 Документация о закупке у единственного поставщика (исполнителя, подрядчика)
от 14.07.2014 г.
1. Заказчик: Федеральное государственное унитарное предприятие «Морсвязьспутник»
Юридический адрес: 127055, г. Москва, ул. Сущевская, д.19, стр.7
Тел. (495) 967-18-50; Факс (495)967-18-52
Сайт Заказчика: www.marsat.ru
Почтовый адрес:107564, г. Москва, ул. Краснобогатырская, д.2, стр.2
2. Предмет договора:
Аренда стойко-места в дата-центре Telecity1.
3. Место, условия, сроки оказания услуг:
Место оказания услуг – Амстердам (Science Park 120).
Срок оказания услуг – с даты подписания договора по 1 июня 2016 г.
4. Сведения о начальной (максимальной) цене договора
Начальная (максимальная) цена договора не определена. Стоимость услуг определяется согласно тарифам указанных в приложении к Договору.
5. Порядок и сроки оплаты услуг
Оплата производиться ежеквартально, в течение 14 (четырнадцати) дней с даты выставления счета.
6. Порядок формирования цены договора
В цену договора не включены налоги сборы и пошлины.
7. Порядок, место, дата начала и окончания срока подачи заявок на участие в закупке.
Подача заявок участниками закупки не предусмотрена.
8. Требования к содержанию, форме, оформлению и составу заявки на участие в закупке
Не установлены.
9. Требования к участникам закупки и перечень документов, представляемых для подтверждения соответствия установленным требованиям.
Участник закупки должен соответствовать следующим требованиям:
-соответствовать требованиям, устанавливаемым в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации к лицам, осуществляющим продажу товаров, выполнение работ, оказание услуг, являющихся предметом договора;
- обладать необходимыми лицензиями или свидетельствами на продажу товаров, выполнение работ и оказание услуг, подлежащих лицензированию в соответствии с законодательством Российской Федерации, являющихся предметом договора;
- не находиться в процессе ликвидации или банкротства;
- деятельность участника закупок не должна быть приостановлена в порядке, предусмотренном Кодексом Российской Федерации об административных правонарушениях;
10. Формы, порядок, дата начала и дата окончания срока предоставления участникам закупки разъяснений положений документации о закупке.
Не установлены.
11. Место и дата рассмотрения предложений участников закупки и подведения итогов закупки.
Не установлено.
12. Критерии оценки и сопоставления заявок на участие в закупке.
Не установлены.
13. Порядок оценки и сопоставления заявок на участие в закупке.
Не установлен.
DRAFT CONTRACTwith number _________is made on the date stated on the signature page at the end hereof
__________ (registered in the _______ with company number ________) of _________ ; and
FSUE Morsviazsputnik (registered in Russia at 127055 Sushevskaya St, 19 bld7 Moscow, Russia("the Customer").
_________ provides facilities within its premises for customers to locate and operate equipment and (if required) to connect such equipment into the ________Infrastructure. _____________ also offers Additional Services.
The Customer wishes to contract with ________ for use of those facilities and for the provision of the FM Services together with Additional Services (if any) on the terms and conditions of this Agreement. ________is willing to permit the Customer to use the facilities and to provide the FM Services together with those Additional Services to the Customer on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
In this Master Service Agreement the following expressions have the following meanings:
"Additional Services"
the services (if any) in addition to the FM Services which ________ agrees to provide to the Customer which are
indicated in a further Appendix to this Agreement (subject to the
terms of this Agreement and any
additional terms set out in such Appendix);
"Additional Services
____________ fees for providing the relevant Additional Services;
“Blanking Panel”
A panel of 44,45 millimetre height (equal to a Rack Unit of 1,75 inch) for preventing air
Приложение №1 к Документации о закупке
flow through the Rack of an unused Rack Unit;
"Business Day"
Monday to Friday excluding any Dutch public holiday;
"Commencement Date"
Приложение №1 к Документации о закупке
the date described as such in the applicable Work Order;
“Cross Connect”
Physical cabling within the Location between separate Customers (or between a single Customer’s separate environments) installed by and maintained by _______ using _________ cabling distribution systems;
“Data Centre Services”
See “FM Services”;
the Customer’s equipment which is installed at the Location;
“First Line Support”
Any instance where ________ intervention to Customer Equipment is required by the Customer, where the actions taken are to precise Customer’sinstruction and the responsibility of the outcome of those actions remains with the Customer;
"FM Services"
The basic services or Data Centre Services as set out in: Service Description for FM Services which are to be provided to the Customer under this Agreement;
