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Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации (Минтранс России) Федеральное агентство воздушного транспорта (Росавиация) ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет гражданской авиации» АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК Методические указания и контрольные задания Для студентов ЗФ Специализация ОЛР Санкт-Петербург 2016 Одобрено и рекомендовано к изданию Учебно-методическим советом Университета Ш (87) 03 АВИАЦИОННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК: методические указания и контрольные задания /Университет ГА. С-Петербург, 2016 Издаются в соответствии с программой дисциплины «Английский язык» Предназначены для студентов 5 курса ЗФ специализации ОЛР. Составитель И.М. Яковлева, доцент кафедры № 7 Рецензент К.М. Суворина, канд. филол. наук, проф. © СПб ГУ ГА, 2016 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ
2. Контрольное задание должно быть написано четко, аккуратно. Необходимо оставлять поля для замечаний и рекомендаций рецензента. 3. К зачету и экзамену допускаются студенты, выполнившие контрольное задание в соответствии с учебным графиком. 4. Для сдачи зачета или экзамена студент должен: а) перевести текст; б) перевести аббревиатуру с английского языка на русский язык; в) перевести специальные термины с английского языка на русский язык. Вариант 1 1. Translate into Russian
The air conditioning system is fully automatic. It provides continuous air renewal and maintains a constant, selected temperature in the following three zones: COCPIT, FWD CABIN, AFT CABIN. These three zones are independently controlled. Air is supplied by the pneumatic system, via:
Air is then distributed to the cockpit and the cabin. Temperature regulation is optimized via the hot air pressure regulating valve, and the trim air valves that add hot air, tapped upstream of the packs, to the mixing unit. In an emergency, a ram air inlet can provide ambient air the mixing unit. Temperature regulation is controlled by two Air Conditioning System Controllers, Flight deck and cabin temperature can be selected from the cockpit's AIR COND panel. A control panel is provided on the Forward Attendant Panel. During cruise, the cabin crew can modify each cabin zone temperature that is selected from the cockpit, with a limited authority of ± 2.5 f. (±4.5ff) Low-pressure air is supplied to the mixing unit by a ground connection. 2. Make up 5 questions to the Text above 3. Decode the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian FDU; APU; GCU; ECAM; DC Вариант 2 1. Translate into Russian
The electrical power system consists of a three-phase 115/200 V 400 Hz constant-frequency AC system and a28 V DC system. Electrical transients are acceptable for equipment. Commercial supply has secondary priority. In normal configuration, the electrical power system provides AC power. A part of this AC power is converted into DC power for certain applications. Each generator can provide AC power to all electrical bus bars. The electrical power system is constituted of 2 engine generators and 1 APU generator. In the event that normal AC power is not available, an emergency generator can provide AC power. In the event that all AC power is not available, the electrical power system can invert DC power from the batteries into AC power. ENGINE-DRIVEN GENERATORS Two three-phase AC generators (GEN 1, GEN 2), one driven by each main engine through an integrated drive, supply aircraft electrical power. Each generator can supply up to 90 KVA of power at 115 and 200 V and 400 Hz. Two Generators Control Units (GCU) control the output of their respective generator. The main functions of each GCU are:
APU GENERATOR AND EXTERNAL POWER A third generator (APU GEN), driven directly by the APU and producing the same output as each main engine generators at any time. A ground power connector near nosewheel allows ground power to be supplied to all busbars. A Ground and Auxiliary Power Unit (GAPCU):
2. Make up 5 questions to the Text above 3. Decode the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian EGLC; JFR; DC; PF; FMA Вариант 3 1. Translate into Russian
EMERGENCY GENERATOR The blue hydraulic circuit drives an emergency generator that automatically supplies emergency AC power to the aircraft electrical system, if all main generators fail. This generator supplies 5 KVA of three-phase 115 and 200 V 400 Hz power. A generator Control Unit (GCU):
