Выявленные случаи с АИ deeply в РАПК:
1) Я глубоко убежден, что он был задуман для того, чтобы после отмены поправки Джексона–Вэника нам «жизнь медом не казалась».
I am deeply convinced that it was conceived so that we “won't think life is a picnic” after cancellation of the amendment of Jackson-Vanik.
2) Сейчас этот регион глубоко меняется, процессы еще не завершены.
This region is currently deeply changing, the processes have not completed yet.
3) Спокойный, рассудительный, очень тонкий политик и человек, глубоко эрудированный, знающий поэзию, причем не только латиноамериканскую, но и русскую.
Quiet, thoughtful, very subtle politician and a man of fine fibre, deeply erudite, knowing not only Latin, but also Russian poetry.
4) Глубоко по этому поводу сожалеем.
We deeply regret it.
5) Народность и афористичность были глубоко в нем укоренены.
Nationalism and aphoristic character were deeply rooted in him.
6) Повторю, мы глубоко сожалеем, что некоторые наши партнеры не сумели выполнить взятые на себя обязательства.
I repeat, we deeply regret that some of our partners could not fulfil the obligations they had undertaken.
7) Мы глубоко переживаем сохраняющиеся сложности, сотрудничаем с новыми ливийскими властями, будем готовы помогать в различных формах, прежде всего, в том, что касается имевшихся ранее и не потерявших актуальность контрактов по реализации важных для ливийской экономики инфраструктурных и других проектов.
We deeply ache for the difficulties they still have, cooperate with new Libyan authorities, will be ready to help in different ways, primarily in what concerns earlier contracts on the implementation of infrastructural and other projects that are important for the Libyan economy and are still topical.
8) Прежде всего, для Азербайджана, Армении и тех, кто живет в Нагорном Карабахе - я в этом глубоко убежден.
Primarily for Azerbaijan, Armenia and those living in Nagorny Karabakh – I am deeply convinced in this.
9) Мы довольно обеспокоены у нас вызывает ухудшение гуманитарной ситуации в Сирии.
We are deeply concerned with the exacerbation of the humanitarian situation in Syria.
10) Я глубоко убежден, все эти государства, включая, конечно же АРЕ, должны участвовать в усилиях по поиску урегулирования.
I am deeply convinced that all these countries, including Egypt, of course, must participate in efforts to find a settlement.
11) Мы глубоко озабочены развитием ситуации в Сирии, причем не только с точки зрения негативных последствий для всего региона, но и последствий негативного толка для всей системы, созданной на основе современного международного права.
We are deeply concerned with the development of the situation in Syria not only from the point of view of negative consequences for the entire region, but also consequences of the negative for the entire system created on the basis of modern international law.
12) Мы глубоко убеждены и говорим об этом давно, что неурегулированность палестинской проблемы, а эта ситуация тянется десятилетиями, является единственным наиболее значимым фактором, который используется экстремистами для того, чтобы вербовать сторонников для силовых попыток решать проблемы в регионе в противовес политическому урегулированию.
We are deeply convinced and we have been talking about this for a long time, that the lack of settlement of the Palestinian problem, is the one most significant factor, while this situation drags on for decades, that is used by extremists to rake in recruits for forceful attempts to resolve the problems in the region in opposition to a political settlement.
13) Сейчас самое главное – помимо организационного подхода достичь согласия и по существу, а этот вопрос, по нашему глубокому убеждению, должен решаться на основе согласия с формулой, которую озвучивал Президент России В.В.Путин и которая закреплена в Концепции внешней политики России.
The main thing now is, beside the organisational approach, to reach an agreement on the merits, and we are deeply convinced that this issue should be resolve according to the formula, announced by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, which is formalised in the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.
14) Сейчас самое главное – помимо организационного подхода достичь согласия и по существу, а этот вопрос, по нашему глубокому убеждению, должен решаться на основе согласия с формулой, которую озвучивал Президент России В.В.Путин и которая закреплена в Концепции внешней политики России.
