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Задания и ответы на вопросы выполняются в тонкой ученической тетради. На обложке тетради указываются фамилия, имя, отчество студента, № группы.
Searching for a Job Abroad

  1. То begin your job search, you must identify the land of job you want, where the jobs are, and what employers expect.

  2. If you are a student or a graduate of a vocational, technical, or professional (university) training programme and you have the same interests, you already know the kind of job you want. Begin by thinking about the work you can do. Include the work you have been trained to do, the work you have actually done, and the work you enjoy doing.

  3. Next, talk to as many people as possible about your job interests and concerns.

  4. Thinking and talking help you build a network of people interested in helping you.

5. This network will lead to specific job contacts.

6. However, job counseling is also useful.

7. Job counseling is a professional service that may include vocational interest and aptitude testing; informing and advising about particular jobs; and providing training and guidance in the various steps at a job search.

  1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

поиски работы; профессиональное учебное заведение; профессиональные контакты; служба трудоустройства; проверка профессиональной пригодности и интересов; обучение и руководство

2. Answer the following questions:

  1. What must you do to begin your job search?

  2. What must you include when thinking about the work you can do?

  3. How can you build a network of people interested in helping you?

  4. What is job counseling?

  5. Does it provide training and guidance?

Text 2

  1. Employers want to select employees who have or who can learn the skills necessary to do the job.

  2. Most employers will not hire people who are not dependable or who cannot get along with others.

  3. Thus, they want to learn as much as possible about the skills, dependability and personal characteristics of prospective employees.

  4. Depending on the job you are applying for, you might have to complete an application form, participate in one or more employment interviews, submit a resume, take a test, have a physical examination, or submit references, samples of your work, and copies of your school records.

  5. Each of these steps in the employment process provides the employer with important information about you.

  1. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

предприниматели; работники; навыки; отбор работника (надежность работника); личные качества; претендовать на (работу); сдать экзамен; пройти медицинское обследование; представить резюме и рекомендации

2. Say whether the following statements are true or false:

  1. Employers want to select only such employees who already have the necessary skills.

  2. Most employers will hire only dependable people.

  3. The employers want to learn all except your personal characteristics.

  4. You might have to take a test when applying for a job.

  5. You are never requested to submit references or school records.

Text 3

  1. Many people believe that answering newspaper want ads is the best method to use.

  2. Job advertisements are found in the classified advertising section of newspaper.

  3. Want ads are also found in professional journals.

  4. There are two main types of want ads: "Help wanted" and "Jobs

wanted". You should read the want ads for two reasons: first, to learn more general information about jobs that are available; second, to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.

  1. The ad may tell the education and work experience that are requned for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay.

  2. It also tells you how to apply for the particular job.

  3. Avoid ads that make unreahstic offers.

  4. If an ad suggests that you will make a lot of money quickly and easily, do not apply for that job.

1. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words and
word combinations:

объявление; подходящая работа; профессиональные журналы; объявления о приеме на работу; "требуются на работу"; "ищу работу"; профессиональный опыт; местонахождение фирмы; рабочий день; оплата; нереальные предложения; заработать много денег.
Text 4

  1. If you are younger than 18, you must have a work permit.

  2. You can get a work permit from the principal's office of a high school or from the county school board office.

  3. Some jobs require you to drive during working hours.

  4. Most states require a written test and a driving test.

  5. Being limited-English-proficient or a foreigner should not, normally, stop you from getting a driver's license.

  6. If you went to high school in another country, you should do everything possible to get a copy of your foreign high-school diploma.

  7. If you attended a college or university, you should get an official transcript of your record.

  8. If you completed a vocational technical training programme, you should have a certificate to verify that you had such training.

  9. Some professions require you to have a state hence in order to work. These professions include cosmetology, nursing, medicine, law, accountancy, pharmacy, engineering, teaching and others.

  1. To get the license, you must take an exam. To find out about getting a state hence, contact the state Ucensing board in the capital of your state.

  2. Employers may be interested in knowing the kind of training and experience you received in the military, even if you served in the military of another country.

  3. You may have skills that you developed without special training. List anything that shows that you have good leadership, communication or manual skills. And don't forget to say that you speak another language!


1. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:

разрешение на работу; директор школы; экзамен по вождению автомобиля; плохо владеющий английским языком; водительские права; копия свидетельства о среднем образовании; официальная выписка из диплома; лицензия; комитет по лицензиям; подготовка и обучение в армии; служить в армии; особые навыки

Curriculum Vitae

When you apply for a job you may need to provide a curriculum vitae (CV) which gives the employer important information about you. A CV is sometimes called a resume.

