part-time jobs - Given below are the newspaper clips which contain typical collocations about courts and trials....

Given below are the newspaper clips which contain typical collocations about courts and trials. Read them and translate them into Russian using

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part-time jobs

paid parental leave

flexible work schedules


climate change

melting glaciers

mean temperatures

rising sea level


weather pattern

extinction of species (sing., pl.)

degradation and depletion of natural resources

disrupt ecological balance

sustainability of natural resources

biological diversity

habitat destruction

conservation of species

sustainable management of biological resources



theory of ice ages

greenhouse effect

carbon dioxide

anthropogenic activity



fossil fuel combustion

"cap and trade" system

carbon capture and storage (CCS),

carbon capture and sequestration

heat wave



global weirding'

global warming

natural calamity

tropical cyclones


heavy rainfall



Ex.1 Complete the text with the words from the box and do the assignments that follow.
acid, biodiversity, contaminated, deforestation, ecosystems, species, emissions, environmental, erosion, exhaust, drought, fertilizers, greenhouse, waste, pollution
The advances made by humans have made us the dominant (1) …… on our planet. However, several eminent scientists are concerned that we have become too successful, that our way of life is putting an unprecedented strain on the Earth's (2) ….. and threatening our future as a species. We are confronting (3) ….. problems that are more taxing than ever before, some of them seemingly insoluble. Many of the Earth's crises are chronic and inexorably linked. (4) ..… is an obvious example of this affecting our air, water and soil.

The air is polluted by (5) ….. produced by cars and industry. Through (6) …… rain and (7) ….. gases these same (8) …… fumes can have a devastating impact on our climate. Climate change is arguably the greatest environmental challenge facing our planet with increased storms, floods, (9) ….. and species losses predicted. This will inevitably have a negative impact on (10) …… and thus our ecosystem.

The soil is (11) …… by factories and power stations which can leave heavy metals in the soil. Other human activities such as the overdevelopment of land and the clearing of trees also take their toll on the quality of our soil; (12) …… has been shown to cause soil (13) …… Certain farming practices can also pollute the land though the use of chemical pesticides and (14) …… This contamination in turn affects our rivers and waterways and damages life there. The chemicals enter our food chain, moving from fish to mammals to us. Our crops are also grown on land that is far from pristine. Affected species include the polar bear, so not even the Arctic is immune.

Reducing (15) …… and clearing up pollution costs money. Yet it is our quest for wealth that generates so much of the refuse. There is an urgent need to find a way of life that is less damaging to the Earth. This is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening.
Ex.2 Find words in the text above synonymous with the following:



extremely harmful




unavoidably (x2)



Ex.3 Fill in the gaps using the correct form of the words given below. You will need to add prepositions to the words that are underlined.

contaminate, danger, dispose, erode, pollute, recycle, risk, sustain, threat

I think our environment is (1) …. many different things. We have allowed too much (2) …. to enter our ecosystem and we are (3) …. poisoning ourselves as a result. I think soil (4) …. and water (5) …. are two of the most urgent problems that we need to deal with.

Clearly our current lifestyle is not (6) …. The government should educate people about these problems and encourage us to change our habits. They need to show everyone that we are putting the very future of our planet (7) ….

We can make sure we don't throw (8) …. items into our normal waste (9) …. bins. We can also help protect our planet by not using phosphate-based detergents; this will help to keep (10) …. out of our food chain.
Ex.4 Multiple Choice Lexical Cloze

The environmental (1)……….for the future is mixed. In spite of economic and political changes, interest in and (2)……….about the environment remains high. Problems of acid deposition, chlorofluorocarbons and ozone depletion still seek solutions and concerted action. Until acid depositions (3)………., loss of aquatic life in northern lakes and streams will continue and forest growth may be affected. Water pollution will remain a growing problem as increasing human population puts additional stress on the environment. To reduce environmental degradation and for humanity to save its habitat, societies must recognise that resources are (4).......... Environmentalists believe that, as populations and their demands increase, the idea of continuous growth must (5)……….way to a more rational use of the environment, but that this can only be brought (6)……….by a dramatic change in the attitude of the human species.























































Ex.5 Translate the following sentences into English using your topical vocabulary units

  1. Авторы исследования уверены, что сегодня Земля страдает от истощения природных ресурсов и сильного воздействия человека на окружающую среду.