The main thing now is, beside the organisational approach, to reach an agreement on the merits, and we are deeply convinced that this issue should be resolve according to the formula, announced by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, which is formalised in the Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation.
15) Хотя бы потому, что когда в июне 2012 г. принималось Женевское коммюнике, уже тогда было понятно, что наряду с сирийскими оппозиционерами, уходящими корнями в сирийскую почву и недовольными режимом по тем или иным причинам, в Сирии появляется все больше иностранных наемников, джихадистов, которые начинают воевать со всеми: и с режимом, и с его противниками, стараясь занять какие-то территории и там объявлять законы шариата.
At least because, when the Geneva Communiqué was adopted in June 2012, it was already clear that more and more foreign contractors, Jihadists, appear in Syria along with the Syrian opposition, which roots deeply into the Syrian soil and is not happy with the regime. They fight the regime and its opponents trying to occupy some territories and to establish the Sharia-based law there.
16) По нашему глубочайшему убеждению, закрыты все технические вопросы, которые должны были быть решены в рамках реализации перечня совместных шагов ЕС и России.
We are deeply convinced that all technical issues, which had to be resolved within the framework of the implementation of the list of reciprocal steps of the EU and Russia, have been closed.
17) Закончив дипломатическую карьеру, он с честью работал в Совете Федерации и Государственной Думе Федерального Собрания России, запомнился яркими выступлениями по ключевым вопросам не только международной политики - он глубоко знал проблемы своей страны.
Having completed his diplomatic career, he worked in the Council of Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of Russia with honour, we remember him for his bright speeches on key issues not only of international politics – he knew problems of his country deeply.
18) Глубоко символично, что сегодняшнее мероприятие проходит именно в период, когда мы отмечаем 67-ю годовщину Победы в Великой Отечественной войне.
It is symbolic that we hold this event while we are celebrating the 67th anniversary of Victory in World War II.
19) При этом мы в полной мере осознаем, что нам важно глубже понимать происходящие в мире стремительные перемены, анализировать риски и возможности для России на этом переломном историческом этапе, стараться правильно определить направление, которое примет непростой и неоднозначный процесс формирования полицентричной международной системы.
At the same time we are fully aware that it is of importance for us to more deeply understand rapid changes, occurring in the world, analyze the risks and opportunities for Russia at this critical historical stage, try to correctly determine the direction which the complex and ambiguous process of the polycentric international system formation will take.
20) Нас глубоко тревожит, что этот план выполняется неудовлетворительно.
We are deeply concerned that the plan is poorly implemented.
21) Мы очень озабочены ситуацией в Сирии, которая все больше усложняется.
We are concerned with the situation in Syria, which becomes more and more complicated.
22) Это нас очень тревожит, т.к. это путь к большой катастрофе в регионе.
We are deeply worried about this, because this path leads to a massive catastrophe in the region.
23) Считаем, что эта ситуация вызывает особый интерес не только из-за масштабов кровопролития, которыми мы все глубоко встревожены, но и потому, что исход этой драмы окажет серьезнейшее влияние на подходы к урегулированию конфликтов: либо всё будет по закону, т.е. по Уставу ООН, либо возобладает «бомбовая демократия».
We consider that this situation causes particular interest not only because of the scope of bloodshed, which deeply worries all of us, but also because the outcome of this drama will have the most serious influence on the approaches to the settlement of disputes. Either everything will be done with observance of the laws, i.e. following the UN Charter, or the “winged democracy” will prevail.
24) Особую тревогу вызывает формирование своего рода «дуги нестабильности» от Северной Африки до Афганистана.
We are deeply worried by the formation of some kind of Arc of Instability spanning from the North Africa to Afghanistan.
25) В сегодняшнем глубоко взаимозависимом мире серьезное обсуждение любой темы невозможно без учета общей динамики глобального развития, без понимания особенностей переживаемого нами исторического этапа, который можно охарактеризовать двумя словами – время перемен.
In today's deeply interdependent world, a serious discussion of any topic is impossible without considering the overall dynamics of global development, with no understanding of the historical period we are now experiencing, which can be described in two words - time for the change.
