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THE HOUSE OF COMMONSThe House of Commons is a representative assembly elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of men and women (Members of Parliament, ‘MPs’) from all sections of the community, regardless of income or occupation. The House of Commons consists of 659 Members of Parliament directly elected by voters in each of Britain’s 659 parliamentary constituencies. The House of Commons meets in Westminster from Mondays to Fridays throughout the year, except when Parliament is in recess. The hours of sitting for normal business are: Mondays to Thursdays from 14.30 to 22.30, and Fridays 09.30 to 15.00. Certain business is exempt from normal closing time and other business may be exempted if the House chooses, so that the Commons very often sit later than 22.30 hours on the first four days of the week, and all-night sittings are not uncommon. In the afternoon the first main business of each House, from Monday to Thursday, is Members’ Question Time. In the Commons this lasts about three-quarters of an hour and ranges at high speed over an incredible variety of national problems, personal grievances and vexed local issues. Ministers take their turn on a rota basis to stand at the despatch box and answer questions, the prime Minister doing so in person regularly on Tuesday and Thursday each week at 3.15 p.m. After each question there is a second or “supplementary” question, of which the Minister has no prior knowledge and which is often more challenging than the first. Question Time may then be followed by further ministerial statements and sometimes by the raising of an issue of immediate urgency. On ordinary occasions MPs, who also have much committee, party and constituency business to attend to, are not expected to be in constant attendance in the debating chamber. When any special business is about to be taken — for instance, a vote on some legislative or other matter — steps are taken to secure their presence. General elections are held after a Parliament has been dissolved and a new one summoned by the Queen. When an MP dies or resigns, or is given a peerage, a by-election takes place. Members are paid an annual salary of £ 30,854 (from January 1992) and an office costs allowance of up to £39,960. There are also a number of other allowances, including travel allowances, a supplement for London members and, for members with constituencies a long way from London, subsistence allowances and allowances for second homes. Exercise 1. Answer the following questions: 1. What do hereditary peers gain and lose if they disclaim their peerages? 2. Do all peers attend the House? 3. Who chairs sittings in the House of Lords? 4. Is the legislative role of the House of Lords important? 5. What are the working arrangements in the House of Commons? 6. Why do MPs not attend all the debates in the House of Commons? Exercise 2. Make an outline of the text in Russian. Exercise 3. Revise the translation prompts and the grammar and lexical comments to previous units and translate the following sentences into Russian: 1. Hereditary peerages carry a right to sit in the House – with certain exceptions, provided holders establish their claim and are aged 21 years or over. 2. The limitations on the power of the Lords reflect the convention that nowadays the main legislative function of the non-elected House is to act as a chamber of revision which does not seek to rival the elected House of Commons. 3. Question Time may then be followed by further ministerial statements and sometimes by the raising of an issue of immediate urgency. 4. On ordinary occasions MPs, who also have much committee, party and constituency business to attend to, are not expected to be in constant attendance in the debating chamber. 5. When any special business is about to be taken – for instance, a vote on some legislative or other matter – steps are taken to secure their presence. Exercise 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and phrases: получать по наследству титул пэра; отказаться от права на титул пэра; нести расходы; независимо от дохода; обеспечить присутствие; дополнительные выборы; денежное пособие на административные расходы; командировочные. Exercise 5. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following words and phrases: hereditary peers; succession; to grant peerage; to stand as candidates; walks of life; to confer a title on smn; to rival; all sections of the community; to be in recess; exempt from; subsistence allowance. Exercise 6. Translate into English: Палата лордов рассматривает и изменяет законодательные акты, а также контролирует деятельность правительства и Палаты общин с помощью устных и письменных запросов, политических дебатов и тщательной проверки дополнений к законодательству. Она также обеспечивает проведение независимой экспертизы. Палата лордов является высшей апелляционной инстанцией в Соединенном Королевстве при рассмотрении гражданских дел. Эти обязанности возложены на 12 лордов-судей по апелляциям, получающих жалование и являющихся пожизненными пэрами. Они также принимают участие в законодательной работе Палаты. |
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