  1. What kind of Information do you think an employer might need to know about you? Please make a list of this information and compare it with your classmates.

  2. Here is Emily Lewis' CV. She is applying for one of the above positions. Please read it and answer the following questions:

  1. How old is Emily Lewis?

  2. Where does she live?

  3. What is her telephone number?

  4. What is her nationality?

  5. What does she do at present?

  6. Where did she go to school?

  7. How fast can she type?

Emily Lewis


28 Park Way Adelaide South Australia Tel. 323-2958


Aprils, 1975




: 1995-96: Cashier, TAPE College 1996-present: Secretary to Office Manager, Jones, Inc., Adelaide


1992: Certificate of Secondary Education, West Hill High School, Adelaide

1994: Diploma of Secretarial Studies, Hamilton Secretarial College, Adelaide


Typing (50 wpm), bookkeeping and shorthand


Gardening and tennis


14 The Mews

London W8 9EG

Subject: Post of Office Manager , ..

Dear Mr Smith,

I am writing in reference to your advertisement in the Times for an Office Manager and would like to apply.

As you will see from the enclosed curriculum vitae, I have a degree in Business Management and I have two years experience as Assistant Office Manager with a German company

I am currently looking for a new position and would like to be considered for the post you advertise.

Please let me know if you need any further information. I look
forward to hearing from you soon. , .

Yours sincerely, ""' " , , .. .

Eleanor Miller " •


in reference to [in 'refrsnsj — в связи с enclosed [in'klouzd] — прилагаемый degree [di'gri:] — степень, диплом

1. Please answer the questions: - ;! . ' '

  1. Who wrote this letter?

  2. Why is she writing?

  3. For what post is she applying?

  4. What document is she enclosing with her letter?

  5. What kind of experience does she have?

  1. Do people in your country write CV's like this? Discuss how they differ.

  2. Now write your own CV using the model above.

  3. Work with another student and list several occupations which you find interesting Now look at the list of personal qualities below. Which of these qualities do you think are necessary for the occupations you have listed?


^ accurate ['fekjurit] — точный, внимательный

^ ambitious [am'bijas] — честолюбивый

^ competent ['kompitgnt] — знающий, компетентный_-■..-..

^ energetic [ens'cfeetik] — энергичный

^ enthusiastic [in,0ju:zi'sestik] — активнъщ, полный энтузиазма,


^ experienced [iks'piorisnst] — опытный " ■"

^ intelligent [ni'telicfesnt] — умный ' V , "'..'и\

^ motivated ['moutiveitid] — убежденный, вдохновленный

^ neat [ni:t] — аккуратный "'

^ punctual ['pAnktfusl] — пунктуальный

^ reliable [ri'laiabl] — надежный

^ strong [strbr)] — сильный

7. Which of the above qualities describes you? Which of the occupations you listed do you think you are suited for?


skill [skilj — навык, умение bookkeeping ['buk,ki:pip] бухгалтерия above [э'Ьлу] — вышеперечисленный suitable ['sju:t3bi] — подходящий to differ ['difsj — отличаться to be suited for something I'sjiulid] — подходить для чего-либо

a curriculum vitae [ks.rrkjslam Viitar] — автобиография в табличной форме а resume ['rezju:mei] — автобиография в табличной форме

nationality [.naJs'iiEelitii — гражданство present |'pres3nt] — настоящее время D.O.B. = date of birth ['deit sv 'Ьэ:е] — дата рождения

A business letter
18 Blandfield Road

London SWIO 8RP

October 18, 1998

Mr J. Smith

Smith & Sons

14 The Mews

London W8 9EG

Subject: Post of Office Manager

Dear Mr Smith,

I am writing in reference to your advertisement in the Times for an Office Manager and would like to apply.

As you will see from the enclosed curriculum vitae, I have a degree in Business Management and I have two years experience as Assistant Office Manager with a German company

I am currently looking for a new position and would like to be considered for the post you advertise.

Please let me know if you need any further information. I look
forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

Eleanor Miller


in reference to — в связи с

enclosed — прилагаемый

degree — степень, диплом

1. Please answer the questions:

  1. Who wrote this letter?

  2. Why is she writing?

  3. For what post is she applying?

  4. What document is she enclosing with her letter?

5) What kind of experience does she have?


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