26) Нас глубоко беспокоит то, что там происходит, потенциальные негативные последствия для стабильности других стран, соседствующих с Сирией, и региона в целом. We are deeply concerned with the events there, the potential negative consequences for the stability of other countries, neighboring Syria and the region as a whole.
27) Мы уже глубоко интегрированы в глобальные процессы и настроены двигаться по этому пути дальше.
We were already deeply integrated into the global processes and set to move along this path further.
28) Мы глубоко обеспокоены нынешней динамикой дел в ближневосточном мирном процессе. Точнее, ее отсутствием.
We are deeply disturbed by the present momentum of affairs in the Middle East peace process, or, rather, the lack of it.
29) Это широко распространенное и очень глубокое заблуждение.
This is both widespread and deeply misleading.
30) Я думаю, они не вполне глубоко проанализировали события последних нескольких лет, начиная с войны в Ираке, которая была развязана без санкции Совета Безопасности ООН.
Foreign Minister Lavrov: I do not think they have quite deeply analyzed the events of the past several years, beginning with the war in Iraq which was unleashed without UN Security Council authorization.
31) Мы глубоко разочарованы тем, что еще на ранней стадии, когда не прошло и недели после оглашения принятого плана, Министр иностранных дел Франции А.Жюппе публично заявил, что план Лиги арабских государств «мертв», а из Вашингтона настоятельно и публично посоветовали оппозиционерам не откликаться на призыв Б.Асада сложить оружие и взамен получить амнистию.
We are deeply disappointed by the fact that early on, when hardly a week had passed since the plan’s release, French Foreign Minister Alain Juppй stated publicly that the plan of the Arab League was “dead” and out of Washington came strong and public advice for the opposition not to respond to al-Assad’s call to lay down arms and get amnesty in return.
32) Глубоко убеждены в том, что интеграционные процессы, развивающиеся в Европейском союзе и на пространстве СНГ, не противоречат друг другу, но, наоборот, являются взаимодополняющими, создают экономический фундамент подлинно единого европейского пространства, повышают наш общий вклад в обеспечение устойчивости глобального развития.
We are deeply convinced that the integration processes under way in the European Union and the CIS are not contradictory but rather complementary, create the economic foundation of a truly common European space, and increase our overall contribution to the sustainability of global development.
33) Глубоко разделяем озабоченности малых островных развивающихся государств, в частности расположенных в Тихом океане, продолжающимся повышением уровня моря.
We deeply share the concerns of small island developing States, in particular those in the Pacific, caused by the continuing sea level rise.
34) Позиция оппонентов режима слишком глубоко негативна, чтобы можно было заниматься организационными вопросами до того, как она изменится и станет конструктивной.
The position of regime’s opponents is too deeply negative to deal with organisation issues before it changes and becomes constructive.
35) На практике же свободой Интернета злоупотребляли и, наверное, продолжают злоупотреблять, как у нас говорят, весьма глубоко.
In practice, the freedom of the Internet was abused and, probably, continue to abuse, as we say, very deeply.
36) Этот жуткий термин (collateral damage) был изобретен для оправдания грубейших нарушений международного гуманитарного права и глубоко укоренился среди тех, кто продвигают концепции типа «ответственность по защите», «гуманитарная интервенция» – когда лозунг прав человека используется для того, чтобы подрывать важнейшее из прав – право на жизнь.
This terrible term (collateral damage) was invented to justify the gross violations of international humanitarian law and has rooted deeply in those, who promote concepts like “responsibility to protect”, “humanitarian intervention” – when the motto of human right is used to disrupt the most crucial right – the right to live.
Выявленные случаи с АИ deeply в РАПК:
1) The United States of America is deeply engaged in the Middle East peace process, and we are essential to the ability of that peace process to be able to be resolved for a number of different reasons.
2) The United States is deeply involved in supporting the defensive capacity and – of many countries in the region, and the United States – the President made it clear in his speech at UNGA – will be there for the defense of our friends and our allies.
3) And the United States is deeply engaged with the P5+1, in the guarantees that Iran will not get a nuclear weapon.
