Приоритеты мировой науки:
эксперимент и научная дискуссия
Материалы IX международной научной конференции
Северный Чарльстон, Южная Каролина, США
10-11 ноября 2015 года
The priorities of the world science:
experiments and scientific debate
Proceedings of the IX International scientific conference
North Charleston, SC, USA
10-11 November 2015
North Charleston
УДК 001.08
ББК 10
«Приоритеты мировой науки: эксперимент и научная дискуссия»: Материалы IX международной научной конференции 10-11 ноября 2015 г. – North Charleston, SC, USA: CreateSpace, 2015. - 219 с.
«The priorities of the world science: experiments and scientific debate»: Proceedings of the IX International scientific conference 10-11 November 2015. – North Charleston, SC, USA: CreateSpace, 2015. – 219 р.
В материалах конференции обсуждаются проблемы различных областей современной науки. Сборник представляет интерес для учёных различных исследовательских направлений, преподавателей, студентов, аспирантов – для всех, кто интересуется развитием современной науки.
Все статьи представлены в авторской редакции.
The materials of the conference have presented the results of the latest research in various fields of science. The collection is of interest to researchers, graduate students, doctoral candidates, teachers, students - for anyone interested in the latest trends of the world of science.
All articlesare presentedin theauthor's edition.
ISBN-13: 978-1522839507
ISBN-10: 152283950X
Your book has been assigned a CreateSpace ISBN.
@ Авторы научных статей, 2015
Authors, 2015
@ Научно-издательский центр «Открытие», 2015
Scientific Publishing Center «Discovery», 2015
Section I. Information Technology (Информационные технологии)
Section I.
Information Technology (Информационные технологии)
УДК 004.514
Звягинцев Антон Владимирович
Студент, кафедра «Техносферная Безопасность»,
Забайкальский государственный университет, г. Чита, Россия
Звягинцев Владимир Викторович
Кандидат технических наук, доцент,
Забайкальский государственный университет, г .Чита, Россия
Аннотация: В статье описаны способы проведения атак на локальную сеть. Рассмотрены проблемы защиты локальных сетей. Предложены основные методы защиты от подобного рода атак.
Ключевые слова: локальная сеть, компьютер, атака, защита, программное обеспечение.
Zvyagintsev Anton Vladimirovich
Student, Department "Safety of Technosphere"
Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia
Zvyagintsev Vladimir Viktorovich
Cand. Sc. Engineerring, Assoc. Prof.
Transbaikal State University, Chita, Russia
Abstract: This article describes how to carry out attacks on the network. The problems of the protection of local networks. The basic methods of protection against such attacks.
Keywords: local networks, computer, attack, defense, software.
По требованию Федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов каждый обучающийся в течение всего периода обучения должен быть обеспечен индивидуальным неограниченным доступом к одной или нескольким электронно-библиотечным системам (электронным библиотекам) и к электронной информационно- образовательной среде организации. Электронно-библиотечная система (электронная библиотека) и электронная информационно- образовательная среда должны обеспечивать возможность доступа обучающегося из любой точки, в которой имеется доступ к информационно-телекоммуникационной сети "Интернет" (далее - сеть "Интернет"), как на территории организации, так и вне ее. Функционирование электронной информационно-образовательной среды обеспечивается соответствующими средствами информационно- коммуникационных технологий, в том числе использование локальной сети, Wi-Fi соединения и квалификацией работников, ее использующих и поддерживающих.
Использование локальной сети с выходом в "Интернет" имеет свои сложности и «подводные камни». Рассмотрим простейшую локальную сеть, состоящую из 2-х компьютеров, роутера и принтера (рисунок 1).

Рисунок 1- Общая схема устройства простейшей локальной сети.
Теперь представим ситуацию, что нужно распечатать документ «На печать.doc», который находится на Компьютере №1. Тут нам поможет настройка общего доступа к устройствам и принтерам, таким образом, есть следующие пути решения этой проблемы:
1) Настроить общий доступ к принтеру и отправить документ на печать, не вставая из-за своего рабочего места.
