. Int J Geosciences, 2011, 2, 326-335
Kurkina O., Talipova T., Pelinovsky E., Soomere T. Mapping the internal wave field in the Baltic Sea in the context of sediment transport in shallow water. J Coastal Research, 2011, vol. SI 64, 2042-2047.
Pelinovsky E.N., E.G. Shurgalina, A.V. Sergeeva, T.G. Talipova, G.A. El and R.H.J. Grimshaw. Two-soliton interaction as an elementary act of soliton turbulence in integrable systems. Physics Letters A, 2013, 377, 272–275
Talipova T., K. Terletska, V. Maderich, I. Brovchenko, K. T. Jung, E. Pelinovsky and R. Grimshaw. Internal solitary wave transformation over the bottom step: loss of energy. Phys. Fluids, 2013, 25, 032110
Ruderman M.S., Petrukhin N.S., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Non-reflective propagation of kink waves in solar magnetic tubes. Solar Physics, 2013, V. 286. P. 417–426
Kartashova E. , E. Pelinovsky, and T. Talipova. Fourier spectrum and shape evolution of an internal Riemann wave of moderate amplitude. Nonlin. Processes Geophys., 2013, 20, 571-580
Терлецкая Е.В., В.С. Мадерич, И.А. Бровченко, Т.Г. Талипова. Неполная автомодельность внутренних волн второй моды в слое раздела. Прикладна гiдромеханiка. 2013. Т. 9 (82). № 3. С. 1-11.
A. Sergeeva, A. Slunyaev, E. Pelinovsky, T. Talipova, and D.-J. Doong. Numerical modeling of rogue waves in coastal waters. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 861–870, 2014
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Nonlinear wave propagation in random media. - Proc. 25-th Israel Conf. Mech. Engn., Haifa, Israel, 1994, 246 - 248.
Eruchimov A., Lerner A., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Is it possible to swing the nonlinear oscillator? - Proc. 25-th Israel Conf. Mech. Engn., Haifa, Israel, 1994, 510 - 511.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Nonlinear Evolution Equations for Waves in Random Media. in Book: Proceedings of the Workshop on Qualitative Aspects and Applications of Nonlinear Evolution Equations (Eds. H.Beirao da Veiga & Ta-Tsien Li). World Scientific, Singapore, 1994, 194 - 198.
Kit E., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Transformation of probability distribution of wind waves in coastal zone. Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEX), 1995, 3, 2344 - 2353.
Holloway P. Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Barnes B. Modeling the Korteweg - de Vries Equation for the description of nonlinear internal wave transformation in the ocean. Proc. of 12-th Australiasian Fluid Mech. Conf., 1995, 371-374.
Talipova T., Pelinovsky E., Kit E. Wind wave simulation in coastal zone. - Coastal Dynamics’ 95. Proc. Int. Conf. on Coastal Research in Terms of Large Scale Experiments. ASCE, 1996, 105-115.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Surfactant film elasticity in slicks. The Air-Sea Interface. Radio and Acoustic Sensing, Turbulence and Wave Dynamics (Proc. Int. Symposium, Marseilles, France, 24 - 30 June 1993). Eds. M.Donelan, W.Hui, W.Plant. University of Maiami, Florida, 1996, 401 -404.
Holloway P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Barnes B. Nonlinear models of internal tide and internal solitary wave evolution over a continental slope. Proc. of 7th Int. Offshore and Polar Engineering, (25 - 30 May 1997, Honolulu, USA), 1997, 3, 130 - 137.
Holloway P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Barnes B. The rotated-modified extended Korteweg-de Vries equation for the description of nonlinear internal wave transformation in the ocean. Computational Techniques and Applications: CTAC97, Proc. 8th Biennial Conf., Adelaide, Australia, Eds: B.J.Noye, M.D. Teubner, A.W. Gill. World Sci., Singapore, 1998, 297 - 304.
Talipova T., Pelinovsky E. Surface - Active Sea Films: Properties and Dynamics. International Geosciense and Remote Sensing System (IGARSS’97), Proc. Singapore, 3-8 August, 1997, 1, 362 - 364.
Holloway P., Talipova T., Pelinovsky E. Statistics and Dynamics of Intense Internal Waves over a Continental Slope. International Geosciense and Remote Sensing System (IGARSS’97), Proc. Singapore, 3-8 August, 1997, 3, 1329 - 1331.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Small J.. Numerical modelling of the internal bores and generation of internal solitons at the Malin Shelf. The 1998 WHOI/IOS/ONR Internal Solitary Wave Workshop: Contributed Papers. Eds: T.Duda and D. Farmer Technical report WHOI -99-07, 129-236.
Holloway P., Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Strongly nonlinear internal waves on the Australian North West Shelf. The 1998 WHOI/IOS/ONR Internal Solitary Wave Workshop: Contributed Papers. Eds: T.Duda and D. Farmer Technical report WHOI -99-07, 197-202..