4-5) The United States is deeply involved in helping the Lebanese army, their armed forces be able to have sufficient support, and we are deeply engaged in the humanitarian effort.
6) And over the years, I’ve come to appreciate Shaun as a deeply thoughtful person who cares about the place of faith in our public life.
7) But I’m deeply touched that you’re all here.
8) But I’m deeply touched that you’re all here.
9) I’m deeply impressed by the depth of talent and commitment already in this building on this range of religious engagement issues.
10) It doesn’t mean that we aren’t deeply distressed by what has continued.
11-12) Of course he has a point, and I am deeply, deeply distressed for the people that he represents who are trapped under this artillery bombardment.
13) I first got to see this work in 1997 when I was in Senegal, and Molly took me to a village where the village elders had really been thinking deeply about what the implications were of FGM on their daughters and their granddaughters.
14) Let’s be clear – this is a deeply entrenched practice in many places.
15) We need to ultimately overcome the deeply-rooted gender inequalities that, either tacitly or actively, permit and promote such practices.
16) And what we do in Washington matters deeply to them.
17) And that is a region that matters deeply to us.
18) It matters deeply to our power and to our example.
19) His Majesty informed me today, and so has the Foreign Minister, that they are deeply committed to continuing the reform process and now will form a government and begin to engage with the blocs of the parliament.
20-21) And this is something that His Majesty has been deeply, deeply involved in for a long time.
22) But the United States remains deeply concerned about the welfare of the Libyan people, the Libyans and those who are fleeing Libya are the subject of our outreach.
23) Now, we also, as you know, are deeply concerned about our American citizen, Alan Gross.
24) We are deeply concerned about the continued aerial bombardments, harassment of U.N. staff and obstruction of humanitarian relief efforts.
25) We also remain deeply concerned about the humanitarian and security crisis in Darfur.
26) It reflects an intolerance on the part of the regime and its supporters, and it is deeply regrettable that we have the Asad regime continuing its campaign of violence against its own people.
27) They are deeply involved in assisting Afghans and the Afghan Government to try to rebuild and make Afghanistan a more prosperous, peaceful country.
28) I think as a member – an elected member of parliament, she would have an important role to play, because she’s the one who has read deeply and thought deeply about how do you actually do this.
29) But to me it is also deeply rooted in challenges relating to an ongoing financial crisis in part of Europe, a debt crisis that is, of course, a consequence of poor public finances and still also problems with competitiveness throughout Europe
30) It is something that we care deeply about, because we highly value our relationships with our European partners.
31) So I will leave it at that. But Cathy Ashton summarized for the press where she saw matters, and we will be consulting deeply with my own team and then with the other countries involved.
32) Can I answer, I think for the Secretary as well, by saying that New Zealand well understands that, as a permanent member of the Security Council, the United States doesn’t make commitments on those matters in advance, and we deeply respect that.
33) But we care deeply about what happens to Europe economically and politically, and we’re going to do everything we can to support their way forward.
34) We continue to urge and nurture this process along because we believe it’s in the best interests of Israel’s security, which we care deeply about, and in furtherance of the Palestinian people’s aspirations.
35) So I am thrilled to look out and see so many people who care deeply about this issue.
36) And so you have to work with other people, some of whom you disagree with deeply
37) I can’t imagine any Secretary of State ever having a better team than all of you, and I am deeply grateful for your service and your support.
38) So human rights and global security are deeply and directly linked.
39) But we really look so deeply because we want inspiration.
40) There are so many built-in expectations, stereotypes, caricatures that are still deeply embedded in psyches and cultures.
41) Both Senator Johnston and I were deeply moved by the arrangements that were made to hold a ceremony at Arlington this morning as we paid tribute to the memories of those who have died in service of your country and reflecting on the fact that, as you say, Mr. Secretary, our forces have fought side-by-side in every conflict in which we have been engaged.
42) And we deeply respect the great sacrifices made by the Australian defense forces.
43) I begin my tenure as Secretary of State, that is deeply committed, passionate and moved by this cause.
