Учебно-методическое пособие для бакалавров учетно-финансового факультета Краснодар

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After text exercises
VI. Complete the sentences according to the text:

1. Accounting shows a financial picture …..

2. Accounting records give a very …..

3. Most businesses prepare regularly the two …..

4. One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is …..

5. In finance we operate with three main …..
VII. Match the sentence halves:

1. The second set of ratios deals …

a)… the income statement and the balance sheet.

2. Most businesses prepare regularly …

b)…and measures the activity of a business.

3. Two types of records are…

c)… its current financial position.

4. An accounting department records …

d)… two types of records.

5. It helps a company to evaluate …

e)…. with assets and liabilities.

VIII. Think of some questions to the following answers:

1.A financial picture of the firm.

2.Accounting records.

3.Two types of records.

4.With three main categories of ratios.

5.With assets and liabilities.

IX. Are the following sentences true or false according to the text “Accounting”?
1.Most businesses prepare regularly the two types of records.

2.One major tool for the analysis of accounting records is ratio analysis.

3.In finance we operate with two main categories of ratios.

4.The Return on Investment Ratio is not used as a measure of a firm’s operating


5.These statements show how money was received and spent by the company.
X. Make your own dialogue, using some words and phrases from the text:

financial picture

very important data

two types of records

ratio analysis

deals with profitability

assets and liabilities

XI. Sum up what the text says about «Accounting»

Unit IX

Accounting and auditing

Pretext Tasks

I. Vocabulary list:

1. accounting

2. set up a business

3. fellow citizens

4. conduct affairs

5. profitably

6. record


recoding of information

7. report

8. financial statements

9. bookkeeping

10. record-keeping

11. from this perspective

12. managerial accounting

13. financial accounting

14. public accounting
15. private accounting

16. governmental accounting

17. refer to…

18. certified public accounting firms
19. audit

20. the books

21. conduct affairs

22. accumulate

23. accounting function

24. governmental institution
25. entity

26. Labour Union


организовывать/основывать дело


вести дела

с выгодой, с прибылью

записывать, отражать

бухгалтерская отчетность

запись информации

давать отчёт

финансовая отчётность


ведение учёта

с этой точки зрения

управленческий учёт

финансовый учёт

работа независимых бухгалтеров в качестве аудиторов

учёт в хозрасчётных организациях

учёт в государственных учреждениях

относиться, касаться…

фирмы дипломированных независимых бухгалтеров

подвергать аудиторской проверке

бухгалтерские книги

вести дела

аккумулировать, накапливать

бухгалтерское дело

государственный институт, государственное учреждение

хозяйствующий субъект


II. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:
accounting, audit, bookkeeping, accumulate, set up business, record, classify,

labour union, managerial accounting, public accounting, financial accounting, conduct affairs, information system, refer to, the books, accounting function.

III. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word-combinations:
бухучёт, записывать, аудит, организовывать/основывать дело, накапливать, финансовая отчётность, счетоводство, ведение учёта, с этой точки зрения, управленческий учёт, финансовый учёт, вести дела, учёт в хозрасчётных организациях, относиться – касаться, бухгалтерское дело
IV. Read and translate the following:
set up business, entity, financial statements, record – keeping, from this perspective, managerial accounting, financial accounting, public accounting,

in return, private accounting, recording of information, certified public accounting firms, recording of information
V. Accounting and Auditing

Read and translate the text

Find the answers in the text:
1. What does a man feel when he sets up a business?

2. What does a man expect in return?

3. What is accounting?

4.What does bookkeeping deal with?

5. What is accounting divided into?
Whenever a man sets up a business it is because he feels he can produce some useful commodity or service which will be needed by his fellow citizens. In return he expects to be able to earn a profit on his business. To conduct his affairs efficiently and profitably the businessman must have some knowledge of accounting.

Accounting is the language of finance which all business decision – makers must understand. It is the process of capturing, processing, and communicating financial information. In other words, it is an information system that accumulates, records, classifies, summarises, and reports commercial transactions. The aim of this process is to show the financial condition of a business entity. This information, in the form of financial statements, is then communicated to those who make decisions concerning the operations of an enterprise.

Bookkeeping is a small part of the system and deals with record-keeping.

Accounting information is used by managers, investors, and different groups in society, for example, tax authorities, labour unions, local governments, financial analysts etc. From this perspective, accounting is divided into managerial and financial accounting.

The major branches of accounting are public, private, and governmental accounting.

Public accounting refers to the work done by independent Certified Public Accountants (CPA), the corresponding professional British title being Chartered Accountants. They audit the books of companies to ensure that their financial statements and records are properly stated.

Private accounting refers primarily to the private sector of the economy and involves the analysis and recording of financial information by accountants who are employees of the business entity.

Governmental accounting is the accounting function performed for central (federal and state) and local governmental institutions.
After text exercises
VI. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. In return he expects to be able to earn …

2. It is the process of capturing …

3. The aim of this process is to show the financial …

4. Accounting is the language of finance which all business decision – makers …

5. The major branches of accounting are …
VII. Translate the following sentences with modals.

(see appendix – reference section)
1. To conduct his affairs efficiently and profitably the businessman must have

some knowledge of accounting.

