Phrasal Verbs: Main List from q to Z

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Phrasal Verbs: Main List from Q to Z

Фразовые глаголы: Основной список от Q до Z


Phrasal verbs with postpositions and phrasal verbs with prepositions and nouns are included in the Main List and listed alphabetically. Only the most common and the most useful meanings of phrasal verbs are listed. Main List is divided into 3 parts. This is Part 3.


Фразовые глаголы с послелогами и фразовые глаголы с предлогами и существительными включены в Основной список и даются в алфавитном порядке. Только самые распространенные и самые полезные значения фразовых глаголов даны в списке. Основной список разделен на 3 части. Это часть 3.


Verbs, with definitions



quote from (some book) - to give the exact words from a book, text, etc.

He quoted (several lines) from his favorite poem. He often quotes from Shakespeare.

цитировать из книги, текста

reach for something - to stretch one's hand to get something

He reached for the vase on the shelf above. She reached for her bag.

потянуться за чем-то, достать до чего-то

rely on someone / something - to count on, depend on someone / something

You can always rely on him. You can always rely on his help.

полагаться на кого-то / что-то

remember someone to someone - to send a greeting to someone

Remember me to your family.

передать привет кому-то

remind someone of something - to help someone to remember something

This town reminds me of my hometown. She reminded me of / about my promise.

напоминать кому-то что-то / о чем-то

remove something from (some place) - to take away from (some place)

Please remove your books from the table. I removed the stains from your shirt.

убрать что-то с чего-то

replace someone / something with someone / something - to change one thing for another

Tom is sick, we will replace him with Jim. He replaced the old pipe with a new one.

заменить кого-то / что-то кем-то / чем-то

report on something - to give information on something

He reported on the current situation.

делать доклад о чем-то

report to someone - 1. to inform someone about something; 2. to inform someone about arrival; 3. to answer to someone

1. He reported her absence to the boss. He'll report you to the police. 2. Please report to the registrar immediately. 3. She reports to the Head Office.

1. доложить о ком-то / чем-то кому-то; 2. доложить о (своем) приезде; 3. отчитываться перед кем-то, подчиняться кому-то

result from something - to have as a result because of something

The accident resulted from his carelessness.

иметь результатом чего-то, произойти из-за чего-то

result in something - to have as a result

My efforts resulted in nothing. His carelessness resulted in a tragic accident.

иметь результатом что-то, привести к какому-то результату

rip someone off - (slang) to steal from someone by charging him too much

That sleazy hotel manager ripped us off for 200 dollars. The car mechanic ripped you off!

(сленг) обмануть покупателя, запросив слишком высокую цену

roll out - to spread out, to unroll

He rolled out the carpet / the map.

развернуть (рулон)

run across someone / something - to meet or find by chance

I ran across an old friend yesterday. I ran across her old photo in that book.

случайно встретить, наткнуться на кого-то / что-то

run away (from someone, with someone) - to escape, to go away

His dog ran away. When he was 15, he ran away from home. The little boy ran away from his cruel father. When she was 17, she ran away with a traveling musician.

убежать, сбежать (из дома, от кого-то, с кем-то)

run for something - 1. to run to get something; 2. to try to get a position by election

1. Run for help! Run for cover! 2. He is going to run for President.

1. бежать за (помощью); 2. баллотироваться

run into someone / something - to meet by chance, collide with, encounter someone / something

I ran into an old friend yesterday. He ran into a tree in the dark and hurt his knee. My project ran into difficulty.

случайно встретить, столкнуться с кем-то, чем-то

run on something - to use as power or fuel

This car runs on electricity. This engine runs on diesel fuel.

работать на (электричестве, топливе)

run out - 1. to get out; 2. to end (about time, supplies)

1. The doors opened and people ran out. My coffee ran out and I had to make new coffee. 2. His contract runs out next year. Please hurry, our time is running out. Your time has run out, now it's my turn.

1. выбежать (о людях, жидкости и др.); 2. истечь, закончиться (о сроке, времени, запасах)

run out of something - 1. to run outside; 2. to end (about supplies)

1. He ran out of the house. 2. We've run out of sugar. We are running out of time.

1. выбежать из (здания); 2. закончиться (о запасах)

run over - 1. to knock down with a car; 2. to overflow

1. The poor dog was run over by a speeding car. 2. The water in the sink is running over, the pipe is clogged again.

1. переехать кого-то (задавить); 2. переливаться через край

run to - 1. to go to someone for help or advice; 2. to come to the amount

1. She always runs to him for help. 2. The bill ran to $300. The book runs to 500 pages.

1. обращаться к кому-то за помощью, советом; 2. достигать (о сумме, числе)

save (something) for someone / something - to preserve, put aside for future use

Save this wine for next week. We have to save money for John's education. He's saving for a new computer.

сохранять, сберегать, копить для кого-то / чего-то

save on something - to economize on something

She saves on chocolate and cake. We can't save on food!

экономить на чем-то

save someone from something - to rescue someone from danger, harm, failure, loss, etc.

The man saved the boy from drowning. We can't save him from his own foolishness.

спасти кого-то от чего-то

say for someone - to say in support of someone

There's not much I can say for him.

сказать в защиту кого-то

say something about - to express an opinion about something

What can you say about his new book? They didn't say much about it.