44) I’m willing to bet that maybe 10 senators, if that, have actually debated deeply and voted on issues of arms control in the United States Senate today.
45-46) The reason I am tenacious about this and so committed to it, as is President Obama, and the reason he went in March – almost the first thing he did after he was re-inaugurated – is because we deeply believe that there are huge dangers on the other side of today’s status quo: the potential of another intifada, the potential of things getting out of control for a Palestinian Authority that is deeply committed to nonviolence and that has pursued that cause over these years.
47) It’s deeply appreciated.
48) And I think both of us remain deeply committed, and we hope very much with our partners in the region, to doing our best to try to make this journey towards peace get to its destination.
49) And it matters deeply to the credibility and the future interests of the United States of America and our allies.
50) It has to happen at the negotiating table, and we are deeply committed to getting there.
51-52) Many of you have supported me in my visits here as a senator, and I’m deeply, deeply appreciative for everything that you do.
53) That’s why I’m here, and President Obama is deeply committed to these kinds of initiatives in an effort to try to find greater cooperation on economics, on peace, on stability, and most importantly also on people-to-people exchanges and proving the ability to be able to reach greater understanding.
54) With respect to the question of the bugging, let me just tell you, I have been so deeply immersed in the work on the Middle East in the last days, and so, as I think you know, engaged in very late night and early morning negotiations, that I honestly hadn’t heard about it and haven’t seen it.
55) We are deeply concerned about the dire situation in Syria, including the involvement of Hezbollah, as well as Iran, across state lines in another country.
56) We’re both deeply concerned by what is happening to innocent people there.
57) So that’s what we hope to achieve, and I think that with respect to the Lebanon issue, of course we’re deeply concerned about this spilling over into Lebanon.
58) The President obviously is deeply concerned, as are all of us, about the question of chemical weapons.
59) I think of them every single day. I know all of you are deeply aware of these challenges too.
60) Most people don’t have the opportunity to do what you do – spend time abroad, meeting people of another language and culture and history and sharing it with them, deeply immersed in their lives.
61) We are deeply appreciative.
62) But I know that the opposition and the support group, the Core Group of countries who have been engaged in this for some time, are deeply committed to trying to end the violence, to try to end the bloodshed, to try and save Syria, to keep a Syria as a united country which is available to all of the participants in the country.
63) It’s been great to be here with you today, and we’ve had very thorough, very cooperative and extensive conversations, and I’m deeply appreciative for the hospitality that the Foreign Minister and the President have both afforded to me today.
64) I think a lot of people in the region and in the world are seeing this violence and frankly are really deeply concerned for the people of Syria and for the possibilities of peace, and that there will be a growing crescendo of nations who will want to push for a peaceful resolution rather than the chaos that comes with the breakup of the country and the continued battle, which can and will take place.
65) We are deeply appreciative for everybody taking part in this ceremony as we mourn and we commemorate and we celebrate our fallen brothers and sisters in service.
66) Ty’s close-knit group of friends still miss him deeply, as do we.
67) Now we are not naive about the challenges before us, but we believe very deeply that it is our duty to give every effort we can to this effort, and each of the leaders that I met with assured me that they will put their best effort into trying to help us move forward.
68) We clearly care deeply about the security of Israel.
69) And finally, we also are both deeply concerned about addressing the problem of climate change.
70) Right now a lot of Korean people are deeply interested in the negotiation of the U.S.-Korea civil nuclear agreement.
71) No, I heard very passionate people who are deeply committed to Egypt and to their version of the democracy that they fought for in their revolution.
72) They’re deeply committed to human rights, to democracy, to freedom of expression, and to a real political process in which they feel they have a voice. America supports all of those things.
73-74) So I am deeply, deeply committed to this mission.
75) This fall in New York, we signed an agreement to cooperate more deeply and held the first U.S.-Arab League Dialogue.
76) I’m honored to start it as Secretary of State after all the hard work that has gone into it, and I will be equally excited to follow it from outside when I leave the Department, and still care deeply about these issues and will do what I can to support you.
