Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов направлений подготовки 050100. 62 Педагогическое образование Профиль «Физкультурное образование»

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Название Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов направлений подготовки 050100. 62 Педагогическое образование Профиль «Физкультурное образование»
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1. Healthy eating means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the … your life.

2. Stop when you feel … . Be … .

3. Healthy eating starts with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and … .

4. Because you … so much when you diet, you may be hungry and think about food all the time.

5. Healthy eating is one of the best things you can do to … and control many health problems, such as: heart disease, high …, diabetes, some types of cancer.

6. Eating a variety of foods each day will help you get all the … you need.

7. After you stop dieting, you also may … to … for what you … .

8. If you … healthy eating with more physical activity, you … more … to get to a healthy weight and stay there than if you diet.

9. Healthy eating can help you … stress better.

10. Diets are … .

Exercise 8. Read the text «Healthy Eating» and answer the following questions.

1. What healthy eating starts with?

2. What food should be excluded from your diet?

3. What are the main principles of healthy eating?

4. How can you get all the nutrients you need?

5. Do you agree that healthy eating can prevent some health problems?

6. What’s the difference between healthy eating and being
on a diet?
Exercise 9. Do the quiz and score the result.

1. What vegetable is supposed to give you better eyesight?

a) lettuce

b) broccoli

c) carrots

2. Which of the following is a good source of calcium?

a) apples

b) milk

c) beef

3. We need calcium to maintain

a) strong muscles

b) healthy teeth and bones

c) good eyesight

4. Which of the following foods contains a lot of starch, which is not recommended if you go on a diet?

a) oranges

b) yoghurt

c) potatoes

5. You can get a lot of fibre which is useful for your body from

a) fruit and vegetables

b) beef and pork

c) milk and eggs

6. When you go on a diet you shouldn't lose more than

a) 0.5–1 kilo a week

b) 1–2 kilos a week

c) 2–4 kilos a week

7. The best way to lose weight is to cut out food containing

a) fat

b) proteins

c) vitamins

8. The substance which helps your body to grow and keeps
it strong is

a) fibre

b) protein

c) fat

9. Proteins can be found in food such as

a) meat and beans

b) fruit and vegetables

c) sweets and chocolate

10. If you feel you are putting on weight you should first of all

a) go to the doctor

b) buy bigger clothes

c) give up eating 5 chocolate bars a day

11. To keep fit you should exercise at least

a) 20 minutes a day

b) 30 minutes a day

c) 40 minutes a day

12. The best way to end physical exercise is to have

a) a good stretch

b) a cup of coffee

c) a chat with your trainer

13. Which of these is not one of the components of fitness?

а) muscular endurance

b) healthy diet

c) weight loss


1–7 correct answers:

You are taking the first steps to a healthy lifestyle: now you know more than at the beginning of the lesson. That’s a good point!

8–11 correct answers:

You are obviously interested in the issue. Keep going!

12–14 correct answers:

Do you use your knowledge in your everyday life? It’s never too late to start.

Exercise 10. On a sheet of paper write:

1. something that makes you feel good

2. something that you like to eat and get proteins from

3. your favourite source of sugar

4. the last time you went on a diet

5. whether you think you have endurance

6. a food you would never agree to cut out

7. an unhealthy habit you want to give up

8. something that makes you put on weight

9. how many times a day you stretch

10. whether you would like to have bigger muscles

11. a starchy food you can't do without

12. whether you find it easy to keep fit

13. something you often eat which is rich in fibre

14. something healthy you have done today

15. something unhealthy you did yesterday

  • What you write should be very short.

  • Write all over the page in a jumbled order.

  • Do not number your answers.

  • In pairs ask your partner questions to find out what your partner means.


A: Chocolate.

Q1: Is chocolate the food you would never agree to cut out?

A: No.

Q1:Is chocolate something that makes you feel good?

A: Yes.

Exercise 11. Find more information about food. Speak on the healthy eating.
Exercise 12. In groups make a list of facts proving that a healthy eating is very important to many people. Compare your list with other group.
Exercise 13. Comment on the proverbs and quotes.

1. After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile.

2. Eat to live, not live to eat.

3. An apple a day keeps a doctor away.

4. All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast.

5. The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
Recall examples from life or literature to prove the proverb and quotes.