  2. В последние век-полтора содержание некоторых парниковых газов в атмосфере выросло очень сильно.

  3. К числу приоритетных направлений организации относятся охрана живой природы и естественной среды обитания исчезающих видов животных.

  4. Изменение климата приведет прежде всего к таянию льдов в Гренландии и западной Антарктиде, а также к увеличению доли углекислого газа в атмосфере.

  5. Обезлесение приводит к снижению биоразнообразия, качества жизни, а также к усилению парникового эффекта.

  6. Как засухи, так и наводнения стали следствием роста средней температуры в некоторых регионах.

  7. С января 2005 года в странах Евросоюза вступила в действие внутренняя система торговли квотами на выбросы углерода.

  8. Одним из приоритетов нашей компании является применение безвредных для окружающей среды технологий производства.

  9. Новый доклад экологов свидетельствует: под угрозой полного исчезновения находятся примерно четверть млекопитающих.

  10. Охрана окружающей среды и сохранение природы должны стать одним из приоритетов работы глав регионов.

Ex.6 Fill in the gaps with the words from the topical vocabulary list:

  1. A ….. system is a market-based approach to controlling pollution that allows national governments to trade emissions allowances.

  2. An endangered species is a population of organisms which is at risk of becoming …...

  3. ….. is hardly hitting the living conditions of indigenous people who consider forests as their primary habitats.

  4. ….. is a naturally occurring process that aids in heating the Earth's surface and atmosphere.

  5. The earth supports an incredible array of _____ - from Thailand’s tiny bumblebee bat to the ocean’s great blue whale.

  6. ….. can reshape the world’s coastlines and affect some of the most densely populated areas on Earth.

  7. ….. raises serious environmental concerns, particularly from greenhouse gas emissions.

  8. The fact that there are too many people in the world consuming just a moderate amount of resources is the most likely reason of the …...

  9. Of all the impacts that ….. can have on the environment, one of the most complex is the effect on climate.

  10. For the past 10 years, the world has witnessed some of the most devastating ….. and man-made disasters on record.

  11. Beneficial ….. is more likely through the arid southern Prairies during the next couple of days before a drier ….. returns.

Ex.7 Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets.

  1. Low-input farming for cocoa, and oil palm has resulted in widespread ….. (вырубка леса) of West Africa's tropical forest area.

  2. Unusually heavy ….. (осадки) for this time of year is spreading across southern California and parts of the Southwest, including ….. - stricken (пострадавшую от засухи) Arizona.

  3. Alcoa recently announced a new pilot program focused on ….. (технологии улавливания и хранения CO2) designed to sequester industrial carbon emissions.

  4. Experts today warned that the alarming levels of ….. (загрязнения и ухудшения состояния окружающей среды) may result in disastrous consequences in future bringing about ….. (стихийные бедствия) like the one witnessed in Japan.

  5. Does the European Union have the right to regulate ….. (выброс парниковых газов) from airlines and shippers using its ports and airports?

  6. A federal judge has blocked a proposal to lift the ….. (вымирающие виды) protections for wolves in Montana and Idaho.

  7. China is home to some of the most magnificent wild species and plays a prominent role in the ….. (сохранение и рациональное использование разнообразия биологических видов нашей планеты).

  8. An increase in the use of ….. (возобновляемых источников энергии) doesn't necessarily mean the appetite for ….. (ископаемое топливо) is declining.

  9. Climate contrarians proclaim that ….. (повышение глобальных средних температур) is entirely natural and that the ….. (влияние человеческого фактора) to global warming is negligible.

  10. State officials plan to cut ….. (переработка отходов) aid to local governments faster than expected.

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