2) Настроить общий доступ к файловой системе Компьютера №2 и перенести файл на данный компьютер и распечатать уже с него.
3) Перенести файл на USB-накопитель, в дальнейшем перенести его на Компьютер №2 и распечатать.
Выбор какого-то конкретного способа зависит от технического обеспечения и квалификации сотрудников, но давайте посмотрим на каждый из этих способов с точки зрения безопасности информационных систем.
Допустим, злоумышленник находится в локальной сети учебной организации, а все компьютеры подключены к роутеру при помощи незащищённого Wi-Fi соединения. Целями злоумышленника определим перехват документа «На печать.doc», либо получение полного доступа к компьютерам в этой локальной сети. Рассмотрим следующие способы атак на локальную сеть:
Способ №1 - Человек посередине
При помощи MITM (Main-In-The-Middle) атаки, злоумышленник изменяет таблицу маршрутизации и сообщает роутеру, что он является Компьютером №2, а в свою очередь Компьютеру №2 злоумышленник сообщает, что его компьютер является роутером (рисунок 2). В дальнейшем злоумышленник может отслеживать все пакеты, отправленные Компьютеру №2, таким образом можно перехватить любые данные, которые будут направлены Компьютеру №2.

Рисунок 2- Схема маршрутизации при реализации
Main-In-The-Middle атаки.
Способ №2 - Разрешённый доступ
Тут мы рассмотрим случай с компьютерами, где настроен доступ к общим ресурсам, в зависимости от того, насколько оператор Компьютера №2 осведомлён о содержимом “Общих” папок, можно передать в «расшаренную» папку какое-либо вредоносное программное обеспечение и затем методами Социальной Инженерии убедить его запустить его.
Способ №3 - “Флешка”
Первые типы вредоносных программ, распространяющихся через USB накопители, проявили себя в июне 2007 года, и по сей день их количество лишь продолжает расти. Таким образом, если удастся заразить лишь один компьютер в сети, при условии того, что сотрудники переносят данные между другими компьютерами при помощи USB-накопителей, то злоумышленник может вскоре получить доступ ко всем компьютерам. К подобному вектору атак можно было также причислить также вирусное ПО, которое распространяется через дискеты и оптические диски, однако данные носители информации уже морально устарели и практически не используются.
Теперь рассмотрим основные методы защиты от подобного рода атак:
Если компьютеры в сети подключены через WiFi, то следует использовать алгоритмы шифрования WPA2/PSK, таким образом, для злоумышленника становится невозможной MITM атака.
Использовать сложные пароли для «расшаренных» папок и своевременно обновлять программное обеспечение.
Использовать антивирусное программное обеспечение для защиты от вредоносного ПО, распространяющегося через USB накопители. Таковым может служить как антивирус общего назначения (Kaspersky, ESET, Avast и др.), так и специализированные утилиты (USB Disk Security).
Использование фаерволла препятствует размножению вирусного ПО через сеть, блокирует связь вируса со злоумышленником (trojan), а также позволяет распознать вредоносное ПО в момент загрузки на ПК. В некоторых случаях фаерволл может распознать изменение таблицы маршрутизации и предотвратить MITM атаку.
Таким образом, используя вышеперечисленные доступные способы можно защититься от атак злоумышленников.
Karimsattar M.A., Babikenova S.M., Usenova D.D.
Karaganda State Technical University’s Students
Scientific advisor: Oleinikova A.V., Senior Teacher
XXI century the age of information technologies. Humanity has confidently risen to a higher level of the evolutionary ladder - formed a new society, widely used computer technologies. Its development, largely contribute to information and communication processes, which are now the main components of human life. The main object of the impact of information technology (IT) is a person's consciousness, the psyche.