"FM Services Recurring Fee" (“MRC”)
________ fee for providing the facilities management (FM) Services as set out in the applicable Work Order;
“FM Services Set-up Fee” (“NRC”)
The set-up and installation by _________ of the Rack(s) and associated power feed(s) and any other set-up activities as specified in the applicable Work Order;
"Initial Period"
the period described as such in the applicable Work Order;
the designated area at the Property where the Equipment will be kept during this Agreement (as varied from time to time in writing);
“Master Service Agreement” (“MSA”)
herein referred to as MSA;
Monthly Recurring Charge;
Master Service Agreement;
Non-Recurring Charge;
the property as specified in the applicable Work Order (or such alternative as TelecityGroup nominates under clause):
a securable cabinet, approved by TelecityGroup, meant to house Equipment, with front and rear doors and side panels;
“Service Credit”
thirty (30) Minutes of First Line Support;
all the services which _______agrees to provide to the Customer which are indicated in a further Work Order to this Agreement (subject to the terms of this Agreement and any additional terms set out in such Work Order);
Service Level Agreement;
_________ Infrastructure"
___________ electrical and cable distribution systems used in provision of the Services;
“Termination Date”
the last day of the Initial Period and all subsequent anniversaries of the last day of the Initial Period;
“Third Party”
any third party who has access to or use of the Services, using the Customer’s facilities under clause of this Agreement;
the Customer and any Third Party and/or any of the Customer’s or Third Party’s employees, contractors, clients or others it brings to or authorises to enter the Property, has access to or use of the Services;
any period of 12 months commencing on the Commencement Date or any anniversary of the same.
References to _________ and to the Customer shall be construed as including each party’s permitted assignees and/or successors.
The terms and conditions of this Agreement are applicable to any services in any Work Order to this Agreement. If there is any conflict between the terms of this Agreement and the terms applicable to any Services set out in any Work Order to this Agreement, and the Work Order explicitly states that it intends to modify the conflicting terms, the terms of the relevant Work Order will prevail.
In consideration of the Customer’s obligations to __________, __________ agrees to provide the Services to the Customer for the duration of this Agreement for the relevant period stated in any Work Order for the same (or if no period is stated there, for the duration of this Agreement). Where _________provides any service or delivers any product to the Customer which is not specifically dealt with or referred to in any Work Order it shall be deemed delivered in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
If __________agrees to provide any services other than the Services, it shall be entitled to charge the Customer on a time and materials basis in accordance with its standard rates from time to time and will be deemed to undertake such work on its then standard terms for that type of work. If ___________ has no standard terms for a type of work when it is performed, it will be deemed performed under the terms of this Agreement at an additional charge.
If the Customer and ____________ agree that additional Equipment shall be installed all provisions, relating to the Equipment in this Agreement shall be deemed to apply to such additional Equipment mutatis mutandis with effect from the agreed date. The Initial Period shall remain unchanged.
The Customer acknowledges that __________ cannot (and does not) guarantee, represent or warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted. The provisioning of power and cooling is according to the SLA specified in Service Level Agreement for FM Services.
The Agreement shall commence on the Commencement Date and shall continue for the Initial Period; thereafter, the Agreement will automatically renew for periods of 12 months;
Notwithstanding the termination rights in this Agreement (under clause or),either party may only terminate the Agreement on a Termination Date, and only then by giving to the other at least 3 months’ written notice,such written notice signed by a duly authorized representative (and time shall be of the essence for the purposes of this clause ).
Notwithstanding any provision of any Work Order, of this Agreement to the contrary, termination of this Agreement pursuant to clauses and by either party will constitute termination of all Work Orders.
Upon termination the Customer shall immediately pay to ________ all of ________ outstanding unpaid invoices _______ is entitled to invoice all Fee’s due by the Customer over the period from termination to Termination Date, which shall be payable within thirty (30) days of the invoice date.