77) And I think it’s in everyone’s interest, whether it be different elements within Lebanon or Syria or any of the neighbors and many of us who care deeply about what happens to the Lebanese people, to come together around some very simple principles.
78) The United States is deeply committed to reducing nuclear weapons and the risk of nuclear proliferation.
79) And we deeply regret the loss of life that has already occurred.
80) We deeply admire your passion and commitment to improving your communities.
81) Also this morning, I was shocked and deeply saddened to learn of the bombing in Jerusalem today that took at least one life and injured innocent civilians.
82) Your own constant encouragement and unwavering support in helping to bring peace to Northern Ireland is deeply appreciated by all your friends in Ireland, as is your ongoing support for the International Fund for Ireland.
83) But I trust that the two countries do share very deeply common awareness, common understanding regarding the significance that the prime minister’s visit to the United States will have on Japan-U.S. relations.
84) We deeply regret the loss of all life, and we are particularly saddened today by the loss of two journalists, and we extend our condolences to their families.
85) And I am deeply honored that we stand here in this great opera house once again to say thank you to those women who are on the front lines across the world who maybe make each of us dare a little more, risk a little more, do a little more.
86) However, we remain deeply concerned about reports that, since February, dozens of people, including public interest lawyers, writers, artists, intellectuals, and activists have been arbitrarily detained and arrested.
87) The Ministry of Health – and I thank the minister for being here – plans to make the Paediatric Centre of Excellence the centerpiece of its efforts to tackle two deeply interrelated challenges, gender-based violence against women and girls, and the transmission of HIV from mothers to their children.
88) We were all deeply concerned about the sectarian tensions and violence, and we were all troubled by what we had seen happen in the Balkans.
89) Well, I deeply admire the resilience of the Norwegian people, and we saw it once again in the aftermath of this terrible terrorist attack of July 22nd.
90) I think while we’re deeply concerned about al-Shabaab’s actions in Somalia at this time, we’re not contemplating military action.
91) I’m sure many of you could tell your own, but I want to end with this one because it really hits close to home in an area that I care deeply about.
92) So I am deeply grateful to you.
93) The United States strongly affirms the principle of consensus-based decision-making under which the General Assembly has directed this Committee to operate, and as such we remain deeply concerned by the outcome of the first part of the resumed session just one month ago, during which an L-document was submitted before consensus was reached on the resolution on accountability.
94) He’s been here in consultations with many officials of our government, members of Congress, others who care deeply about Bahrain and our important relationship.
95) First, we will launch this new partnership to provide care to your wounded. It deeply moves us that so many people dropped whatever they were doing to fight for their freedom – engineers and teachers, doctors and business leaders, students, and so many others.
96) And there are so many wonderful stories. I’m sure many of you could tell your own, but I want to end with this one because it really hits close to home in an area that I care deeply about.
97) In the United States, as President Obama said in his address to the General Assembly, we don’t ban offensive speech, whether it’s an insult to a person’s deeply held religious beliefs or a denial of the Holocaust, because we know that such laws can too easily be used as tools of oppression.
98) I am so deeply moved by what she has stood for and what she has represented, first and foremost for the people of her country, but for people everywhere who yearn for freedom, whose voices deserve to be heard.
99) And it’s deeply regrettable that there are those who pursue political goals through terrorism. I mean, that’s what’s so important about a democracy like Indonesia. I mean, as big a country with as diverse a population as Indonesia has, people have an outlet.
100) We are deeply committed to it.
101) My office, my – the Prime Minister’s office, the President is deeply touched also by the appreciation.
102) On disaster relief, this is something I care deeply about, and I know that you and your citizens do as well.
103) When I visited with my husband when he came as President in 2000, we went out and saw the work of the joint American-Vietnamese teams, and I was deeply moved by that.
104) The fact of slavery may have changed, but our commitment to ending it has not and the deeply unjust treatment that it provides has not either.
105) I will be meeting in Istanbul toward the end of next week with representatives of a lot of the regional countries that are deeply concerned about what’s happening.