Many countries are ready to use IT in professional and in daily activities as well. Along with this there is the problem of assessing the possible psychological consequences of information. But there is a question: whether the mutual effect of IT on human beings can coexist with the influence of humans on IT? After all, the evolution of man, his conversion is not less than a progressive process rather than information.
This work is devoted to the analysis of the impact of IT, leading to a change in the traditional forms of human activity and the impact of human activity on the further development of IT.
Our challenge is to consider this interference in specific periods of time, compare the results and identify the role of people in each of them.
To do this, you must consider two temporal categories: the present and the future.
The first category describes the impact of IT on person. Consequently, person in this category is subject of impact.
There are two main trends which transform the human psyche under the influence of information technology: the afferent and efferent.
"Efferent is to spread tumors arising in the central zone and in other more distant zones. One of the examples is the attempt to communicate with the computer as with a partner. Surveys have shown that while there are a number of tumors: requirements of exact formulations, of logical and consistent thoughts were strongly required, the sense of reflection increases. All this can be transferred in terms of the traditional communication between people. Введите текст или адрес веб-сайта либо переведите докуме.
Dannaya rabota posvyashchena probleme analiza vliyaniya IT, vedushchego k izmeneniyu traditsionnykh form deyatel'nosti cheloveka i vliyaniya deyatel'nosti cheloveka na dal'neysheye razvitiye IT.
Возможно, вы имели в вид
Indeed, each of us rarely meet with such a phenomenon of "computerized or computer like" communication. These trends are met not only in business (for example, the interaction of programmers with users), but also in daily activities - like when you talk about life problems with your family, in friend’s conversation, when talking with the children, and so on."
Afferent is a kind of antipode to efferent tendencies. This means that the components of the traditional activities are designed on information. The life of a modern man depends mostly on communication with the computer. Often, when working with a computer we treat and apply to him as a companion, assistant.
Can we think of the analogy between the human brain and the computer? Some specialists say, "the probationers of different ages applied the principle of analogy of computers not only in the description of the features of their thinking, but also in the discussion of personal characteristics. According to them, the use of IT has contributed to their activities by beneficial transforming, for example by creating new standards of "a clear, efficient operation that does not require" extra words and discussions .''And we totally agree with this statement.
Expert researches have shown that the child is able to change the low self-esteem - similar to changing the computer's operating system.
At present, the impact of information on human activities are increasingly connect with negative manifestations, precisely the destruction of many skills. To denote this phenomenon we take the term of the word “execution” (death of previously formed skills and forms of activity, later became not necessary.)
Examples include the following facts: interpersonal communication became anonymous, the gradual destruction of calculation skills (oral counting, mathematical calculations like dividing and multiplying "in the column", and so on).
An example of the positive impact of information on human activities is a “reversion” (lat. Reversio - turn, returning). This means the reborn of the previously lost psychical components. Such as a written communication, which was replaced by the communication by phone, skype.
When communicating or chatting online a new "etiquette" of communication is developed. For example, in an email.
It should be noted that the rapid race of development of informing the society left its traces on the process of education. In the XXI century, the cybernation of society is directly involved in the education of children and students. Timely access to various kinds of information of interest to us without any time - consuming - unconditional credit information. Students have the opportunity to minimize the cost of energy, effort, time, awaiting them, such as going to the library, but to get that amount of useful information that will help to fill the "gaps" in education, to raise awareness, not leaving the house.
So, the computer equipment of the company has reached the very level at which "there is the need to build flexible distributed system of continuous education, through which a person can have access to global information resources and databases continuously throughout life to improve their professional skills, and that allows him to be professionally mobile and creativity. The course of the continuous growth of the flow of information and rapidly changing technology is a distance education ".
Distance education - education that is carried out with the help of telecommunication technologies. It allows you to gain knowledge from a PC. Access to the Internet is an integral part of distance education.
Distance education - a method of education, which is radically different from traditional teaching methods. It has a wide range of activities, as has the task not only to fundamental education, but also to expand the outlook of the student, that is, to increase its creativity.