The Equipment shall be at the Customer’s risk at all times and the Customer shall be responsible for insuring the Equipment against all risks. The Customer shall also effect and maintain insurance policies for public liability, material damage and business interruption cover from the Commencement Date until such date as is necessary to ensure that insurance is provided for all of the Customer’s liabilities arising under this Agreement and which would usually be covered under such policies irrespective of when any claim in relation to any such liability is made. Such insurance shall be maintained with a reputable insurer and will include a waiver of subrogation in favour of _________ and the Customer shall produce on demand for inspection by _________ adequate proof of such insurance.
The Customer shall provide all necessary access to Equipment, information, facilities and authorisations necessary to enable ________ to fulfil its obligations under this Agreement where appropriate and shall provide such cooperation as _________ may reasonably require in connection with the Services.
The Customer shall provide ________ with all user manuals, software, access codes and other documentation as _________ may reasonably require to provide the Services.
The Customer shall not be permitted to connect any of the Equipment to, or disconnect any of it from the ________ Infrastructure (other than at the designated point of connection provided by __________) without, in each and every case, the prior written consent of _________.
The Customer, its employees, sub-contractors and agents shall not examine or interfere with the ___________ Infrastructure or any other equipment in the Property.
The Customer will ensure that in so far as a User has access to or use of the Services pursuant to clause , such User will comply with all the terms and obligations under this Agreement, save for the obligations in relation to payment, as if such User was a party to this Agreement.
The Customer shall not do any act or thing which shall be a breach of any lease, licence or agreement, legislation (including but not limited to all relevant Health and Safety regulations), regulation or order or otherwise affecting the use of the Property or provision of the Services and/or use of the Equipment and shall ensure that all individuals at the Property on its authority or at its invitation abide by all rules and regulations notified to them by __________ from time to time.
The Customer shall not be permitted to make any alteration or modification to the Property, the _________ Infrastructure or any of the Racks, or any other facilities of __________.
The Customer shall keep that part of the Property at which the Equipment is located clean, tidy, and free from rubbish and other debris and refrain from obstructing any doors or access to that space at all times.
The Customer undertakes to use the Services and conduct itself (and ensure that its sub-contractors, clients and employees conduct themselves) in accordance with:
such reasonable conditions as may be notified in writing to the Customer by ________ from time to time;
any direction of the Director General of Telecommunications or other competent authority and any licence, which governs the running of a telecommunications system by the Customer.
The Customer undertakes that it will ensure that any Third Party has no rights in the Property or against __________.
The Customer undertakes that it will ensure that any Equipment connected to the ________ power supply will comply with ________ requirements in regard to harmonic distortion; namely, that the total harmonic distortion (including all harmonics up to the order 40) and their effect on the supply voltage at the point of common coupling shall be less than or equal to 5%. __________ reserves the right to carry out power quality audits on the Equipment and such audit may consist of using power quality analysers to measure the total harmonic distortion caused. Where it is determined by _________ that the limit defined above is being or has been exceeded, the Customer will be required to reduce the total harmonic distortion to within that limit. If the Customer fails to reduce the total harmonic distortion to within the limit defined above within the time period requested by ________, _________ will have the right to install, at the Customer’s expense, corrective equipment to reduce the harmonic distortion of the supply voltage to within that limit.
The Customer warrants and represents to ________ as follows:
that it will act with all due care and skill when inside the Property, working on the Equipment or otherwise performing its obligations under this Agreement;
that any Equipment installed at the Property shall at all times fully conform with the manufacturer’s specification of the Equipment, the relevant standard and other relevant legislation and all regulations that apply to it from time to time, including without limitation, those concerning safety and electromagnetic compatibility;
that it has all requisite consents, licences and authorities (whether statutory or otherwise) that are applicable or required in connection with the execution of and performance of its obligations under this Agreement and that it shall fully comply with its obligations under the same and under all relevant laws;
that it will ensure that, so far as it is within the Customer’s control, the provision of any Services in the proper discharge of ________ obligations under this Agreement will not infringe any patents, trademarks, design rights (whether registerable or otherwise), copyright, database right, know-how and other similar rights or obligations (whether registerable or not) of any third party in any country;
that the maximum power consumption of all of its Equipment (including for the avoidance of doubt, any additional Equipment) shall not at any time exceed (unless otherwise stated in the applicable Work Order to the Agreement):
500 Watt per square metre for AMS01;
500 Watt per square metre for AMS02;
760 Watt per square metre for AMS03;
2.000 Watt per square metre for AMS04;
1.500 Watt per square metre for AMS05.