Использованные источники:
Вайсман А. Стратегия маркетинга: 10 шагов к успеху. Стратегия менеджмента: 5 факторов успеха. – М.: АО Интерэксперт, Экономика, 2013– 166 с.
Герчикова З., Ванькова О. Критерии эффективности диктует бизнес// Управление компанией.- 2012. - № 9. – С. 67-83.
УДК 008. 81
Вафиева А. Д.
студент магистратуры 1 курса
Институт международных отношений,
истории и востоковедения
Казанский (Приволжский) Федеральный Университет
Россия, г. Казань
Abstract. In this article we will focus on peculiarities of proper names translation from Russian into English. As a material for our research, we have chosen the texts of travel guides to Tatarstan. The relevance of this work is caused by the increasing demand to the tourist services. Most of guidebooks are published in a foreign language that is why there appears a necessity of their translation.
Key words: proper names, translation, guidebooks, calque, transcription, transliteration.
The proper names we came across while studying the texts of travel guides to Tatarstan comprise the object of our study.
The subject of our study is represented by means of proper names translation in guidebooks.
The aim of our study is to reveal peculiarities of proper names translation in travel guides.
The objectives of our study:
to give the definition of “guidebook” and to distinguish it’s main types;
to give the definition of proper names;
to analyze transformations, used in the process of proper names translation;
According to the Russian dictionary edited by of S. I. Ozhegov, a guidebook is “a handbook about some historic place, museum, or tourist route”.20
A guidebook is a brief reference edition with the description of geographical, historical and other information about the country, city and local attractions, which is mainly designed for tourists. A travel guide contains a cognitive information, which is intended for a wide range of readers.21 There are so many types of travel books, but nevertheless the basis of the content is a narration about the city, it’s history, attractions, and this implicates the usage of proper names.
A proper name is defined as a word, word combination, which serves to distinguish a noun from a number of similar nouns, by individualizing and identifying this object. [3] In other words, a proper name performs the function of individualizing nomination – individual definition of a subject regardless of the situation. In everyday life we come across proper names all the time.
That is why in the process of translation a translator should keep to extremely important objectives: it is necessary to reflect cultural and national specifics of proper names. From our point of view, the texts of guidebooks are the most relevant to explore this problem.
In tourists guidebooks there are so many different types of proper names. First of all, we deal with names of attractions, toponyms, anthroponyms and names of festivals and national holidays.
Let us consider means of translation. Transliteration - is the conversion of a text from one script to another.22 It is used in languages which have different graphic systems.
Transcription is a set of symbols representing speech sounds.
The other way of translation is a calque or loan translation is a word or phrase borrowed from another language by literal, word-for-word, or root-for-root translation.23 Often, a calque can be surrounded by other transformations. Certainly, this method can be combined with others – transcription and transliteration. Such method is called combined method.
In accordance with a versatile character of proper names, during the analysis of means of their translation in guidebooks we used the following classification of proper names in guidebooks: names of attractions, toponyms, anthroponyms and names of festivals and national holidays.
Names of attractions
A referent in the composition of a proper name is translated, but the other part of a name is transcripted or transliterated: Spasskaya tower – Спасская башня, Ushkova’s mansion – особняк Ушковой, Kol-Sharif mosque – мечеть Кул-Шариф, the monument to Musa Jalil – памятник Мусе Джалилю, Uritsky park – парк Урицкого.
If it is semantically pure, then we translate a proper name: the Temple of all Religions – Храм всех религий, Epiphany cathedral Богоявленский собор, Annunciation Cathedral – Благовещенский собор, Trinity church – Троицкая церковь.
Often names of attractions are accompanied by the explaining group of words: The Hermitage-Kazan Exhibition Centre - Выставочный центр «Эрмитаж-Казань».
While analyzing the means of translation of toponyms it is necessary to remember that the widely known objects (islands, seas, bays, cities) have their established correspondences.
In the less known toponyms the referent in the composition of a proper name is translated, but the other part of a name is transcripted: Baumana street –улица Баумана, Kazanka river – река Казанка, Kaban lake – озеро Кабан, Island-town Sviyazhsk – город-град Свияжск.
Here it is important to pay attention at a transfer of names of medieval leaders, which have their established correspondences: Peter the Great – Петр I, Catherine the Great – Екатерина II.
Nicknames in the composition of a name are translated: Ivan the Terrible –Иван Грозный.
Names of festivals and national holidays
Names of festivals are often represented as semantically pure word combinations. Hence, in travel guides they are calqued and sometimes are accompanied by the original name: International open-air opera festival “Kazanskaya osen” (Kazan autumn) – международный оперный фестиваль «Казанская осень», Kazan international festival of Muslim cinema – Международный фестиваль мусульманского кино. As for the national holidays – they are trancripted: Sabantuy – Сабантуй.
Thus, we have learned the guidebooks to Tatarstan in Russian and in English and we have found out the existence of the following types of proper names: names of attractions, toponyms, anthroponyms, names of festivals and national holidays. All in all, we have considered 56 lexical unities. It was revealed that the most frequent method of translation was calque (23) and combined type (20), but the examples of transliteration were not found.
1. Фонякова О.И. Имя собственное в художественном тексте: Учебное пособие. Л., 1990. 103 с.
2. Ермолович Д. И. Имена собственные на стыке языков и культур. М.: Р.Валент., 2001. 17 с.
3. Бархударов Л.С. Язык и перевод. М.: Межд. отношения, 1975. 240 с.
4. Ожегов, С.И. Словарь русского языка [Текст] //под ред. Проф. Н. Ю. Шведовой. - М.: Советская Энциклопедия, 1975. - 633 с.
5. Абдуллина Л., Габидуллин А. Казань. Путеводитель. Аякс-Пресс, 2011. -108 с.
6. Протченко, А.В. Путеводитель как тип текста (на материале английских путеводителей) [Текст] // Вестник Самарского государственного педагогического университета, посвященный 60-летию Победы. - Самара, СГПУ, 2005. - 121-137 с.
7.Tatarstan travel guide [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://wikitravel.org/en/Tatarstan
УДК 001.201