One of the means which allows the student to master a particular discipline is an electronic training complex (a combination of structured teaching materials, united by means of a computer learning environment, providing a full cycle of training and methodical designed to optimize student mastery of professional competencies within academic discipline.
This means of formation of the creative experience of the student in self -development, as well as the "means of formation of experience of creative activity of students in distance education".
Therefore, distance education is based on the acquirement of knowledge through the development of the creative personality. The student is the subject and object of education, as it plays a major and direct role in the process of its formation. Moreover, distance education opens opportunities the student as a person who is able to organize his model of acquiring knowledge, taking into account personal qualities, needs and opportunities.
So, distance education is an innovative component of the training of the XXI century, which allows you to get the most complete all the necessary amount of information and unlock the creative potential of the student.
It should be noted that the prospect of the development of distance education - is another indicator of the positive impact of the process of information of society.
Now, we propose to consider the second category of the article - the future.
In it, we reveal the questions the relationship between man and robot work questions man over artificial intelligence robots.
Already created humanoid robots, perhaps, behind them lies the human future.
Created in XVII, XVIII centuries "people-machines", which at that time had the most primitive skills (to perform simple movements that were the likeness of coordination of movements of people), passed its technical evolution. It is similar to the evolution of man, but still has its own characteristics. "In the course of evolution robot generations do not replace each other, but exist in parallel". This is evidenced by the presence of three types of automatic systems: a) program; b) adaptive; c) intellectual.
The construction of a robot is almost a complete copy of the human skeleton. "The robot comprises a manipulator with a multilink actuators at the joints and an automatic control system consisting of various sensors, the information processing apparatus, control devices".
Is not this proof that the development of technology is the mirror reflection of mankind’s evolution.
Today, robots are taking a big part in people's life. The scope of their activities with each passing day becomes more widely: from the production of any small parts to researches in space. Welding and assembly of parts - in automotive engineering, performance traumatic types of work, processing of hazardous waste, medical help to perform complex operations.
A new area of research in neurorehabilitation is the use of robots - exoskeletons. This made it possible neurorehabilitation patients. "In some joints exoskeletons used passive spring mechanism for controlled discharge coached hands. This allows the patient to move his arm with minimal effort in the joints".
Moreover, now, in order to improve the possibilities of "mechanical men", all research aimed at creating an artificial intelligence robot. But whether it is necessary?
The answer is obvious - of course, necessary. After all, human thinking is universal, it gives the opportunity to act in an emergency situation in the right direction. A robot in this case is limited only by the programmed actions. "This means that the situation in the workplace should be strictly deterministic". Actions of a robot must follow to precise regulation.
Therefore, the prospect of robot in the image of man is: to teach a robot to think and not to play pre-programmed actions.
In this regard, there was a heuristic programming, which teaches the machine techniques used by a person in the course of solving problems. Robots learn to find a solution not by selecting from the available alternatives, and by selecting the most efficient. The most rational option for this was a game of chess. It not only uses robot programmed steps and learn to choose the desired option. This method of training bring contribution.
Of course, in the future it is planned to improve the thinking and the structure of the robot to the level of human development. And only depends on him to provide a machine-mate, friend, "the bearer of humankind ", or an enemy that mankind will cease to exist at all.
The man's role in the evolution of technical progress is very large, and its scale is not inferior to the process of information of society.
In conclusion we can say that we review and proven IT interference on human rights and IT exists. It does not matter to a greater or lesser extent, it is important whether it harmoniously. On this depends the existence of "two civilizations: the technical and human." Therefore, it would be more harmonious interaction, the greater the benefit to the same extent, and it will bring for man and for the process of information. The development of human society will help to speed up technological progress, make new technological revolution, which in turn will give the answers to the questions that concern us for many years. Therefore, it is necessary to find a "golden mean" that will enable conflict - free existence and mutual enrichment of the two global processes of information and the human evolution.