выразить мнение о чем-то

search for someone / something - to look for someone / something

He is searching for eternal beauty. The police are searching the city for the missing boy.

искать, разыскивать что-то / кого-то

see about something - to see to something, to take care of something

I have to see about our airplane tickets. Did you see about the car repair?

позаботиться о, проследить за чем-то

see you around - to see, to meet with someone

Bye! See you around!

увидеться, встретиться с кем-то: Увидимся! / Пока.

see someone off - to go to the place of departure and say goodbye

I saw him off to the airport. I went to the airport to see him off.

проводить и попрощаться

see through something - to see what is behind something

I can't see through this glass. We saw through his clever plan.

видеть насквозь

see to something - to take care of something, to look to it

I have to see to the car repair. See to it that all is done as we agreed. Don't worry, I'll see to it.

проследить за выполнением

set apart - 1. to reserve (money) for future use; 2. to be different from other things or people

1. He set apart some money for his trip to Australia. 2. Her great sense of humor and quick wit set her apart from many other girls of her age.

1. отложить (деньги) для использования в будущем; 2. выделяться, отличаться от других

set aside - 1. to put aside; 2. to reserve for someone; 3. to disregard something on purpose

1. Set aside your newspaper and listen to me. She set aside her writing career to take care of her son's health. 2. I asked the salesclerk to set aside the diamond ring for me. 3. Let's set our differences aside and work out a plan that can save our company.

1. отложить в сторону; 2. отложить что-то для кого-то; 3. намеренно не обращать внимания на что-то, отодвинуть в сторону (разногласия)

set back - 1. to impede; 2. to set the time to an earlier time

1. The flood set back the development of the region. 2. When he arrived in New York, he set his watch back 8 hours.

1. препятствовать, задерживать; 2. переводить часы назад

set forward - to set the time to a later time

When she arrived in Moscow, she set her watch forward 2 hours.

переводить часы вперед

set in - to arrive, to begin and continue (about conditions, weather, etc.)

Hot summer set in. Darkness sets in early in winter. Dark thoughts set in making her worried and depressed.

установиться, начаться и продолжаться (об условиях, погоде и т.д.)

set off - 1. to begin a journey; 2. to cause to begin something; 3. to cause to explode; 4. to intensify by contrast

1. We set off early in the morning. 2. His words set off a lot of speculation about the future of the company. 3. They set off bombs in several districts. 4. The black frame sets off the blue color inside.

1. отправиться в путешествие; 2. вызвать начало чего-то; 3. взрывать; 4. выделить, оттенить

set out - 1. to begin a journey; 2. to arrange, to design; 3. to begin professional activity

1. We set out early in the morning. 2. The salesgirl set out the goods before the sale. He set out his ideas and arguments clearly. 3. It is difficult to set out as a lawyer these days.

1. отправиться в путешествие; 2. выставить, организовать, разложить для обозрения; 3. начать дело (в какой-то профессии)

set up - 1. to establish, arrange, organize, construct (a business, a company, an appointment, a record, etc.); 2. to maneuver and trick someone

1. He set up his own company 5 years ago. A fund for the blind was set up by his company. He set up an interview for her. He set up a tent in the woods and lived there in summer. He set up a record in marathon running. 2. He is innocent, he was set up by his competitors.

1. учредить, устроить, организовать, установить (предприятие, компанию, встречу, рекорд и т.д.); 2. подставить кого-то

set up with something - to provide with necessary things

He set them up with maps, water, food, money and detailed instructions (for the trip).

снабдить необходимым (для чего-то)

settle down - 1. to begin to live in a regular way (with family, home, permanent job); 2. to calm down

1. He did a lot of traveling before he got married and settled down in Wisconsin. 2. The town is shaken up by the news, and their excitement will not settle down soon.

1. осесть, обустроиться, остепениться; 2. успокоиться

settle on something - to decide, to agree on something

They argued for hours, but finally they settled on Peter's plan of action.

сделать выбор, остановиться на чем-то

shake down - 1. to make something fall by shaking; 2. (slang) to search (a place, a person)

1. He didn't climb the apple tree, he shook the apples down for us. 2. The police shook down the apartment, but they didn't find any weapons.

1. стряхнуть вниз; 2. (сленг) тщательно обыскать (место, человека)

shake off - 1. to make something fall by shaking; 2. (slang) to get rid of someone / something

1. She took the rug out and shook off the dust. 2. Shake off that stupid friend of yours and come to my place alone. She's got a bad cold and can't shake it off.

1. стряхнуть с чего-то (пыль. грязь); 2. (сленг) избавиться от (компании кого-то, преследователей, привычки, болезни)

shake up - 1. to mix by shaking; 2. to agitate, to upset

1. Shake up the liquid before drinking it. 2. The crimes shook up the whole town.

1. потрясти для смешивания; 2. потрясти, взбудоражить

shout at someone - to yell at someone

Don't shout at children.

кричать на кого-то

show off - to show to an advantage; to try to impress someone, to boast

The bluish light shows off the beauty of this precious stone. I think he invited us to show off his new house. He always shows off before the girls.

показывать в выгодном свете; выставлять напоказ, хвастаться (чем-то перед кем-то)
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