106) She is our type of lady – a woman of uncompromising integrity who won’t back down from a good fight, particularly when it comes to matters of principle, a leader who is passionate about the welfare of the world’s less privileged, the disenfranchised, and the downtrodden, and a Secretary who deeply cares for her people and who is an incredibly strong supporter of our men and women in uniform.
107) So the United States remains deeply committed to the open door policy, and it is in that spirit that we welcome our aspirant nations here today.
108) So all of the issues we raise, we raise as a friend and a partner, as a country deeply committed to that banyan tree that Senator Ted Kennedy planted all those years ago.
109) Well, Andy, this is deeply distressing to us, because it was certainly our hope and expectation that with the independence of South Sudan, the newest nation in the world, there would be the opportunity to continue fulfilling the requirements of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement that included resolving border disputes, allocations of oil revenues and other contested matters between Sudan and South Sudan.
110) The number of jobs that we have brought into the north from companies like the New York Stock Exchange, the Chicago Mercantile, HBO, Citigroup, Allstate – all of these have been providing much needed employment for our people, and that is something for which we are deeply grateful.
111) It is not just because of a wide range of shared interests, but our deeply rooted history and the unbreakable friendship between our countries.
112) I extend our deepest appreciation to the American people and leadership and say, simply and deeply, thank you.
113) We are also deeply concerned about the people of Syria, who continue to endure a brutal and relentless assault at the hands of the Assad regime.
114) And obviously, the United States and I personally care deeply about what is happening in Syria.
115) We are also grateful to Ambassador Lucas for her leadership as Chair of the Security Council Working Group and deeply appreciate the devoted work of Special Representative Leila Zerrougi and her team to advance this agenda.
116) This is deeply troubling and we urge the Secretary-General to re-examine his proposal to ensure that the true 2014-2015 budget request is fully inclusive and in line with the GA-mandated $5.393 billion budget outline level.
117) So we don’t have any meeting with anybody who has something to do with Iran or an approach to Iran where we don’t talk to them about how might be able to find to find not just Levinson, but we have two other Americans that we’re deeply concerned about.
118) We had prisoner of war/missing in action issue which was felt deeply, as it should have been and was, by people all across America.
119) We had prisoner of war/missing in action issue which was felt deeply, as it should have been and was, by people all across America.
120) But I think by and large, it is fair to say that Iran’s choices have created a very significant barrier, and huge security concerns for our friends in the region, for Israel, for Gulf states and others, and obviously they have made certain choices that are deeply, profoundly unsettling in terms of stability in the region and the possibility of anything except our focus on.
121) And I heard from many not just a willingness but a hope that they would have the chance in a new congress to take up the treaty again and to demonstrate the important truth that senators from both sides of the aisle care deeply about the rights of people with disabilities.
122) Now we are deeply encouraged by the Gulalays and others who are taking part in this, by the hundreds of women from all over the country, who are running for positions on provincial councils.
123) And I believe very, very deeply that that is unique training, and I’ve always seen it in veterans, that when they come to a community, they have an ability to bring with them often the experience of having led other people and of understanding what leadership is all about.
124) And I think each of them are deeply committed on behalf of their people.
125) I am deeply appreciative, whether you did so on the battlefield or in some other way.
126) I really believe in them, and my wife who believes in them very deeply.
127) But for our part, the United States of America, together with the Russians, as we talked about it in the Far East a few days ago, are deeply committed to trying to set a date very soon, to moving towards an inclusive conference that will offer the best opportunity to end the violence, to provide for a new Syria, to deal with the humanitarian catastrophe that is only getting worse by the day, and ultimately to try to find a way to have peace and stability, not just in Syria but in the region.
128) Climate change is one issue that absolutely impacts millions of people around the world, and no one knows just how deeply serious and present, how now this challenge is and its impacts than the people of the vulnerable Pacific Islands.
129) We’re deeply grateful, all of us, for your having played a critical role – the critical role in inviting us here, in bringing us here.
130) And we, together, remain deeply committed to getting there.