Unit 3

Life Is Motion

Before reading

Look at the pictures and answer the following questions:

1. Which of these activities can be defined as conducing
to good health?

2. Are you physically active?
Physical Fitness and Its Benefits
Individuals are physically fit when they can meet both the ordinary and the unusual demands of daily life safely and effectively without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for leisure and recreational activities. Physical fitness can be classified into health-related and skill-related fitness. Health-related fitness has four components: cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength and endurance, muscular flexibility, and body composition.

The components of skill-related fitness are agility, balance, coordination, power, reaction time, and speed. Skill-related fitness
is crucial for success in sports and athletics, and it also contributes
to wellness.

Physical activity is any activity that you may do to improve
or maintain your physical fitness as well as your health in general.
It can include everyday activities (e.g. walking or cycling to work or school, doing housework, gardening or any active or manual work that you may do as part of your job); active recreational activities (dancing, active play amongst children, walking or cycling for recreation); sport (exercise and fitness training at a gym or during an exercise class, swimming and competitive sports such as football, rugby and tennis etc.).

Adults should aim to do a mixture of aerobic activities and muscle-strengthening activities.

Aerobic activities are any activity that makes your heart and lungs work harder. To gain health benefits, it is suggested that you should
do at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on most days of the week. 30 minutes is probably the minimum to gain health benefits. However, you do not have to do this all at once. For example, cycling to work and back for 15 minutes each way adds up to 30 minutes. Moderate intensity physical activity means that you get warm, mildly out of breath, and mildly sweaty. For example, brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, badminton, tennis, etc.

In addition to the above aerobic activities, adults should also aim to do a minimum of two sessions of muscle-strengthening activities per week, although these should not be on consecutive days.

Muscle-strengthening activities can include climbing stairs, walking uphill, lifting or carrying shopping, digging the garden, weight training, pilates, yoga or similar resistance exercises that use the major muscle groups. Ideally, the activities and exercises should not only aim to improve or maintain your muscle strength, but also aim
to maintain or improve your flexibility and balance. A session at a gym is possibly ideal, but activities at home may be equally as good.
For example, stair climbing, stretching and resistance exercises can be done at home without any special clothing or equipment.

A session should be a minimum of 8–10 exercises using the major muscle groups. Ideally, to help build up your muscle strength, use some sort of resistance (such as a weight for arm exercises) and do 8–12 repetitions of each exercise. The level (weight) of each exercise should be so that you can do 8–12 repetitions before the muscle group gets tired. So, for example, for the upper arm muscles, hold a weight in your hand and bend your arm up and down 8–12 times. This should make your arm muscles tire.

Physical activity is thought to help ease stress, boost your energy levels and improve your general wellbeing and self-esteem.

The Benefits of Physical Activity | The Nutrition Source ... [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: www.hsph.harvard.edu/.../staying-active-full-st...
Topical Vocabulary

demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] n


fatigued [fəˈtiːgd] p.p.


leisure [ˈleʒə] n


recreational [rekrɪˈeɪʃənl] adj


endurance [ɪnˈdjʊərəns] n


flexibility [fleksəˈbɪlɪtɪ] n


body composition

композиция тела

agility [əˈʤɪlɪtɪ] n


wellness [ˈwelnəs] n

хорошее здоровье

improve [ɪmˈpruːv] n


manual [ˈmænjʊəl] adj


aerobic [ɪˈrəʊbɪk] adj



укрепление мышц



gain [geɪn] n


out of breath


brisk [brɪsk] adj


store up [stɔː ʌp] v


consecutive [kənˈsekjʊtɪv] adj

следующий друг за другом

climb [klaɪm] v


dig [dɪg] v


resistance [rɪˈzɪstəns] n


stretching [ˈstreʧɪŋ] n


equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] n


session [seʃn] n


repetition [repɪˈtɪʃn] n


tired [ˈtaɪəd] p.p.


bend [bend] v


boost [buːst] v


self-esteem [self ɪsˈtiːm] n



Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

muscles [mʌslz], strength [streŋθ], ideally [aɪˈdɪəlɪ], addition [əˈdɪʃn], moderate [ˈmɔdərɪt], athletics [æθˈletɪks].
Exercise 2. Find the correct pronunciation of these words
in the dictionary, read and translate them into Russian:

pilates, although, cycling, competitive, crucial, success, intensity, sweaty, ease.
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