2. Accounting is the language of finance which all business decision-makers must


3. The accountant is to determine the ways in which the business may grow in the


4. On the face of American dollars one can see the portraits of famous persons.

5. Accountants have to prepare regularly the two types of records.

VIII. Match the verbs in A with the nouns in B


to set up a commodity

to produce affairs

to earn information

to conduct the books

to audit a function

to communicate profit

to perform a business
IX. Make your own sentences using the following prompts:

Accounting information

To conduct the affairs

Accounting is the language

Public accounting

Private accounting

Governmental accounting
X. Answer to the following questions:

1. Why must businessmen have some knowledge of accounting?

2. What is accounting?

3. What does an accounting information system show?

4. Who needs financial information?

5. What are the major branches of accounting?
XI. Speak about:
Why I Want to Be an Accountant and Auditor.

Unit X

Borrowing and Lending

Pre text exercises

I. Vocabulary list:

1. borrowing заимствование

2. lending предоставление займов/кредитов

3. customer клиент/покупатель

4. to trade торговать

when trading… торгуя…,ведя торговлю…

5. currency деньги, вложение

6. view взгляд, мнение, суждение, точка зрения

7. to place поместить, разместить

8. short-term краткосрочный

long-term долгосрочный

9. interest rate процентная ставка

10. to achieve достигать, добиваться

11. profit прибыль

12. responsibility ответственность

13. complementary activities дополняющие друг друга виды деятельности

14. loan заем, заимствование, ссуда, кредит

15. to fund финансирование, выделять средства

funding фондирование, выделение средств

16. decision решение

to take a decision принять решение

17. to ensure обеспечивать, гарантировать

18. to repay возвращать/отдавать долг

19. due подлежащий выплате

20. careful внимательный, тщательный

21. maturity срок платежа

22. obligation обязательство

to meet obligations выполнить обязательства

23. cashflow поток наличности

24. reason причина

for this reason по этой причине

II. Give the Russian equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
borrowing, short-term, when trading, lending, interest rate, funding,

complementary activities, to place, money market, loan decisions, to take decision,

to ensure, due, cashflow, profit, customer deposits, for this reason.
III. Give the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations:
торгуя/ведя торговлю; взгляд/мнение/суждение; поместить/разместить;

процентная ставка; дополняющие друг друга виды деятельности;

фондирование/выделение средств; по этой причине; возвращать/отдавать долг;

подлежащий выплате; выполнить обязательства; поток наличности.

IV. Match Russian words with their English equivalents:
банковский инструмент profit

денежный рынок cashflow

процентная ставка long-term investments

краткосрочный заем liquid

прибыль lending

инвестиция капитала liquidity

заимствовать short-term loan

заимствование money market

дать в займы to borrow

предоставление займов/ кредитов interest rate

долгосрочные инвестиции risk management

ликвидность borrowing

ликвидный to lend

управление рисками bank instrument

денежный поток to repay a loan

выплатить заем investment of capital
V. Borrowing and Lending
Read and translate the text.

Find the answers to the following questions in the text:
1. May the bank trade on its own account?

2. What does a bank do to achieve the best profit?

3. How is funding for a bank achieved?

4. What does careful management of the maturity of funds lent and funds borrowed ensure?

5. What must the great care be taken for when loan decisions are made?
A bank may trade in many instruments and on its own account or on the instructions of its customers. When trading for its own account the bank will act on its own view of the market whether it is trading in currency, placing deposits or trading in other instruments. For example, if short-term USD interest rates are very good but long-term £ rates are good, deposits will be placed accordingly to achieve the best profit.

The investment of the bank's capital is usually the responsibility of the Treasury Department.

Borrowing and lending are complementary activities for a bank, loans to a bank customer must be funded. Funding for a bank can be achieved in several different ways, for example, through money market deposits, customer deposits. For this reason it is clear that great care must be taken when loan decisions are made - to ensure that the money is lent wisely and repaid when due. Careful management of the maturity of funds lent and funds borrowed ensures that the bank can meet all necessary obligations when due, that is, the bank is liquid. Usually a Treasury Analysis or Risk Management Department is responsible for monitoring liquidity and cashflow.

After text exercises
VI. Complete the following sentences according to the text:

1. The investment of the bank's capital is usually the responsibility of …

2. Funding for a bank can be achieved in …

3. Usually a Treasury Analysis or Risk Management Department is responsible for …

4. Borrowing and lending are complementary activities for a bank, loans to a bank customer …

5. Great care must be taken when loan decisions are made to ensure that the money

is …
VII. Match the sentence halves:
1. A bank may trade in many instruments and on its own account …..

2. If short-term USD interest rates are very good but long-term £ rates are good …..

3. The investment of the bank’s capital is usually …..

4. Borrowing and lending are complementary activities for a bank …..

5. Usually a Treasury Analysis or Risk Management Department is responsible …..
a)….. for monitoring liquidity and cashflow.

b)….. loans to a bank customer must be funded.

c)….. the responsibility of the Treasury Departament.

d)….. deposits will be placed accordingly to achieve the best profit.

e)….. or on the instructions of its customers

VIII. Are the following sentences true or false according to the text "Borrowing and Lending”
1. Bank may trade on its own account.

2. When trading on its own account bank can not act on its own view of the


3. Borrowing and Lending are not complementary activities for a bank.

4. Careful management of the maturity of funds lent and funds borrowed

ensures that the bank can meet all necessary obligations when due.

5. Usually a Treasury Analysis or Risk Management Department is responsible

for monitoring liquidity and cashflow.
1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8


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