STATIC INVERTER A static inverter transforms DC power from Battery 1 into one KVA of single-phase 115 V 400 Hz AC power, which is then supplied to part of the Ac essential bus. When the aircraft speed is above 50kt, the inverter is automatically activated, if nothing but the batteries are supplying electrical power to the aircraft, regardless of the BAT 1 and BAT 2 pushbutton position. When the aircraft speed is below 50 kt, the inverter is activated, if nothing but the batteries are supplying electrical power to the aircraft, and the BAT 1 and BAT 2 pushbuttons are both on at auto. TRANSFORMER RECTIFIERS (TRS) Two main transformer rectifiers, TR 1 and TR 2, supply the aircraft's system, with up to 200 F of DC current. A third (identical) transformer rectifier, the ESS TR, can power the essential DC circuit from the emergency generator, if the engine and APU generators all fail, or if TR 1 or TR 2 fails. Each TR controls its contactor by internal logic. BATTERIES Two main batteries, each with a normal capacity of 23 Ah, are permanently connected to the two hot buses. Each battery has an associated Battery Charge Limiter (BCL). The BCL monitors battery charging and controls its battery contactor. 2. Make up 5 questions to the Text above 3. Decode the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian ADF; AFM; MSU; FM; ESS Вариант 4 1. Translate into Russian
Aircraft Fire Protection Systems are comprised of; - Fire and overheat detection and extinguishing systems for the:
- Smoke detection and extinguishing system for the:
- Smoke detection for the:
- Portable fire extinguishers for the:
The engines and APU each have a fire and overheat detection system consisting of:
The fire detection loops of:
When a sensing element is subjected to heat, it sends a signal to the fire detection unit. As soon as loops A and B detect temperature at a present level, they trigger the fire warning system. A fault in one loop (break or loss of electrical supply) does not affect the warning system. The unaffected loop still protects the aircraft. If the system detects an APU fire while the aircraft is on the ground, it shuts down the APU automatically and discharges extinguishing agent. Each engine has two extinguisher bottles equipped with operated squibs to discharge their contents. Each squib has a dual electric supply. The flight crew controls the discharge from ENG FIRE panel in the cockpit. The APU has one fire extinguisher bottle that has two electrically operated squibs to discharge its agent. The flight crew controls the discharge from the APU FIRE panel in the cockpit. This bottle also discharges automatically if there is an APU fire when the aircraft is on the ground. 2. Make up 5 questions to the Text above 3. Decode the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian C/B; BAT; FMGS; GS; TVMC Вариант 5 1. Translate into Russian
The landing gear consists of:
Doors enclose the landing gear bays. Gear and doors are electrically controlled and hydraulically operated. The doors, which are fitted to the landing gear struts, are operated mechanically by the gear and close at the end of gear retraction. All gear doors open while the gear is retracting or extending. Two Landing Gear Control and Interface Units (LGCIUs) control the extension and retraction of the gear and operation of the doors. They also supply information about the landing gear to ECAM for display, and send signals indicating whether the aircraft is in flight or on the ground to other aircraft systems. A hand crank on the center pedestal allows the flight crew to extend the landing gear if the aircraft loses hydraulic systems or electrical power. NORMAL OPERATION The flight crew normally operates the landing gear by means of the lever on the center instrument panel. The LGCIUs control the sequencing of gear and doors electrically. On LGCIU controls one complete gear cycle, then switches over automatically to the other LGCIU at the completion of the retraction cycle. It also switches over in case of failure. The green hydraulic system actuates all gear and doors. When the aircraft is flying faster than 260 kt, a safety valve automatically cuts off hydraulic supply to the landing gear system. Below 260 kt, the hydraulic supply remains cut off as long as the landing gear lever is up. EMERGENCY EXTENSION If the normal system fails to extend the gear hydraulically, the flight crew can use a crank to extend it mechanically. When a crew member turns the crank, it:
2. Make up 5 questions to the Text above 3. Decode the following abbreviations and translate them into Russian AMI; CFDIU; DC; DU; ETA |
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Методические указания и контрольные задания /Университет га. С-петербург,... Авиационный английский язык: методические указания и контрольные задания /Университет га. С-петербург, 2014 |
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