Holloway P., E. Pelinovsky, T. Talipova. Modeling internal tide generation and evolution into internal solitary waves on the Australian North West Shelf. 1999, in Dynamics of Oceanic Internal Gravity Waves II : Proceedings of the Aha Huikoa Hawaiian Winter Workshop, SOEST, Univ. of Hawaii, 43-50.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kit E., Eitan O. Nonlinear wave packet evolution in shallow water. Proc. Int. Symp. On Progress in Coastal Engineering and Oceanography. (Sept 9 -11, 1999 Seoul, Korea), 1999, 2, 53-62.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kit E., Eitan O. Nonlinear Wave Group Evolution in Shallow Water. Fifth Int. Conf. On Coastal and Port Engineering in Developing Countries (COPEDEX’99, Cape Town, South Africa, 19 – 23 April 1999), 1999, 1, 150 – 158.
Talipova T., Poloukhina O. The generalized Korteweg – de wries model of surface and internal tsunami waves. NATO Advances Research Workshop “Unerwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation”, NATO ARW, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001, 115 – 119.
Pelinovsky E., Kharif C., Talipova T., Slunyaev A. Nonlinear Wave Focusing as a Mechanism of the Freak Wave Generation in the Ocean. Proc. Int. Conf. “Rogue Waves 2000” (Brest, France, 2000). 2001, 193-204.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T. Does the link between freak and tsunami waves exist? NATO Advances Research Workshop “Unerwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, Modeling, Risk and Mitigation”, NATO ARW, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001, 168 – 172.
Poloukhina O., Poloukhin N., Talipova T., Pelinovsky E., Grimshaw R., Lamb K., Muyakshin S. Modeling of large-amplitude internal waves in the ocean. Proceedings of International Conference “Frontiers in Nonlinear Science”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2002, Institute of Applied Physics, 2, 252-257.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Slunyaev A., Kokorina A. and Kharif Ch. Ocean rogue wave phenomenon as nonlinear-dispersive wave focusing. Proceedings, Int. Conference “Frontiers in Nonlinear Science”, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2002, Institute of Applied Physics, 2, 2002, 179-188.
Pelinovsky E., Slunyaev A., Talipova T., Sergeeva A., Kharif Ch. Freak Waves: Physical Mechanisms and Experimental Data. Proceedings FNP – 2004.
Kozlov S.I., Krasiltshikov А.А., Pelinovsky Е.N., Talipova T.G. Prompt forecast of accident situations on the Oka and Volga rivers in the Nizhny Novgorod region. Proceedings FNP – 2004. Nizhny Novgorod, 2004, 70-71.
Pelinovsky E., Talipova T., Kurkin A. , Kozelkov A, and Zahibo N., Nonlinear and dispersion effects in the tsunami wave field., Proceedings of 22nd International Tsunami Symposium, Chania, Crete island Greece, 27-29 June, 2005, 241-246
Pelinovsky E., Slunyaev, Talipova T., Sergeeva A. Mechanics of Freak Waves. Asian and Pacific Coasts 2005 (4-8 September, Jeju, Korea). Eds: Choi B.H., Suh K.D., and Yoon S.B. Hanrimwon Publishing Co., Korea, 2005, 67 - 78.
Talipova, T., Pelinovsky, E., Grue, J., Fructus, D., and Kharif, Ch. Modeling of the 2004 tsunami in the Malacca Strait in the framework of the Korteweg – de Vries equation and fully nonlinear potential model. Tsunami Disaster Mitigation for East Korean Coast. Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, 2007, 5-8.
Talipova T., Pelinovsky E. Internal solitons and breathers in three-layer flow. Proceedings of DNVA-RSE Internal Waves Symposium. Oslo, 14-15 October, 2008. http://www.math.uio.no/~johng/iwsymp/
Talipova, T., Grimshaw, R., Pelinovsky, E., and A. Sergeeva. Rogue internal waves in the ocean. Frontiers of nonlinear Physics, Proceedings, Nizhny Novgorod – St. Peterburg, Russia, July 13-20, 2010, 132-133.
Pelinovsky E.N., Talipova T.G. Non-reflected interfacial waves in coastal waters. Frontiers of nonlinear Physics, Proceedings, Nizhny Novgorod – St. Peterburg, Russia, July 13-20, 2010, 108-109.
Kurkina, O., Efim Pelinovsky, Tarmo Soomere, Tatiana Talipova. Mapping the internal wave field in the Baltic Sea in the context of sediment transport in shallow water. Int. Coastal Symposium (ICS-2011), Poland, 2011.
Николкина И.Ф., Пелиновский E.Н., Талипова T.Г., Заибо Н. «Твердые» и «жидкие» модели движения оползней // Материалы V Сахалинской молодежной научной школы «Природные катастрофы: изучение, мониторинг, прогноз» (Южно-Сахалинск, июнь 8-11, 2010). – Южно-Сахалинск, 2011. – С.19-29.
Talipova T.G., Pelinovsky E.N., Kurkina O.E. Didenkulova I.I., Rodin A.A., Pankratov A.S., Naumov A.A., Giniyatullin A.R., Nikolkina I. F. Propagation of wave of limited amplitude in the stratified fliud of variable depth. Sovremennaya Nauka. Alushta, Ukraine, 2012, No 2 (10), P. 144-150.
Бровченко И. А., В. С. Мадерич, Е. Н. Пелиновский, Т. Г. Талипова, Е. В. Терлецкая Особенности трансформации солитонов длинных внутренних волн в горизонтально – неоднородном бассейне. Труды XII Всероссийской конференции «Прикладные технологии гидроакустики и гидрофизики», 2014, Санкт – Петербург, С. 196 - 198