131) And I think it is a very significant statement that even though there is unrest and volatility in parts of the Middle East, obviously, with transition taking place in Egypt, with the civil strife taking place in Syria, with the challenges of Iran’s nuclear program, notwithstanding all of these things and more, all of the parties, all of the support group and the principals themselves are deeply committed to proceeding in order to try to change the dynamics of the Middle East and, despite the turmoil, make peace, the concept of peace, the most important goal of all.
132) For me and for Chuck Hagel, who voted once before on an intelligence case that turned out not to be true - and regretted it deeply - we would never put any Member of Congress in that same position today, period.
133) Well, it is clear that, in addition to what I’ve just mentioned about the Syria Accountability Act and the threat to the Middle East, we cannot overlook the impact of chemical weapons and the danger that they pose to a particularly volatile area of the world in which we’ve been deeply invested for years, because we have great friends there, we have allies there, we have deep interests there.
134) The world is closely watching Egypt and is deeply concerned about the events that we have witnessed today.
135) I want to make it clear, in that context, the United States is deeply concerned about recent reports of external – resumed external support to M23 as well as of collaboration with the FDLR.
136) In addition to that, they’ve been enormously helpful with respect to terrorism and counterterrorism, working now with President Hadi in Yemen and helping to try to create stability in Yemen and all of our interests there as well as in Syria, where they have stood up and helped to take the lead against the aggression of Assad and his regime against his own people, as well as the fact that Iran and Hezbollah, which is a terrorist organization, are now deeply involved across international lines in that country.
137) Qatar has been a very valued partner to the United States of America, and importantly deeply engaged in a number of issues that matter a great deal here in the region.
138) I have been deeply moved by the commitment of so many of you here today to the success of a new Libya.
139) So I come here today to affirm to all of you that we are deeply committed to Israel’s security.
140) Both Germany and the United States also are deeply committed to working towards peace in the Middle East, and Foreign Minister Westerwelle has just come back from the Middle East.
141) Let me just say – I think Sergey would agree with me that both of us – Russia, the United States – are deeply committed and remain committed to trying to implement the Geneva 1 principles, which require a transitional government by mutual consent that has full executive authority in order to allow the people of Syria to decide the future of Syria.
142) As everybody knows, we believe very deeply that where people can exercise their rights and where there is an ability to have a strong democracy, the economy is stronger, the relationship with the government is stronger, people do better, and it’s an opportunity to be able to grow faster, stronger, by rule of law.
143) The United States remains deeply committed to the goal of two states living side-by-side in peace and security, and it is only through direct negotiations that the Israelis and the Palestinians can address the permanent status issues and achieve the peace that both deserve – a peace with two states for two peoples with a sovereign and viable, independent Palestine living side-by-side in peace and security with a Palestinian homeland and a homeland for the Jewish people.
144) The country and the State Department are very fortunate to have a Vice President who is as deeply experienced in foreign policy as Joe Biden.
145) The President directed me to step up our efforts with respect to the opposition in particular, and so I asked Ambassador Robert Ford, who has been deeply involved with this and who was our ambassador in Syria for a period of time, to work over the past week with our partners.
146) We’re going to continue to effect close security cooperation, ensuring respect for human and civil rights, and I think we all understand those are both deeply enshrined in both U.S. and Mexican constitutions.
147) This committee, needless to say, is deeply immersed – you had a hearing the other day – on Syria.
148) I am deeply committed to building on those efforts.
149) We are deeply involved in helping the Jordanians and others be able to deal with that crisis.
150) We are deeply committed to the freedom of the people of Syria, and from the beginning President Obama has moved in a clear way.
151) So we are deeply grateful that you have understood our vision for 100,000 Strong and are making it a reality.
152) The United States extends our condolences to all the families who have lost loved ones in this brutal assault, and we remain deeply concerned about those who remain in danger.
153) The security of our Americans who are held hostage is our highest priority, but of course we care deeply about the other Algerian and foreign hostages as well.
154) I was deeply touched by your phone – personal call to Patricia and me on the loss of Rita, our daughter, last month.